Saturday, 5 May 2012


(Qn 1-25)
1.         Sunday and other post office holiday Night post office will be done
a)                 Booking of the Regd article, including VP article
b)                 Sell postage stamps
c)                  SB transaction only
d)                 Above A&B only                                                                                           Ans:d(2/1)
2.         Memorandum distribution of work ( MS-11) is issued by
            a)         Head Post Master                                        b)         Inspector of Post
            b)         Senior Supdt of post office                                    d)         Divisional Supdt      Ans:d(4)
3.         Mark the correct option
            a)         A nominal roll is a record of Postal Assistant actually at work in a post office on                any given day maintained in form MS-12
            b)         The nominal roll should be written up by the postmaster
            c)         A nominal roll on similar lines may also be maintained for postman and village                postman in offices where their strength is more than 25
            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(4)

4.         Attendance register in form S-37 will maintained by
            a)         Every post office                                          b)         Only Head post office
            c)         Every PO having more than one clerk     d)         All the above             Ans:c(4a)
5.         Village sorting list in form M-52 will be prepared and supplied to each office by
            a)         Divisional Superintendent                         b)         Sub divisional inspector
            c)         Sub Post Master                                           d)         Head postmaster      Ans:b(5)
6.         A rout list in form M-53 is issued by______ to_________
            a)         Divisional Supdt  , Postman                        b)       Postmaster , Postman
            c)         Sub divisional inspector, village postman c)      None of these           Ans:c(5)
7.         The village sorting list once in a month should be examined by
            a)         Sub divisional inspector                             b)         Supdt of postoffice
            c)         Sub account assistant                                d)         Postmaster                Ans:c(5)
8.         The yearly village return MS-88 in the month of  ____ of  each year  should be kept by ______showing the number of articles of all sorts received for delivery in each village within the jurisdiction of the office . As soon as the compilation is over, it should be totaled, signed by__________and forwarded to __________.
a)                 Village postman, Mar,  sub divisional inspector ,  Supdt of post office
b)                 Accountant, Feb, postmaster, head of the circle
c)                  Sub account assistant, Feb, Postmaster, divisional inspector
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(6)
 9.         MO Oblong stamp and insurance stamp should be keep in custody of
            a)         Money order PA                                           b)         Parcel PA
            c)         Sub Account assistant                                d)         Postmaster                Ans:d(21)
10.       Head of the Circle’s circulars are ordinarily issued by head of the circle once in a
            a)         Year                                                                b)         Half year
            c)         Month                                                             c)         Quarter                       Ans:c(24)
11.       Any information received by the officer of the department officially should not be made public  but this restrictions are however not applicable to
            a)         Competent court of law                               b)         District magistrate
            c)         Commissioner of Police or District SP     d)         All the above             Ans:d(17)
12.       Leather cash bag should be used when the amount of currency notes exceeds Rs
            a)         5000                                                               b)         10000
            c)         500                                                                 d)         1000                           Ans:c(27)
13.       Preservation period of stack book of post office is
            a)         20 Years                                                        b)         10 Years
            c)         5 Year            s                                                          d)         3 Year            s                      Ans:b(25)
14.       Preservation period of Nominal Roll
            a)         10 Years                                                        b)         20 Years
            c)         30 Years                                                        d)         Permanent                Ans:d(25)
15.       The following records may not be destroyed without the special permission of the Head of the Circle
a)                 Post office order book
b)                 Register of undeliverable pass books in deposit in the head office
c)                  Post office certificate ledger
d)                 Correspondence regarding which enquiry in progress or connected with the cases which have not been fully decided or closed
e)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans: e(25)
16.       Mark the correct option remittances sent by post
            a)         When a remittance is to be sent by post, the money should be placed in                            Leather cash bag and cash sealed by treasure.
            b)         The remittance advice and acknowledgement dispatch inside of Regd bag.
            c)         When remittances is to be sent in charge of a special carrier, the amount                           should be made over to the carrier and he should be required to grant a receipt                for the same in treasurer cash book.
            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(28)
17.       The loss of identity card should immediately be notified by ______in his ______
            a)         Postmaster, daily dairy                    b)         Inspector, daily dairy
            c)         Head of the circle, circular             d)         None of these                       Ans:c(32)
18.       The annual fee of business reply card should be realized in advance and credited  to
            a)         Postmaster Account                                    b)         UCP
            c)         UCR                                                   d)         None of these                       Ans:c(32)
19.       Mark the correct option relating to  the VP article found in letter box
            a)         The sorting clerk should after noting the irregularity in error book(MS-2) show                  the article to the PM and make it over to Regn/Parcel clerk
            b)         If the article is fully prepaid with postage, registration fee and VPP and is                          accompanied by the prescribed form duly filled up it should be disposed of as if               presented at the window
            c)         The receipt for the sender being handed over to sorting clerk and pasted him in               error book
            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(33)
20.       ___________ must, from time to time examine the registers (MS-85) and visit books (MS-86) of the village postmen attached to his office
            a)         Head record officer                          b)         Inspector of post office
            c)         Postmaster                                        d)         None of these                       Ans:c(39)
21.       The memorandum and statistical register (MS 14 a) are  prepared by____ on the ____ and the statistical memorandum should be submitted to _____on the 10th of the each month counter signed by______
a)                 Postmaster, 1st of the each month, head of the circle, divisional inspector
b)                 MO PA, 1st of the each month, head of the circle, divisional inspector
c)                  Regn/Parcel PA, 1st of the each month, Head of the circle, postmaster
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:d(41)
22.       On the _____ of the each month a statement of cases pending at the end of the preceding month should be prepared by_____ in form______in duplicate by meant of carbonic paper, the top copy being retained for office record and the lower copy being submitted to the ____as the statement of complaint.
a)                 5th , divisional inspector, Cpt-3,  Head of the circle
b)                 1st , First class postmaster, Cpt-3, Supdt of post office
c)                  10th , HRO, Cpt3, Head of the circle
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:b(48)
23.       Suggestions complaint book (MS-94) will be kept by
            a)         Head Post officers                           b)         Sub Post offices
            c)         RMS officer                                       d)         All post officers                     Ans:d(48b)
24.       The book of information is maintained in ______ . The book should be kept up to date  and retained by _____ in his personal custody.
            a)         Each Head office, Postmaster       b)         Each branch officer, BPM
            c)         Each HO and SO, PM/SPM          d)         None of these                       Ans:c(48c)
25.       Service books and service rolls in  _______ the ________ is responsible for the safe custody
a)         Divisional office, SP                                    b)         Divisional office , SSP
c)         Head Offices, Head Post master   d)         None of these                       Ans:c(49)
(Prepared by AB Kantharaja, Mobile 08969822340,


Directorate instructions contained in letter no 16/56/2011-SR dated 08-07-2011 wherein it was clearly stated not to direct staffs to attend to works on Sundays / holidays. It was one of the agenda items in the indefinite strike against calling of staffs to works on Sundays / holidays and the above order was issued after negotiations made between staff side & administrative side.




Monthly Summary of Significant Events of Department of Posts for March, 2012

Postal Network to be Leveraged to Financially Include BPL Households
Given below is a brief summary of significant events pertaining to Dept of Posts for the month March ,2012.

Department of Posts have disbursed wages amounting to Rs. 540 crores to 5.45 crores MGNREGS account holders across the country (except in Bihar Circle) during February this year.

An MoU was signed with UIDAI for enrolment and dispatch/ delivery of Aadhaar letters. As per the UIDAI portal, 53.31 lakhs enrolments have been done till 26.03.2012 at post offices. And approx. 9.01 crore Aadhaar letters have been booked till 03.04.2012.

Under the IT modernization project of the Department approved by the CCEA, 8 RFPs have been issued for selection of vendors. 5 LOI (Letter of Intent) have been issued and in 2 RFPs the financial evaluation is in progress.

MoU signed between Kerala water Authority and Kerala Postal Circle for acceptance of water charges through Post Offices.

Preliminary discussions were held with Idea Cellular Pvt. Ltd. for accepting payment for recharge of pre and post paid connections through e-payment.

Training for Savottam Certification of officials of five selected Head Post Offices was arranged by PTC Vadodara.

Project Arrow initiated to improve the “core activities” of the Department and “Look and Feel” aspect of post offices has been implemented in 15597 post offices and 1759 post offices, respectively.

The Department of Posts ( DoP) has decided to leverage its extensive network in rural as well as in urban areas to financially include BPL households by opening their savings accounts at their nearest Post Offices. These accounts will not only serve the purpose of financial inclusion but also constitute critical infrastructural support to transfer cash benefits to the BPL households. This will go a long way in reducing their poverty and furthering the mandate of Government of India and the State Governments. More than 1.2 crore such accounts have already been opened so far across the country. Various Ministries and Departments of Government of India have been addressed to consider delivering cash components of their social security and welfare schemes targeting the BPL households through these accounts.

Stamps were issued on Vasant Dada Patil ( 1st March), Shyama Charan Shukla (9th March) and 100 years of Civil Aviation (14th March).

States to conduct Teacher Eligibility Tests (TET)

Standard of School Education
 States to conduct Teacher Eligibility Tests (TET)
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) conducts periodic National Learners’ Achievement Surveys. This is an important source of information on the trend of learning levels of the children at the elementary level. Two rounds of surveys have been completed by NCERT and these surveys have revealed improvements in the overall learning levels.

NCERT has commenced the third round of Achievement Survey. The findings of the third round conducted recently for class V indicate that there is enhancement in the level of achievement in most States. In Language, there has been an improvement in learning achievement in 24 States/UTs, whereas, in Mathematics, 14 States shave improved learning levels. In Environmental Studies, 24 States/UTs have shown an improvement in learning level. Further, the overall differences in achievement between boys and girls as well as urban and rural students has reduced.
The centrally sponsored scheme “Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) “ was launched in 2009 to enhance access to secondary education and to improve its quality. It seeks to ensure quality of education imparted at secondary stage and reduce disparities related to gender, socio-economic status, geographical location and disability.
Availability of professionally qualified teachers is an important element of quality. In consonance with the provisions of Sec. 23 of the RTE Act, 2009, The National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) has laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible to be recruited as a teacher in primary and upper primary schools. In addition to prescribing teacher qualifications under section 23 of the RTE Act, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has also laid down the requirement for States to conduct Teacher Eligibility Tests (TET), and only persons who qualify the TET are eligible to be considered for teacher recruitment. It is expected that this measure will significantly improve the quality of teachers who are recruited in the elementary education sector.
Under RMSA, there is provision to appoint subject wise teachers in secondary schools. Several interventions including subject wise teachers, in-service training of teachers every year, leadership development programme of head of the secondary schools are being provided under RMSA to enhance the quality of secondary education.
This information was given by Dr. D. Purandeswari, Minister of State for Human Resource in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

Source : PIB