Monday, 16 January 2012

Error: MMC cannot open the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC.

Upon clicking on the SQL Server Enterprise Manager shortcut the following error occurs:

MMC cannot open the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC.
This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient access rights to the file.
The msc file did exist and I definately has permissions to it.  So I can only assume it some how got corrupt.
The solution to this is fairly simple... either get another copy of this file, or create one, as follows:
1.     Select Start - Run.
2.     At the Open prompt enter: mmc
3.     Click OK
4.     Select File - Add/Remove Snap-in...
5.     Click Add...
6.     Select Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager
7.     Click Add, then Close
8.     Click Ok to return to the mmc.
9.     Select File - Save As...
10.  Delete or rename the original (offending) file out the way.
11.  Save the new msc file as C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC
Now your original shortcut should work.
Alternatively you can always access Enterprise Manager from within the Computer Management mmc.


Compilation of old orders: No. 1 Disciplinary and apellate authorities

D G Posts No C-32016/10/2006-VP dated 08.02.2007

Gazette of India No. 51 (17 Dec – 23 Dec. 2006)


S.O. 4910 – In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-rule (2) of Rule 9, Clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 12 and sub rul (1) of rule 24 of Central Civil Services (Classification, control and appeal) Rules, 1965, the President hereby makes the following amendments in order of Government of India in the Ministry of Communications (Department of Posts) number S.O. 2454 dated the 27th August, 1990 namely :-
            In the Schedule to the said order, for a Part –I the following shall be substituted namely :-
Description of Posts
Appointing authority
Authority competent to impose penalties and penalties which it may impose (with reference to item numbers in rule 11)
Apellate authority


(1) All Posts Group ‘B’

Director General (Posts)
Director General (Posts)
Member, Postal services


(Except the posts mentioned at Sr. No. 2 to 9)

 Board or Head of Circle
(i) to (iv)
Director General (Posts)
(2) Assistant Superintendent of Posts
Head of Circle
Head of Circle


Member, Postal Services Board
(Previously known as Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices/Assistant Superintendent of RMS)

Director Postal Services (Concerned)

(i) to (iv)

Head of Circle/Regional PMGs

(3) Inspector of Posts
Director Postal Services
Director Postal Services (Concerned)
Head of Circle/Regional PMGs
(previously known as Inspector of Post Offices/Inspector of RMS)

Head of Division/Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot/Circle Stamp Depot/Senior Postmaster/Chief Postmaster/Assistant Director (Staff)/ Superintendent Sorting
(i) to (iv)
Director Postal Services
(4) HSG-I
Director Postal Services
Director Postal Services (Concerned)
Head of cicle/ Regional PMGs

Head of Division/Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot/Circle Stamp Depot/Senior Postmaster/Chief Postmaster/Assistant Director (Staff)/ Superintendent Sorting
(i) to (iv)
Director Postal Services (concerned)
(5) Office Superintendent HSG-I (Circle Office)
Director Postal Services
Director Postal Services
Head of Circle,

APMG (Staff), AD (Staff)
(i) to (iv)
Director postal Services (Concerned)

(6) Librarian
Director, Postal Staff College of India
Director, Postal Staff College of India
Member Postal Services Board

Joint Director, Postal Staff College of India
(i) to (iv)
Director, Postal Staff College of India
(7) Assistant Manager Mail Motor Service (Post of Inspector Mail Motor Service has been merged with Assistant Manager Mail Motor Services)
DPS (Concerned)
Head of Circle/ Regional PMGs

Senior Manager/Manager Mail Motor Service
(i) to (iv)
DPS (concerned)
(8) Junior Accounts Officer
Head Of Circle
Head Of Circle
Member, Postal Services Board

DPS/Director of Accounts (P)/Deputy Director of Accounts (P)/Jt. Director Postal Staff College India/Director Postal Training Centre
(i) to (iv)
Head of Circle
(9) Statistical Assistant
Secretary, Postal Services Board
Secretary, Postal Services Board
Member, Postal Services Board

Director (Administration) (in respect of Non-secretariat posts)
(i) to (iv)
Secretary, Postal Services Board

Postmaster Grade I, II and III Filling up of short term vacancies

 I am directed to say that references are being received from Circles seeking clarifications with regard to filling up of the short terms vacancies in Postmaster Grade-I,II & III. It has been reported that representations have been received from Postmaster Grade-I /II officials asking for officiating promotion to Postmaster Grade-II/III although such officials do not fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria stipulated under the relevant Recruitment Rules.

2.         It has been clarified vide Dte's letter of even number dated 7/8-2.2011 that the posts of Postmaster Grade-III should not be filled up under initial constitution clause by appointing HSG-I officials for the reason that sufficient number of regular officials in HSG-I would not have become available. It was further clarified that these posts can be filled up only after reviewing the position in the light of options received from eligible officials and appropriate decision taken by the Directorate in the matter. As per clarification No. 4 of Directorate's letter of even number dated 10.2.2011, the posts identified for Postmaster Cadres will be deemed to have been designated as Postmaster Grade-I, II & III with effect only from the dates those are filled  up regularly.  Therefore, the Post of Postmaster Grade III will be deemed to be so designated only when these are filled up through initial constitution clause. Infact, in terms of the clarification No.4 dated 10.2.2011, these posts cannot be treated as vacant by the Circle. In the given circumstances when at present there are no posts of Postmaster Grade-III in existence, the question of filling up through officiating arrangement does not arise. Thus, till the posts so identified as Postmaster Grade-III will continue to be manned by officials in General line.

3.         Regarding officiating arrangement in the vacancies of more than 45 days in Postmaster Grade-I & II, which have become vacant  after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II by filling up through initial constitution as clause as per the provisions of Recruitment Rules, the clarification No. 3 given vide Dte. Letter of even number dated 10.2.2011 was issued stating inter-alia that for filling up of leave vacancies / adhoc vacancies for more that 45 days in Postmaster Grade, the procedure prescribed in Dte's letter No. 137-99/2009-SPB.II dated 23.12.2009 should be followed.  It is envisaged in the said letter that only those employees in feeder grade fulfilling the eligibility condition prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for adhoc promotion.

4.         Subsequently, Directorate has issued instructions vide letter No. 137-64/2010-BPG.II dated 28.7.2011 permitting grant of officiating pay and Allowances to Selection Grade Officials who officiated in LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I posts in term of Rule 27 of Postal Manual Vol. IV  against the vacancies not exceeding three months. As per this Rule, the list of approved officers is prepared by the DPC and approved by the appointing authority and only when administrative exigencies required it, a person not in the list or not the first in order in the list may be appointed.

5.         Similar benefit has also been allowed to Selection Grade officials in terms of Rule 50 of Postal Manual Vol. IV which provides for officiating arrangement against the vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one month and more than four months in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in different stations, sub-divisions or divisions in a Circle and in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in the same office or station.

6.         In view of the above, to make officiating arrangements in vacancies not exceeding three months and vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one and four months in Postmaster Grade I & II, which become vacant after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II, the Circles may follow the instructions contained in Dte. Letter No. 137-64/2010-SPB-II dated 28.7.2011.

(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)

An important order on seniority in DoP.

# In view of the above position seniority of the official fixed on the basis of confirmation in the entry cadre prior to 4.11.92 will remain unaltered. Seniority of PAs/ SAs who have been appointed after 4.11.92 would be determined by the order of merit indicated at the time of initial appointment in the grade and not according to the date of his confirmation.

#This issues with the approval of Dy. Director General [P]
Department of Posts F. No. 06-04/2011-SPB-II dated 9th March, 2011.

An important order on seniorityby DOPT

====>>>A compendium of orders on seniority


I am directed to refer to Circle Office's letter No. STA/5-21/Gr.I Postmaster/Ruling/2010, dated 25.7.2011 on the above subject and to say that declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I after passing the Departmental Examination, but before his appointment, may be accepted.
D.G. Posts No.4-2/2011-SPB.II dated 09 August, 2011(Addressed to the CPMG Tamil Nadu Circle and copy to all Head of Postal Circles/Postmaster General)

Know about Postmaster Cadre

There was a cadre of Post Master, which was governed by the Postmaster Services Class II (Recruitment) Rules, 1975. The post of Postmaster, according to these rules, had been classified as Class II Gazetted, Non-Selection Post. This post was to be filled up 100% by promotion in the following manner :

A. 10% posts from amongst General line officials holding posts in Higher Selection Grade (Grade II) (scale Rs.550-760) and Higher Selection Grade (Grade I)(scale Rs.700-900) with 5 years’ service in either or both of the grades after appointment thereto on a regular basis, failing which from amongst officials of the above categories with less than 5 years’ service but with a combined total service of 8 years in these grades and in the next lower grade of Lower Selection Grade (scale Rs.425-640) after appointment thereto on a regular basis.

B. 90% posts from amongst Inspectors of Post Offices (scale Rs.425-700) with 5 years’ service in the grade, including service in the grades of Higher election Grade (Grade II) (Rs.550-750) Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices (Rs.550-900) and Higher Selection Grade (Grade I) (Rs.700-900) rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis.

2. There was a cadre of Postal Superintendents which was governed by the statutory set of rules equivalent to the Post Master Services Class II Rules, 1975.

3. In the year 1987 both these cadres were merged and were governed by the recruitment rules known as Department of Posts, Postal Superintendents/ Postmasters Group ‘B’ Recruitment Rules, 1987. These rules had also classified these posts as Group ‘B’ Gazetted Non Ministerial and it was a selection post and to be filled up by promotion in the following manner :

(1) 94% from amongst officers holding the post of Inspector, Post Offices or Inspector, Railway Mails :-
(i) With 5 years regular services in the scale of Rs.1640-2900, including services in the scale of Rs.2000-3200, if any or equivalent, failing which

(ii) With 8 years regular services in the scale of Rs.1400-2300 or above or equivalent.

(2) 6% from amongst General Line of Officials by means of a Departmental Competitive Examination amongst officers belonging to Higher Selection Grade-I (scale of pay Rs.2000-3200), Higher Selection Grade II (Scale of Pay Rs.1640-2900) and Lower Selection Grade (Scale of pay Rs.1400-2300) with 5 years regular service in either or all the 3 cadre together”.

4. In 1993 the above said rules were amended and the quota of 94% was bifurcated into 75% and 19% and it was laid down that 75% of the total posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Inspector of Post Offices & Inspector of Railway Mail Service (Pay Scale of Rs.1400-2300) with 5 years of regular service in the grade.

5. Under the 1987 rules, ASPOs were not eligible to appear in the examination for promotion to the post of Postal Services Group B as such a clarification was issued on 23-8-1994 making ASPOs and HSG-I officials eligible for appearing in the examination.

6. On the basis of the above rules in the cadre of postal Services Group B, total posts in the different quotas are as under :
(a) 75% quota 649
(b) 19% quota 165
(c) 6% quota 52

General Problem in Point of Sale

                                                Point of Sale

§     Error in connection

When the system where Point of sale in working is switched on or you run the application, if you get error ‘Error no. 52’ the reason is that the Point of Sale application is unable to connect to the server.  Try any of the following as solutions

Ø  Check whether the Server is switched on and is running

Ø  Check whether the hub is switched on

Ø  Check whether the LAN connection of your system is working; This can be tested by observing whether the LAN connection icon is appearing in the taskbar; If this is not available, the LAN connection might have been disabled; Request the system administrator to enable the same

Ø  Check whether the network cable connected to the network adapter is not snapped from the connector at the back of your system; If disconnected, please reconnect

Ø  Check whether the network cable from your system is connected to one of the slots in the hub/switch remains firmly connected; Otherwise request the administrator to reconnect

Ø  On completion of these checks and correcting the problem, if any, try to run the application again; If it does not work still, inform the administrator

Ø  The administrator to check the following

o   Check whether Point of Sale can run from any other system; If so, open the config.xml file in the path C:\Program files\Meghdoot Millennium Point of Sale folder and check whether the server name and share name of the server component as configured initially has not been altered; If you observe any alteration, enter the correct path, save changes and run the application

o   If the above step does not work or you did not notice any change, Open the drive where the Point of Sale server component is installed and check whether the Server component is shared; If the sharing has been removed or the share name had been changed, share the folder again or change the share name; Also check the permission and ensure that it is not set to only ‘Read’; If you notice this change the permission appropriately

§     If the error is ‘Application installation is not proper’

If this error is observed, chances are that either the Point of Sale server component is removed in the server or the Counter.mdb is removed from this folder.  The administrator should check these points.  If the Point of Sale server component had been removed from the server, the same can be reinstalled, the server component shared and the counter.mdb file can be copied from backup location to this folder.  While this is being attempted to, users should not try to connect to Point of Sale

§     Printer not installed error

When you run the Point of sale module, if this error comes up report this to the administrator.  The administrator to open the printers folder and check whether the default printer is available or deleted.  If deleted, the administrator can logoff as the current user and login as administrator and install the printer. 

There is also a possibility that the network printer might have been set as default printer.  In such cases, set the local printer as the default printer to solve the problem.

§     Username of counter PA does not appear at shift begin

Approach the supervisor in such cases.  The Supervisor would not have either done the shift begin and allotted the work or the work allocation would not be from the time required.  The Supervisor should view the current allocation for the PA.  If the from time is a future time and the PA has to start working immediately, the Supervisor can use the tab delete in the work allocation screen, select the PA and delete the entry.  Now the Supervisor can again allot the work from the current time.  The PA can now go to his/her system, click the Refresh (…) button in the login screen and move ahead

§     Username of counter PA does not appear at the end of shift

In this case, the supervisor would have set the ending time of the shift of the PA earlier than the time required.  When the shift time is over the name of PA disappears and the PA will not be able to complete the work.  When this happens, the PA should inform the supervisor and the supervisor should use the Modify tab in the work allocation dialog box, select the user, click the OK button and in the subsequent frame, change the To time to a suitable time beyond the current setting and click OK button; Now the name of operator will appear in the login screen and the work can be continued.

§     In transaction screen OK button appears instead of Print

The Supervisor to login to Point of Sale, Click the menu Tools – Receipt printing and click Yes in the message box that follows

§     Weighing scale not connected but unable to enter weight for articles

Access the menu Tools and check whether the menu Weighing machine is checked.  If so, click the menu and in the confirmation message box click Yes to turn the weighing to manual mode.  Now, you can enter the weight for the articles booked manually in the transaction screen.

§     Weighing scale is available but weight is not captured

Check whether the weighing scale is switched on and turn it on.  If this does not solve the problem, check whether the data cable from the weighing scale has not been disconnected from the communication port on the back of the system.  If disconnected, reconnect and try to weight the article

§     When transaction screen for booking articles is accessed, error message ‘Port already open’ pops up

This error may be due to the fact that in the machine where Point of Sale is installed, modem is also connected and the modem is installed either in Communication Port 1 or the default setup value ‘all available ports’ is selected while installing modem.  The administrator should remove the modem and can re install the modem in the second port in the system.

§     Printout and alignment of receipts not proper

This may be due to change in the default settings of printer options for generating the receipts.  When such a situation arises, the counter PA should select the option Tools – Printer options and in the dialog box that follows, click on Default button to restore default configuration.  You can again open the dialog box and click on Test button to test the print out of receipt.