Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Coming soon: Video chats on your BSNL landline Soon,

Soon, you can do video calls, chats/conferencing on your old BSNL land phone connection, a feature which will be facilitated after C-DoT upgrades BSNL's existing telecom infrastructure to the Next Generation Network (NGN) -- a process which has started & expected to complete within a year and a half.

ET talked to AKV Sai Jayram, Group Leader, C-DoT, whose team has been working on this cutting edge technology for a couple of years.

C-DoT has also developed a broadband wireless terminal which can provide broadband speeds faster than 3G networks with very low capital and operational expenditure.

 Source :http://economictimes.indiatimes.com

How to think positive and improve your life

Most of us do no have the perfect job or the perfect life that we have dreamt of living in the big city.
Hence, to pull through the day and do your best at your make-do job, you need to be motivated and encouraged to think positively. A lot can be achieved if you are an optimist, ask the big dreamers who believed and put their heart and soul in achieving their dreams. We give you the top 5 mantras for positive thinking.

Learning and growing: To begin our journey, we asked Life Coach, Malti Bhojwani, about her mantras for getting through life's difficult moments. She talks about one of her role models, Oprah Winfrey, and her mantra - Live your Best Life, "I love Oprah Winfrey, she has inspired me for decades and even more so when I chose the path of personal development and became a life coach."

Malti says, "To Live your Best Life is to: Be more splendid, more extraordinary. Use every moment to fill yourself up, use what you already have to move towards being better, to evolving and growing your life."

To feel empowered: Empowering yourself involves positive thoughts and self-belief. Malti speaks highly of Helen Reddy's song - I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman, "She's Australian and her song though was popular since it came out in 1975, but then it was revived when Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda performed it in the 2nd Sex And The City movie."

She says "Whenever you feel like you are unsure about doing something, try singing this in your head or out loud, if I had to, I can do anything, 'I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman'."

Replace negativity: When problems are thrown at us, pessimism automatically creeps in. We feel the problem is too overwhelming for us to solve and often go into depression.

In her upcoming book Don't Think of a Blue Ball, in the chapter on "replacing negativity," Malti writes, "Your self-talk means well, it just needs to be trained to use language effectively to help you manifest your desires instead of perpetuating your current results.

Not entertaining the negative chatter is great, but it is impossible to do unless you give yourself new scripts. You need to become like a sentry or watchman of your chatter and notice each disempowering one when they come up and then replace them with empowering ones. If I asked you now, 'whatever you do, DO NOT think of a blue ball,' what is the image you conjured up in your head? A blue ball! You cannot not think of something, without first thinking of it. Can you?

So as Mike Dooley says, Thoughts become Things, choose the good ones."

Combat stage fright or cold feet: Most of us feel tongue tied in front of an audience; we choke and the embarrassment is just too much to handle. Here, Malti gives us her secret, "My personal mantra when fearful or nervous 'Oh What The *#@+, go for it anyway'. I learnt this at a personal development intensive program I did many years ago, when I was younger, and it felt OK to swear when "pumped" up...now I say "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh what the heck, go for it anyway" and then chant it as I go for it. I often teach this to my clients and when I start it sounds like I'm about to say Om, so it is quite funny."

Perseverance: Obama believed in Yes We can, so did millions of Americans; this positive attitude made him the first African American President. But does perseverance simply mean that you think you can, or that you persist and keep trying till you do?

Bhojwani's mantra is, "I can and I will - I am not sure who coined this mantra, but I like this one for when I need to be focused and keep at a job or a practice to achieve a very specific goal.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right.- Henry Ford

Saying 'I can' gives you the belief that you are capable and saying you will affirms that you have the desire to do it. Combined this is a super-powerful mantra to support you in shooting your target just like a archer on the battlefield, no matter that chaos is going on around him."
Source : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com


1. What is Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) ?
The MACP Scheme for Central Civilian Government Employees is in supersession of earlier ACP Scheme. Under the MACP Scheme three financial Up-gradations are allowed on completion of 10,20,30 years of regular service, counted from the direct entry grade. The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay as given in Section I, Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, in case no promotion has been earned by the employee during this period.
2. From which date the MACPS is effective?
The MACPS is effective w.e.f. 01.09.2008 or on completion of 10, 20 & 30 years of continuous regular service, whichever is later. Financial upgradation will also be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade pay. (Para 9 of OM dated 19/5/2009)
3. Who are entitled for financial under the MACPS?
The MACPS is applicable to all Central Government Civilian Employees.
4. What norms are required to be fulfilled while granting the benefits under MACPS?
The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness in the hierarchy of pay band and grade pay within PB- 1. Thereafter, only the benchmark of ‘Good’ would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600 In PB-3. The benchmark will be ‘Very Good’ for Financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above. However, where the Financial upgradation under the MACPS also happen to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in para 17 of the Scheme, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also.
O.M.N0.5034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 01/11/2010
5. Whether Pay Band would be changed at the time of grant of financial upgradation under MACPS?
Yes. OM.N0.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 09/09/2010
6. Whether the promotions in same grade would be counted for the purpose of MACPS?
The financial up-gradation under the MACPS is in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. However if the promotional hierarchy as per recruitment rules is such that promotions are earned in the same grade pay, then the same shall be counted for the purpose of MACPS.
7. How will the benefits of ACP be granted if due between 01 .01.2006 and 31.08.2008?
The revised pay structure has been changed w.e.f. 01.01.2006 and the benefits of ACPS have been allowed till 31.08.2008. Hence, the benefits of revised pay structure would be allowed for the purpose of ACPS.
(OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt. dated 9.9.2010)
8. Whether adhoc appointment would be counted towards qualifying service for MACPS?
No. Only continuous regular service is counted towards qualifying service for the purpose of MACPS. The regular service shall commence from the date of joining of a post in direct entry grade on a regular basis. (Para 9 of the MACPS)
9. Whether State Government service shall be reckoned for the purpose of MACPS?
No. Only regular service rendered in the Central Government’s Department/Office is to be counted for the purpose of MACPS, as the Scheme is applicable to the Central Government Civilian Employees only. ( MACPS , Para 10)
10. What are the periods included in the regular service?
All period spent on deputation/foreign service, study leave and all other kind of leave, duly sanctioned by the competent authority shall be included in the regular service. (Para 11. MACPS)
11. How is the MACPS to be extended to the employees of Autonomous and Statutory Bodies?
Procedure prescribed in OM No.35034/3/2010- Estt(D),Dated 03/08/2010 would be followed by the administrative Ministries/Departments concerned for extension of the MACPS to the employees of Autonomous and Statutory Bodies under their control.
12. Whether the cases of grant of financial upgradation allowed under the ACPS between 01.09.2008 and 19.05.2009, the date of issue of the Scheme are be reviewed?
Yes. Since the benefits of ACPS have been discontinued w.e.f. 01.09.2008, the cases settled between 01.09.2008 and 19.05.2009, in terms of previous ACP Scheme shall be reviewed.
13. Whether the past continuous regular service in another Govt. Deptt. in a post carrying same grade pay prior to regular appointment in a new Deptt. without a break shall be counted towards qualifying regular service for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes. ( Para 9, MACPS)
14. Upto what grade pay the benefits under the / MACPS is allowed?
The benefits of MACPS are being up-to HAG scale of Rs. 67000 – 79000/- (DOPT’s O.M.No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 24.12.2010)
15. How the cases of pre-revised pay scales (Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 & Rs.7450-11500) merged w.e.f. 01.01.2006 are to be decided under MACPS?
The cases would be regulated in accordance with para 5 of Annexure-I of MACPS. The Ministries/Departments are expected to re-organise cadres and frame common RRs for the post in merged scales.
16. Whether ‘Non-functional Scale’ of Rs.8000-13500 (revised to grade pay of Rs.5400 in PB-3) would be viewed as one financial upgradation for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes, in terms of para 8.1 of Annexure-I 01 MACPS dated 19.05.2009.
17. Whether time bound promotion’ scheme including ‘in-situ promotion’ scheme can run concurrently with MACPS?
No. ( Para 13 of MACPS)
18. Whether Staff Car Drive Scheme can run concurrently with MACPS?
DOPT vide O.M.No.35011/03/2008-Estt.(D),30/07/2010 has extended the benefits of MACPS to Staff Car Drivers as a fall back option
19. Whether the placement of erstwhile Gr. D employees as Staff Car Driver, ordinary grade would count as a promotion?
No. The model RRs for Staff Car Drivers provide deputation/absorption as a method of appointment for erstwhile Gr. D employees . The placement as staff Car Driver is not in the hierarchy hence the same would not be counted as promotion under MACPS. The regular service for the MACPS would be from the date of appointment as Staff Car Driver.
20. Whether designation classification or higher status would change on account of financial upgradation under MACPS?
There shall be no change in the designation classification or higher status on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS, as the upgradation under the Scheme is purely personal and merely placement in the nexl higher grade pay. (Para 16 of Annexure-l of MACPS refers)
21. If a financial upgradation under the MACPS is deferred due to the reason of the employees being ‘unfit’ or due to departmental proceedings, etc, whether this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial upgradation?
Yes, this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial upgradation, which would also get deferred to the extent of delay in grant of financial upgradation. ( MACPS, Para 15)
22. Whether the stepping up of pay would be admissible if a junior is getting more pay than the senior on account of grant of financial upgradation under MACPS?
No stepping up of pay in the band or grade pay would be admissible with regard to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under MACPS. Para 10 of OM dated 19/5/2009
23. Whether the regular service rendered by an employee if declared surplus in his/her organisation and appointed in the same grade pay or lower grade pay shall be counted towards the regular service in a new organization for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes. (refer para 23 of Annexure-l of MACPS)
24. In case of transfer including unilateral transfer own request, whether regular service rendered in previous organisation/office shall be counted alongwith the regular service in the new organization for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes. OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 01/11/2010
25. If a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the employees before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation under the MACPS, whether financial upgradation shall be allowed to such a Government servant?
If a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the Government employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation, no financial upgradation shall be allowed and as such an employee has not been stagnated due to lack of opportunities. If, however, financial upgradation has been allowed due to stagnation and the employees subsequently refuse the promotion, it shall not be a ground to withdraw the financial upgradation. He shall, however, not be eligible to be considered for further financial upgradation till he agrees to be considered for promotion again and the next financial upgradation shall also be deferred to the extent of period of debarment due to the refusal.( Para 25 of MACPS)
Source: www.persmin.nic.in


Health & Family Welfare Minister Shri.Ghulam Nabi Azad replied in Lok Sabha on 17.8.2012 to the question of 'what action taken by the Government, whether complaints have been received about the dissatisfaction of a large number of Central Government Employees with the services provided by the Government under the Central Government Health Scheme'.

While CGHS endeavors to provide best possible health care facilities to the large number of beneficiaries consulting / visiting CGHS Wellness Centres (approx. 1.2 Crore during the last one year), some complaints are received about unsatisfactory services. 
The dissatisfaction relates to shortage of doctors and other manpower resulting in waiting period before consulting doctors, issue of medicines, delay in settlement of medical claims of pensioners, issue of medicines of specific brand, reimbursement at CGHS rates for the treatment taken from unrecognized hospitals, overcharging by empanelled hospitals, opening of new dispensaries, etc. 
Government has been receiving increased budgetary support over the last few years to take care of CGHS beneficiaries. 
Government has undertaken several steps to improve the functioning of CGHS. These include: 
· Computerization to improve better inventory management and availability of medicines at CGHS Wellness Centres. Based on computer data, 272 commonly indented medicines are procured from manufacturers at discounted rates and make them available at Wellness Centres. 
· Portability of CGHS cards at any dispensary all over the country. 
· Issue of medicines for three months in cases of chronic illnesses. 
· Appointment of Medical officers on contract basis as an interim measure to tide over shortage of doctors. 
· Receipt of medical claims of pensioners at Dispensary level and proper verification of documents by CMO i/c to ensure that all required documents are submitted. 
· Enhancement of financial powers of Addl. Directors upto Rs.5 Lakhs for speedy settlement of medical claims of pensioners. 
· Regular meetings undertaken by Addl. Directors with CMOs i/c to ensure smooth functioning of Wellness Centres for better delivery of services. 
· Reimbursement from two sources – i.e., from CGHS as well as medical insurance in respect of beneficiaries holding mediclaim policies. 
· Formation of Standing Technical Committees for examination of requests for full reimbursement. 
· Settlement of hospital bills of empanelled hospitals and diagnostic centres through UTI-ITSL for early settlement of claims to ensure that the empanelled hospitals provide credit facility to pensioners , etc., 
· Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries residing in non-CGHS areas are permitted to avail IPD and follow up treatment from CS (MA)/ ECHS empanelled hospitals with prior permission from CGHS.

Promotion of IPO/IRM/General Line officials to Postal Service Group B-Allotment of Circle

To view Department of Posts Order No.9-34/2011-SPG dated 27.08.2012 please Click here.