SMS Job Alerts

To increase the reach of Employment News/Rozgar Samachar, e-version has been launched for subscribers. To further increase the reach and provide job highlights quickly, Employment  News will be launching ‘SMS Job Alerts’ facility shortly.  

Employment News has already created a huge database of mobile numbers through notice on its website.  The first priority will be given to regular subscribers.

To avail this service :
(i) Go to Employment News website - www.employmentnews.gov.in/ www.rojgarsamachar.gov.in

(ii) Click on SMS JOB ALERT 
(iii) Register with your:
(I) Name
(2) Phone No.
(3) Address
(4) Email ID
(5) Choice of Job Alerts (indicate two):
(a) Govt./Civil Services
(b) Banking/Finance
(c) Defence/ Paramilitary Forces
(d) Engineering
(e) Academics
(f) Medicines

The newly added mobile numbers will be provided the service in due course. This facility will enable you to receive the job highlights in advance.  The service is free of cost.

Chief Editor

Source:  http://www.employmentnews.gov.in/index.asp

E - version of Employment News

E - version of Employment News

Employment News has launched its e-version (English and Hindi). It is now available to our subscribers. The e-version is available to all existing & new subscribers free of cost. The e-version is accessible every Saturday. Just go to our website www.employmentnews.gov.in /www.rojgarsamachar.gov.in & enjoy reading Employment News anytime & anywhere at your comfort. 

How to access the e-version

Go to our websites www.employmentnews.gov.in / www.rojgarsamachar.gov.in

Click on the link for e-version.A

Your login ID : your subscription number Password : your subscription number (the login ID & password shall not contain any special character.

For example if your subscription no. is RA/2222 then your login ID & password shall be RA2222)

Source: http://www.employmentnews.gov.in/index.asp
via : http://90paisa.blogspot.in

Central Information Commission (Group C) Recruitment Rules, 2012

(Department of Personnel and Training)


New Delhi, the 29th August, 2012

GSR. 655(E). -In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (d) of sub-section (2) of section 27 of the Right to Information Act, 2005, (22 of 2005), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the posts of Upper Division Clerk, Stenographer Grade ‘D’ and Multi Tasking Staff in the Central Information Commission, namely:

1. Short title and commencement :-

(1) These rules may be called the Central Information Commission (Group ‘C’) Recruitment Rules, 2012.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Number of post, classification and Pay Band and grade pay or Pay Scale :- The number of post, their classification and the Pay band and grade pay or pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the Schedule annexed to these rules.

3. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification etc :- The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters relating to the said post shall be as specified in columns (5) to (13) of the said Schedule.

4. Disqualification :- No person,

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or

(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post :

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

5. Power to relax :- Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.

6. Saving :- Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age Limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, ex-Serviceman and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

Source: www.persmin.nic.in
via : http://90paisa.blogspot.in