Monday, 16 July 2012




                The following are the some of the remedial action that can be taken during the problems listed.

1)      While switching on the system, error is shown as “KEY BOARD MISSING”
Check whether the cable from key board is connected to the system in the backside.
2)      When switching on monitor light glows, but no symptom in the PC.
Check whether the power cable is connected to the system.
Check whether there is power supply in that point.
3)      When switching on the computer, system starts. But no symptom in monitor.
Check whether the power cable is connected to the monitor.
Check whether there is power supply in that point.
4)      When switching on the system, system starts. Monitor light glows.  But no display.
Check the brightness, contrast settings of the monitor.
5)      After switching on, the computer restarts automatically, frequently.
Check the power supply for consistency.  There may be heavy fluctuation.
6)      Mouse movement is very jerky.
There may be heavy dust accumulated under mouse ball.  Turn the mouse upside down. Take off the cover & the ball . Clean the ball with soft cloth.  Put the ball back & replace the cover.
Use a good mouse pad with smooth surface.
7)      Key board keys are not working properly.
Paper bits/clips may be accumulated inside the key board preventing the keys to function properly.  Turn the key board upside down. Shake out any paper, paper clips that can be inside.
8)      In Printer, consistently faded or light characters are printing.
Replace the ribbon with new one.
9)      A small, blank line is printed consistently.
Print head pin defective. Replace print head.
10)  Print head gets struck on one side while printing.
Dust may have accumulated in the print head moving rod.  Clean it with 3-in-1 oil.
11)  Printer is switched on. Even after print command is given, no print out.
Check whether the ‘online’ button is switched on.
Check whether the printer data cable is connected to the system.
12)  In laser printer, if printing is light and dark and in some places disappearing.
Ink may have become dry.  Take out the Toner out of the printer, shake it gently and put it back in the printer.
If the problem still persists, refill / replace the toner.
13)  UPS output stops immediately after power off.
Batteries are not charged properly.
Fill with distilled water, in case of maintenance batteries.
Identify the defective battery and replace, in case of Sealed Maintenance Free batteries.
                The following are the some of the remedial action that can be taken during the problems listed in the DEPARTMENTAL SOFTWARE..


1)      When the Point of sale is started, it shows error “ERROR NO.52”
It denotes that software is unable to link to the server.
Check whether the server is on.
Check whether the system is connected to the network.  For this, check the task bar. If this icon is present, then it shows that network link is not available.
Log off and again logon to the domain.
Check whether the network cable is connected to the system.
2)      User name of counter PA not appearing after shift begin.
Ask the supervisor to check the work allocation.  The time may be given wrong.  Ask him to modify it.
3)      In transaction screen “OK” appears instead of “PRINT”
Supervisor to log on.
Under Tools menu, click on “Receipt printing”
4)      While doing transaction, against the weight column , the system shows “NotOK” and not responding.
Go to Tools menu, remove the click before “Weighing machine”


1)      While clicking the “Post sorting” option, it shows error message “No beat is allotted to you”
Ask supervisor to give beat allocation to your user name under Tools Menu.
2)      While clicking the MO Returns option to take returns of MOs by Postman, “Cash Is yet to be issued to postmen” message appears.
Ask supervisor to submit the MO amount to treasury under menu, Treasury-> Submit-> Cash to Postman.
If already submitted, then ask Treasurer to give cash through Treasurer software.
3)      While invoicing VP articles for delivery, VPMO commission is calculated wrongly.
Ask supervisor to check the current configuration under menu “Configuration -> MO commission configuration.

1)      While fetching the articles from counter/Spl journal/BOs, it shows error message with words “Unconfigured article type”
Ask supervisor to configure bag types correctly under menu “Master -> Bag type”
2)      While viewing the delivery abstract both side, there is a huge difference of articles between receipt side and dispatch side, after autosorting.
Pin range allotment is not complete.  Ask supervisor to go to menu “Master -> Allot Pinrange” and rectify.

1)      While viewing SO Daily account / HO summary, out of account transactions are shown.
It means the supervisor of the concerned branch has not verified the accounts in respective software.  Ask him to verify.

1)      While printing BO slip, it shows message “printed in file ….” without printing through printer.
Check the printer icon in the menu bar for any red circle. It means the printer is disabled.  Click the icon. The red circle on the icon will disappear.

1)      While trying to login as PA, it shows error message as “You have not assigned any role”
Ask supervisor to assign the counter to your name under the menu “Master->counter assignment”

The above items are not exhaustive.
                If the problem persists even after trying the above suggestions, contact the  Sys Admin or designated technology person of your office / division.

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FAQ on GPF (General Provident Fund)

Frequently Asked Questions about General Provident Fund …

General Provident Fund

Q. What is the procedure to increase or decrease General Public Fund (GPF) Subscription?
Ans. GPF subscription can be increased or decreased by submitting request for the same.

Q. Can I get Temporary advance from G.P.Fund for children"s higher education?
Ans. Yes Temporary advance and Final Withdrawal both can be availed for Children"s higher education on production of necessary documents.

Q. Who will make payment on account of final withdrawal from GPF during the last two years
of service prior to retirement?
Ans: Only Fund Cell of PCDA(R&D) will make payment in such cases.

Q. When the employee can withdraw money from GPF without assigning any reason and the percentage permissible?
Ans: An employee can withdraw final withdrawal from GPF up to 90% of credit balance within
six months prior to his retirement.

Q. What is the maximum number of installments in which temporary advance out of GPF can be recovered?
Ans: GPF advance can be recovered in not more than 36 installments.

Q. If it is noticed that amount drawn by an employee out of GPF was not debited in the same financial year. How it will be adjusted?
Ans: The amount withdrawn will be debited in the CCO-9 and up to date interest will also be debited.

Q. What is the minimum & maximum rate of subscription?
Ans: A Government employee can subscribe minimum 6 percent of total emoluments and not more than his total emoluments in his/her GPF.

Q. What is DLIS and what are the conditions for the same to be paid?
Ans.DLIS stands for Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme. DLIS is given to family of the GP fund subscriber on his demise. Maximum limit of DLIS is Rs.60,000.

Q. How the discrepancies in the GP Fund statement will be settled/rectified?
Ans.The cases of discrepancies in the GP Fund statements should be taken up with the concerned pay audit section under PCDA(R&D) (DRDO Cell/Sub-office of PCDA(R&D)). The section after verifying the same forwards it to the Fund cell under PCDA(R&D) for rectification.

Children Education Allowance

Q. Is cost of books/dress reimbursable while claiming Children Education Allowance?
Ans. Yes, cost of books and dress can be reimbursed.

Q. Whether Children Education Allowance can be claimed monthly?
Ans. No Medical

Q. What are the documents required to take prior permission to undergo tests from a recognized Centre.
Ans. Following document are required to take prior permission to undergo tests from a recognized centre:
1. Copy of the prescription slip by CGHS/Government Doctor advising the test/procedure
2. Copy of CGHS Card of the patient.
3. An application clearly indicating the name of the Centre from where the permission to carry out tests is sought.

Source :

Problem in Issuing Certiciates- NSC

Some days in one of our offices while issuing certificates an error occurs. It shows that " Run Application NSC_Pk_Patch.exe...then continue the transaction"

AFter running the Patch for KVP and NSC Also the same error continues. And not allows to any Certificates through sanchya post. On contacting SDC Chennai They give us a solution.This solve the certificate issue

Click here to Download the solution

Courtesy :


(Postal Manual Vol VII Qn 26-50)

26.       Forward mail list containing bags for one or more intervening office is to be entered in the mail list in
a)                 Head ‘Due mail’ in the column TB               b)         L bag column
c)         Pl bag column                                                d)         Special bag column Ans: a(44)
27.       Transit bags must always be closed and sealed in the presence of
a)                 The senior most Gp D of the set
b)                 The IRM/Asst Supdt of RMS
c)                  The HSA/Mail guard/Mail agen
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: c(45)
28.       Express mail bags/express bundles mean
a)                 The mail witch should opened first and taken for sorting immediately
b)                 The mail will be received/ dispatched through express trains
c)                  The bags containing accountable articles
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: a(54)

29.       A station bundle is justified when there are more than
            a)         5 UR of the letter mail                                   b)         10 UR of the letter mail
            c)         14 UR of the letter mail                                 d)         None of these            Ans: c(61)
30.       Whether the parcel bags and packet bags of the set are to be included in the transit bag or to be sent loose will be shown in
            a)         The due mail list of the set               b)         The advance work paper of the set
            c)         The sorting list of the set                  d)         None of these                        Ans: a(63)
31.       Before closing the work of the set for the day the work paper s must be examined by
            a)         The Head Sorting Assistant b)         The Senior most PA
            c)         HRO                                                    d)         None of these                        Ans: a(64)
32.       Final duties of the HAS before quitting office
            a)         Should carefully examine each sorting compartment to see that no article are                         left in it unsorted
            b)         The sweeping, used labels, broken seal etc are personally examined
            c)         The articles of stationary, stamps, seals and books etc are carefully placed in                        the portfolio.
            d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans: d(66)
33.       A Sorting assistant will be considered unfit for his post
a)                 If he is not dressed neatly
b)                 If he is a regular late comer
c)                  If he ms sends articles regularly which are clearly and legibly addressed
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: c(68)
34.       The station and territorial bundles received for onward transmission
a)                 Should be placed unopened in the bags in which there are to be forwarded
b)                 To be opened and removed mis send article and  give onward submission
c)                  To be opened and contents given to the detailed table sorting
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: a(72)
35.       At present APMC functioning at
            a)         Bangalore                                          b)         Delhi
            c)         Mumbai                                              d)         Kokata                                    Ans:C(79)
36.       The fee for a registered article that has been delivered by a post office in the same town and presented for registration unopened with a revised address is
            a)         Registration fee prescribed only                             b)         Fee of any charge
c)         Registration fee prescribed plus the postage       d)         None of these Ans: a(83)
37.       High value station MO bundle is justified when the number of HVMO for a particular station exceeds
            a)         One                                                     b)         Two
            c)         Three                                                  d)         Six                                           Ans: a(87)
38.       Forward registered bundle should be treated
            a)         As per the number of article included         b)         Three
            c)         As a single registered article                       d)         None of these            Ans: c(88)
39.       In a mail office when the work is not going on, the registration sorting case must be locked and the key should remain
            a)         With the HSA/Supervisor                 b)         With the jamedar of the set
            c)         With the Registration SA                  d)         None of these                        Ans: c(88)
40.       If a regd article is presented for booking at the counter of mail office on Sunday
            a)         It will be refused for booking            b)         It will be accepted with normal fee
            c)         It will be accepted with late fee in additional to normal fee
            d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans: c(89)
41.       In the mail office insured check sheet is to be maintained by
            a)         The HSA/Supervisor             b)         The mail sorting assistant
            c)         The insured registration PA d)         None of these                        Ans:c(92)
42.       The supervisor of a CRC is responsible for
a)                 Timely opening of the set
b)                 Maintaining the master data for the interim dispatch
c)                  Opening bag allocation closing bag allocation
d)                 All the above                                                                                      Ans:d(93)
43.       Set master relating to CRC means
a)                 The incharge of set of the CRC
b)                 The HSA of the set under which CRC is functioning
c)                  The number of each working set in the CRC
d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans: c(93)
44.       The system administrator in CRC
a)         He will be responsible for the maintenance and security in the functioning of the system by keeping secrecy of his own password and also ensuring proper maintenance of password of all officials working in CRC.
(b)       He will be responsible for the generation of MIS (Management Information System) reports such as sorter report, set wise report, booking office/delivery office reports, transmission report, keying capacity report. Forced closed remark report and Login -Logout report.
c)         He will be responsible for the maintenance of INI settings for Modern transmission and periodical Back-up/Restore of data and cleaning up of records.
            d)         All the above                                                                                 Ans: d(93)
45.       Mail agency master related to CRC means
a)                 The mail agent of the mail office
b)                 The mail guard of the agency branch
c)                  It contains agencies detail of MMS & Sections for carrying bags closed in the CRC to other offices
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: c(93)
46.       Beat Master related to CRC means
a)                 The postman of beat of delivery office
b)                 It contains details of beats covered by each delivery office
c)                  All the above
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: b(93)
47.       The blank parcel list received from opening of a mail bag will be handed over to the parcel sorting assistant
a)                 Then and there through group D
b)                 Will be entered in separate mail list and tfr direct to the PSA under acquittance
c)                  All the above 
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: b(99)
48.       Parcel sorting case must always be kept locked when the work of the Sorting is not going on and the key must remain
            a)         With the HSA                                     b)         With the supervisor
            c)         With the parcel sorting assistant                 d)         None of these            Ans:c(101)
49.       Computerization of  a transit mail office facilitates
a)                 A proper watch on due mails and an estimation of the extra mail received
b)                 Reduction of paper work                 
c)                  More clarity of entries made in the mail list
d)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:d(115)
50.       When no mail bag is closed for office for which a blank parcel list is to be issued , the BPL should be dispatched
a)                 By entering in the mail list dispatched for that office
b)                 By enclosing in a service cover to be sent as unregistered article
c)                  By including in the mail bag closed for the nearest Post office
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans: a(102)