Saturday, 8 December 2012
Release of New version of ePost Software.
The enhanced new version of ePost software is ready for
release. The main features of new version are given below for all
the three types of users (Retail, Prepaid and Corporate):
a) Multilingual
feature has been added in the Text editor where Operator type the message in
the Text box in the desired language. 11 languages have been provided for
in our system – Hindi, Tamil (Ambili, Karthika, Revathy), Malyalam,
Orriya, English, Assam, Gujarat, Konkari, Sanskrit, Marathi, Manipuri.
b) *.Pdf file Upload
c) Many to One-Many
Senders sending message to One person/recipient.
d) Pre-Paid Cash
module - On line registration and then payment of CASH at the ePost – Post
Office counter to get the account activated
e) Re-Printing
of ePost message-here operator send a request to Circle, once gets approved by
the Circle ePost coordinator the message printout could be taken by the
f) Creation of ePost
centre and its user ID at the Circle level, creation of Region user ID,
creation of Division user ID at the Regional level, creation of PM user at the
Division level and re-setting of pwd by the circle of it’s
region/division as per their hierarchy.
g) Download of MIS –
Report etc. in. pdf, excel format.
h) Auto Corporate Bill
generation and its’s delivery on the corporate user e-mail account.
i) eGreetings-Uploading
of greeting by the directorate and provision for sending of eGreetings
has given to Retail, Prepaid and Corporate user.
j) Circle can change
the mapping of the pincode.
k) Corporate user have
been given privilege to create Template using Multilingual feature, they have
been also provided Scan, Text, PDF option for sending ePost.
Feature for APS
l) Corps Mapping
incorporated into this new system
m) FPO Pincode-Display of FPO pincode
only while booking of ePost, no name of the centre will come now onwards – this
is as per instruction from APS Directorate.
n) Debit Army ePost
option provided.
o) Now all the data
pertaining to APS would reside at APS on their server at their location at
1CBPO – ePost centre.
p) Now on the main
ePost system i.e. central server data will have the record of message send from
or to APS.
q) Communication
between central server and APS server would get established through Web
2. Corporate
Customer have to be informed by their respective Postal Circle that they would
be losing all their created templates and have to create new template
in the new version of application s/w using Multilingual font feature
CPMG MP Circle is holding the additional charge of CPMG Gujrat Circle
Sri Asuthosh Tripathi(IPoS1981 Batch) CPMG Madhya Pradesh Circle is ordered to hold additional charge of Gujarat Circle with immediate effect until further orders.
Click here to view the Directorate order in original.
JTS Group A D.P.C - An update
It was informed by G.S of IP/ASP association that due
to non availability of ACRs/APARs of 31 officers for holding the DPC
for filling up the vacancies of PS Group B for the year 2012-13, now
Directorate has decided to first convene the DPC for JTS Gr. A cadre.
Now, we can understand that there are no chances of convening the D.P.C for promotion to P.S Group B cadre in the month of December 2012.
Now, we can understand that there are no chances of convening the D.P.C for promotion to P.S Group B cadre in the month of December 2012.
Result of LDCE (LGO) examination 2012 for promotion to PAs/SAs held on 16.09.2012 (ODISHA circle)
Result of LDCE (LGO) examination 2012 for promotion to PAs/SAs held on 16.09.2012 (ODISHA circle)
Click here to view details
Getting Error "Component 'mscomct2.ocx'
when run the program Getting Error "Component 'mscomct2.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:a file is missing or invalid" on Post office Interest Calculator Ver 1.0 / SBCO Interest Check
Copy Mscomct2.ocx file from C:\Program Files\Rajeev Sharma\InterestCalculator\
and paste into
C:\windows\system32\ and register by dobule click
Aadhaar Card – Personal details can be updated online now
Aadhaar Card holder can request for change of Demographic Profile online
While issue of Aaadhaar card with unique identification number of is in
full pace, UIDAI which is executing Aadhaar Scheme throughout India has
recently launched another online feature in its website
Those who have been issued with Aadhaar Card can now use the new online
feature in UIDAI website to update their personal profile such as name,
gender, date of birth, address and mobile number. Once any of these
personal details of a Aadhaar Card holder is edited online, changes will
be effected in the central Aadhaar database after due verification of
hard-copies of documents concerned by UIDAI authorities
This feature is the most wanted one as demographic profie an individual
who has been issued with Aadhaar Card such as mobile phone number,
residential address etc may change after issue of Aadhaar card.
The instructions issued by UIDAI for updating personal detils online are as follows.
Dear Resident,
Welcome to Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal. UIDAI is committed to
provide resident friendly eco-system and self service update portal is
one of the various touch points to update their profile in 3 easy steps:
STEP 1: Login with Aadhaar, STEP 2: Submit your Update Request and STEP
3: Upload Documents.
Note that Update here refers to any changes as well as corrections, if required, in resident´s original Aadhaar letter.
Who can use this portal?
Any resident with a mobile number can update their profile using this
portal. Mobile number is mandatory to receive password for login.
What all information can be updated through this portal?
Residents can update Name, Address, Gender, Date of Birth and Mobile
Numberthrough this portal. For other updates, please visit Aadhaar
Enrollment / Update Center. Click here for detailed instructions on
submitting Aadhaar Update/ Correctionrequests through this portal.
What are the documents required to be submitted along with an update request?
Residents are required to upload self attested copy of relevant
documents for update/ correction. Please click here for the valid list
of documents.
Will resident information be Updated immediately after submission of request?
Submission of information for update does not guarantee update of
Aadhaar data. The information submitted is subject to verification and
Courtesy :
Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding
No. 1/1/2010-Estt (Pay-I)
Department of Personnel & Training
Estt (Pay I ) Section
New Delhi, the 6th December, 2012.
Subject : Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate
Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s 0M
No.18/44/88-Pay-I dated 07.12.2009 on the above subject which provides
that the Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate
Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. are
treated as pay for all purposes.
2. Consequent upon implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2008, the concept of
Pay Band& Grade Pay has been introduced. Since there are no fixed
rates of increments now, the manner in which advance increment(s) are to
be computed has been considered in consultation with the Department of
Expenditure. The grant of advance increments to Stenographers of
Subordinate Offices on qualifying the speed test in shorthand at 100/120
w.p.m. after 1.1.2006 may be regulated as under:-
a) In terms of the instructions contained in this Department’s 0M
No.18/44/89-Estt (Pay I) dated 07.12.2009, the advance increments
granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying Speed Test
in Shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. in terms of Department of Expenditure OM
dated 04.10.1975 are to be treated as pay for all purposes and the past
cases are also to be regulated accordingly. These advance increments
were therefore to be taken into account for fixation ¡n the Revised Pay
for those officials who were in receipt of such increments in the pre
revised pay. In such cases, the advance increments will no longer
continue as a separate element.
b) In respect of persons who become eligible for grant of advance
increments consequent upon implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, the
advance increment may be calculated by granting increment @ 3% of the
Basic Pay on the date of passing of the test. Two advance increments may
be calculated by granting two increments @ 3% of the Basic Pay on the
date of passing the test. The amount of this increment may be treated as
a separate element in addition to the Basic Pay (Pay in the Pay Band +
Grade Pay), till such advance increments are taken into account as per
c) Once the advance increments are taken into account for the purpose of
pay fixation on promotion or being placed in a higher scale on grant of
ACP/MACP or fixation of pay due to revision of pay scale etc., the
advance increments will no longer be continued as a separate element as
it will be merged with the basic pay.
3. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department are concerned, these orders will be issued after consultation
with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
4. Hindi Version wilt follow.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.