Saturday, 13 April 2013

PMG Hyderabad is looking after the duties of CPMG Andhra Pradesh

PMG Hyderabad is looking after the duties of CPMG Andhra Pradesh

To view details, please CLICK HERE. 

Sr. PM Examination CAT Case (Chandigarh Bench)...update

OA No. 1328/HR/2011 filed jointly by Punjab and Haryana Circleat Hon'ble CAT Bench at Chandigarh for the following reliefs was adjourned to 16/5/2013;

1. Quash the letter dated 3.10.2011 by which Limited Departmental Examination for Promotion to the cadre of Sr. Postmaster(Gazetted) has been ordered to be held on 31.12.2011 which is against the Department of Posts, Postal Supdts/Postmaster Group B Recruitment Rules, 1987 as amended from time to time as there is no vacant post in the quota prescribed under the rules as detailed in the preceding paras.

2. Quash the letter dated 29.11.2011 by which the applicants have been informed that ASPs are not eligible for appearing in the examination.

3. Quash the Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade ‘III and II-Group B non-Gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade I-Group C Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010, i.e Postmasters Cadre Rules, 2010 run contrary to the Postal Services Postmaster Group B Rules, 1987 as amended from time to time, as the quota of the Inspector Line, has also been reduced from 19% and 75% by carving out the posts. 

4. Issue direction to the respondents to consider the case of the members of the applicant No. 1 Union and other applicants for promotion under these rules of 1987 in their quota and promote them from due date with all the consequential benefits and it be declared that the bifurcation of quota now carried out by the respondents is illegal, arbitrary and bereft of any discernible principle.

5. Any other order or direction deemed fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case may also kindly be issued in favour of the applicants.

Commemorative Postage Stamp on Chaitya Bhoomi to be released on 14/4/2013 at Mumbai.

Department of Posts has decided to release a commemorative postage stamp on Chaitya Bhoomi on 14th April, 2013.
Chaitya Bhoomi is a reverred place of pilgrimage for the Buddhists inIndia. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the architect of Indian Constitution was cremated here after his death on 6th December, 1956 in accordance with Buddhist traditions. Eventually, this place was later converted to Chaitya Bhoomi which is now a National Monument. 
The Chaitya Bhoomi Memorial Monument was inaugurated by Mrs. Meerabai Yashvantrao Ambedkar, who is the daughter-in-law of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, on December 5, 1971. A large number of people from all over the country visit Chaitya Bhoomi every year on December 6th to offer respects and pay homage to Dr Ambedkar. Carrying millions of blue waving flags they march to the Chaitya Bhoomi on this day. Several strategic junctions and roads near Chaitya Bhoomi in 
Dadar face massive traffic congestion on this day. 

Tips for cleaning the laptop! Save your laptop from dust and dirt!

Hello there! I have been facing problem with my laptop's hygiene. The laptop gets dirty easily because I use it almost in every place. In this post we will give you some useful tips to keep your laptop fresh and clean!

1) Buy a silicone cover for your Laptop: FirstlyI recommend you to buy a cheap silicone cover for your Laptop Keyboard. You can find them almost in any Laptop accessory shop. This will prevent blockage of your Keypad from dust. Remember prevention is better than Cure.

2) Buy a USB vaccuam cleaner: USB Vaccuam cleaner is one of the coolest cheap laptop gadget you would find in the Market. This mini vaccuam cleaner would easily clean all the dust from your Laptop. You won't need to use battery or charge the device, it will get the power via USB. You can buy this device in laptop accessory shop or in Ebay/amazon.

3) Clean the Laptop exterior with Wet cotton: First turn of your Laptop. Take a clean cotton, damp it with water. Then rub the damp cotton slowly to clean the exterior of your Laptop. You can also clean the LCD screen of your computer in this process. But be very careful while cleaning the LCD screen. Make sure the Laptop is turned off and you clean the screen very slowly. after you finish cleaning the exterior, wait for few minutes and then turn On your Laptop.

4) Clean the Keyboard: sometimes many particles stuck inside your Laptop's keypad. This often cause discomfort when you Type. If the Particle stuck inside it might not be possible to clean via USB Vacuum Cleaner. In that case you will need to remove the keypad one by one and then clean it. Every keyboard is different, so make sure you know how to remove the Keypad. If you don't know how to remove it please don't try to remove it.

Internal Cleaning: You can clean the internal components of your laptop if you know how to open the case. But do try to do it if you haven't learnt it from someone else.

I hope all these tips will help you to improve the hygiene of your Laptop.
Courtesy :

How To Fix Virtual Memory Too Low Error

This is a very common error message and before showing how to resolve the low virtual memory error we should maybe explain what it is an what causes it.

What is virtual memory?

You computer has RAM which distributes data from the hard drive to the processor and the other way around. When the RAM memory is running out of space it calls for backup in the form of virtual memory. Virtual memory is just that “Virtual” as it taps into space on the hard drive to give your RAM a bit of backup.
If the amount of Virtual memory available to the operating system is too low you will start to get the virtual memory too low messages. The most common reason for getting this message is a recent memory upgrade or setting change. Luckily there is a way to ensure you have enough virtual memory by simply changing a few settings in the virtual memory settings.

How to change the amount of virtual memory in Windows 7 and Vista

Go to your start button at the bottom left of your screen and then go to computer and right click on it.virtual memory too low screen one
You will now see the system information screen. To access the virtual memory settings page click the advanced settings text link on the left hand side of the page.

Low virtual Memory screen 2
You will now have a new window pop up with a number of tabs along the top. It should default to the advanced tab but if not select the advanced tab and then under performance select settings to get to the virtual memory settings. Another new windows will open, select the advanced tab again. Finally click on the change button under Virtual memory and this will be the page we resolve the problem.
Low virtual memory screenshot 3virtual memory screen4
You will now be in the virtual memory settings screen and your virtual memory settings may look different from the screenshot below.
virtual memory
For most people setting the virtual memory to be automatically managed by the operating system should be more than adequate for most people.
If you can’t or don’t want to use the automatic option you can set it manually.
Custom Size – Sets the minimum and maximum Paging file. If you are going to set manually the usual recommended figure for maximum is 1.5 times your amount of RAM. For example if you have 4GB of RAM then the recommended maximum is 6GB of virtual memory but if you are still getting the error it may be worth playing about with the maximum.
System Managed - Means that the memory is managed by the system but again if you are getting virtual memory too low warnings you may be best playing around with custom size.
No paging File – Not recommended. This means you will have no virtual memory backup should you run low on memory.
Once you have set simply OK through the open screens. You may be prompted to restart your computer.
Hopefully that should resolve your virtual memory too low warning messages.

Courtesy : 

PLI csv File Generation Problem - Accounts PBS


         while download PLI csv file from account PBS it shows an error message as "Sub query returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=, >, >= of when the sub query is used as an expression"


1.  Once u run the exe, u will have to enter server name and then click on Connect button. Now in   the next window, if u r getting “Delete Button” at the end and the records of the policies for   which same loan account number is allotted and whose active status ( 0 or 1, 0 means dead and 1   means live ) is also given, u will have to select all the unwanted policies for which same loan   account number is allotted, no matter whether the active status is 0 or 1. 

Don't select the policy  with correct loan account number and active status as 1. Then click on Delete button.

It will  delete all those unwanted policies which were raising the error.

2.  After connecting to server, if u r getting the “UPDATE BUTTON” and the records of the policies  in which, for the same policy number, two live LOAN ACCOUNT NUMBERS are allotted, then u will  have to make the wrong LOAN ACCOUNT NUMBER as dead. For making it dead, u will select that  particular record of the policies and click on “UPDATE BUTTON.”

3.  If u r not getting any records, it means that everything is all right in Loan Repayment the exl PLIMaster_duplicate.exl and run through script tool.


Courtesy :