Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Postal Department to set up Post Bank of India, soon
The Indian Department of Posts may complete the planning phase for
the creation of the Post Bank of India very soon. Post Bank of India is
being set up to provide all banking facilities to the rural population,
who have to rely upon informal sources for credit and other financial
It is reported that a detailed project report
(DPR) will be submitted in a few weeks from now explaining the
organization structure of the proposed institution. The DPR is likely to
describe the relationship amongst the founding bodies, the Department
of Posts and Post Office Savings Bank with the Post Bank of India.
For implementing the DPR, an external body of foreing consultants
has been selected. The implementation of the project may be carried out
by anyone of the firms - McKinsey & Co, Boston Consulting Group,
Accenture Services, KPMG Advisory Services and Ernst & Young. The
DPR will be finalized by December 31, 2012.
Post Bank of India is being established as a profit making institution particularly to help Department of Posts in lessening its losses.
Source :
No. 2(2)/2012/D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi the 14th Dcc., 2012
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject: Eligibility of Unmarried Daughters of Armed Forces
personnel for grant of Family Pension beyond 25 years of Age.
The undersigned is directed to refer
to this Ministry’s ID No.878/A/D(Pen/Sers)/04 dated 21.9.2004 extending the
provisions of Department of P&PW OM No. 1/19/03-P&PW (E) dated
25.08.2004 and this Ministry’s letter No.I (3)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dated
25.10.07 which makes unmarried / widowed / divorced daughter eligible
for family pension beyond 25 years of age subject to fulfilment of other
prescribed conditions, Attention is also invited to this Ministry’s ID
No.9(6)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dated 21.2.2008 under which it was clarified in
consultation with Department of P&PW that liberalised family
pension/special family pension (dependent pension) was not covered under
the provisions of this Ministry’s above said letter dated 25.10.2007. A
lot of references are being received in this Ministry for making
unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter eligible for grant of
liberalised family pension/special family pension beyond 25 years of age,
if otherwise in order.
References are also being received in
this Ministry for dissolving the provisions contained in Regulation 230(c)
of Pension Regulations for the Army Part — 1(1961) and similar provision
in Pension Regulations for Navy and Air Force, which debars unmarried
daughters for continuance of Special Family pension if they were
in receipt of children allowance even after disqualification of all other
eligible heir(s).
2. The above matter is considered by the
Government and it has been decided in consultation with Department of
P&PW that unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter also be eligible for
grant of liberalised / special family pension beyond 25 years subject to
fulfilment of other prescribed conditions as hitherto fore. It has
also decided that all unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters, who were
earlier or otherwise eligible for children allowance, shall also be
sanctioned I liberalised family pension subject to other conditions being
fulfilled. The allowance, if being paid, shall be discontinued from the
date special/liberalised family pension is sanctioned under these orders.
The provisions contained in Regulations 230(c), 239 & 240 of Pension
Regulation for the Army Part - 1(1961) and similar provisions in Pension Regulations
for the Navy and Air Force shall stand modified to that extent.
3. The family pension to
unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters above the age of 25 years shall be
payable if all other eligible children below the age of 25 years have
ceased to receive family pension and there is no disabled child to receive
the family pension. Family pension shall be payable to
daughter in order of their date of
birth and younger of them shall not be eligible unless the next above has
become ineligible for grant of family pension.
4. This order will take effect from 6.9.2007
i.e., the date from which Ordinary Family Pension was allowed to unmarried
daughters by DoP&PW.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance
Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. 10(8)/2012/Fin/Pen dated
Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary to Government of
Introducing a dedicated day for attending pensioners in person – reg.
No. 55/40/2012-P&PW(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi, the 31st Dec., 2012
: Introducing a dedicated day for attending pensioners in person – reg.
The undersigned is directed to inform that in order to facilitate mitigation of problems of Central Civil Pensioners, it has been decided that on every Wednesday, concerned officers of the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare will be available between 1500 and 1600 hrs, in person, in Room No. 310, Lok Nayak Bhavan (near Gate No.1) to meet pensioners and, as far as possible, answer the queries/points raised by the pensioners.
2. The Central Civil Pensioners, aggrieved of pension related matters and seeking clarification etc., on application of any of the following rules/regulations may meet the concerned officers of this Department along with a written submission, by appearing in person, on the prescribed date, time and venue, and make use of this facility.
3. The rules being
administered by the Department are:
(i) CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972;
(ii) CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981;
(iii) CCS(Extra-ordinary Pension) Rules;
(iv) GPF(CS)Rules, 1960;and
(v) CPF(India) Rules, 1962.
(Tripti P Ghosh)
Director (PP)India Post 2013 Calendar
The occult has always held a fascination for the human mind. Whether it is deemed an art or a mathematically accurate science, the fascination remains. From the days of Vedic astrology and the Delphic Oracle to current days, we have an inherent curiosity about ourselves, our past and future.
The twelve zodiac signs are represented by figures and symbols and associated with constellations and planets and their old Greek or Roman or Indian legends. Without any partisanship on the veracity or otherwise of astrology and the occult arts, the Department of Posts had issued a set of stamps on zodiac astrological signs. The designs of the stamps are rooted in Indian folk art and depict the 12 zodiac signs- against four base colours which reflect the elements of earth, air, fire and water. India Post 2013 Calendar
is inspired by these postage stamps.
India Post 2013 Calendar is available at various Philatelic Bureaus in the country at the price of Rs. 250/- .
Update 5 to Meghdoot 7.0
Update 5 to eMO client has been put in PTC ftp site and the link is
A Readme file containing the instructions for installation is also available there.
Upgradation procedure for NREG in c/w eMO Client
· Ensure
that your emo database is already upgraded with version 7 update 3. In
offices having Sanchay post latest version installed and NREGAEMO
database is available, please upgrade the same with NREGAEMO script
· Stop
eMO client exe if running. Replace existing eMOclient.exe available in
eMO client installation path with new eMO client exe provided in
· For the first time, when you run new eMO client exe, it will prompt to enter Sanchay post server details as below.
· Enter Sanchay post server name if Sanchay Post server is available in that office else select not available and click on OK.
Your system will now be ready for receipt of Sanchay post related files
through eMO client from central server if server details were provided.
For adding Sanchay post codes, option is available in Divisional
administrator web login of eMO. Reports regarding NREG are available
under Reports menu.
Please select the eMO Office Name and update Sanchay post code used for that PO.
CGHS Hospitals – Getting treatment in
emergency conditions
Under emergency conditions, the empanelled hospitals are expected to provide
treatment of CGHS beneficiaries in all available specialties…
Private hospitals have been empanelled under CGHS only for
such specialties for which they are eligible as per the terms and
conditions of empanelment. However under emergency conditions, the empanelled
hospitals are expected to provide treatment of CGHS beneficiaries in all
available specialties.
“Emergency” shall mean any condition or symptom resulting from any cause,
arising suddenly and if not treated at the earliest opportunity would be
detrimental to the health of the patient or shall jeopardize the life of the
CGHS beneficiary attending hospital in emergency: In such
a situation the Hospital shall intimate to BCA within 2 hours of admission and
BCA shall respond in 4 hours (however treatment shall not be denied to any CGHS
member and this is only an initiation of the e-workflow). Post discharge
hospital would upload bills and download documents as per requirements of CGHS
within 72 hours.
In emergency the hospital shall not refuse admission or
demand an advance payment from the beneficiary or his family member and shall
provide credit facilities to the patient whether the patient is a serving
employee or a pensioner availing CGHS facilities, on production of a valid CGHS
card and the hospital shall submit the bill for reimbursement to the concerned
Deptt. / Ministry / CGHS. The refusal to provide the treatment to
bonafide CGHS beneficiaries in emergency cases without valid ground would
attract disqualification for continuation of empanelment.
The following ailments may be treated as emergency which
is illustrative only and not exhaustive, depending on the condition of
the patient :
Acute Coronary Syndromes (Coronary Artery Bye-pass Graft /
Percutaneous, Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty) including Myocardial
Infarction, Unstable Angina, Ventricular Arrhythmias, Paroxysmal
Supra Ventricular Tachycardia, Cardiac Temponade, Acute Left Ventricular
Failure / Severe Congestive Cardiac Failure, Accelerated Hypertension, Complete
Heart Block and Stoke Adam attack, Acute Aortic Dissection.
Acute Limb Ischemia, Rupture
of Aneurysm, Medical and Surgical shock and peripheral circulatory
failure. Cerebro-Vascular attack-Stokes, Sudden unconsciousness, Head
injury, Respiratory failure, decompensated lung disease, Cerebro-Meningeal
Infections, Convulsions, Acute Paralysis, Acute Visual loss.
Acute Abdomen pain.
Road Traffic Accidents / with
injuries including fall. Severe
Hemorrhage due to any cause.
Acute poisoning.
Acute Renal Failure.
Acute abdomen pain in female
including acute Obstetrical and Gynecological emergencies.
Electric shock.
Any other life threatening