Monday, 19 May 2014

Letter from 7th Central Pay Commission to GOI Secretaries for data contribution on Open Government Data(OGD)

Letter from 7th Central Pay Commission to GOI Secretaries for data contribution on OGD Platform

NEW DELHI – 110001

No. 7CPC/21/Secy.’s
Dated: May 2, 2014
This is further to my DO letter No. 7CPC/15/Questionnaire dated 9th April 2014, enclosing a Questionnaire through which the views of your Ministry were sought on the various aspects of the broad issues that the Seventh Pay Commission is mandated to address.

2. While examining the various issues that it is required to look at, apart from the views already sought, the Commission would also need specific data / information on some of the focus areas viz., personnel position, expenditure on salaries and allowances, deployment of contractual staff, training and skill development of personnel, etc. Accordingly, templates for seeking the necessary data have been prepared and are enclosed herewith. Each of the focus areas is covered in a separate Annexure. Data provided by the Ministries / Departments will be crucial in analyzing the key parameters to be studied by the Commission.

3. This composite data template is being shared through the Open Government Data(OGD) platform ( The nodal officers of your Ministries / Department for data collation activity the pre-designed spreadsheets in XLS format and fill them in offline. Once this data collation activity is completed those sheets can be uploaded through the The Data Controllers of are already familiar with process and methodology of uploading data on to this site. In case your Ministry has not yet nominated the Data Controller, this may kindly be done in accordance with the instructions as contained in the letter of the Cabinet Secretary dated July 18, 2012 in this regard. The weblink of the letter is

4. Instructions may please be issued to the concerned Nodal Officer designated to deal with Pay Commission to furnish replies to the template, complete in all respects. All expenditure related data may kindly be got vetted/ obtained from the Principal CCA/CA of the Ministry / Department in ease of Civil Ministries and by the counterpart officers in the case of Defence, Railways and Posts.

5. I shall be grateful if the data as sought for is furnished to the Commission by 10 June 2014.

With regards,

Yours Sincerely,
(Meena Agarwal)

All Secretaries in Government of India

Copy to :
DG, National Information CentreNew Delhi


Commemorative Stamp on Drukpa Lineage of Buddhism - 14th May 2014.

The Drukpa Kagyu School called either ‘Dugpa’ or ‘Red Hat Sect’, is a branch of the Kagyu School at Tibetan Buddhism, which is considered to be one of the Sarma (new) schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

Within the Drukpa Lineage, there are further sub-schools, most notably the eastern Kham tradition and middle Drukpa School, which existed in Ladakh and surrounding areas. In Bhutan, the Drukpa Lineage is the dominant school and State religion.

The Drukpa Lineage was founded in Western Tibet by Dragon Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (1161-1211), a student of Ling Repa, who mastered the Tantric Buddhism practices of mahamudra and six yogas of Naropa at an early age.

On the occasion of Buddha Poornima, which marks Gautama Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death, the Department of Posts released a commemorative postage stamp on ‘Drukpa Lineage of Buddhism’ on 14th May 2014. His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa released the stamp at function organised in New Delhi, His Eminence Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche also attended the stamp release function. Shri S.K. Sinha, Member (HRD), India Post, Dr B K Modi, Chairman, Spice Global, Mrs Sterre Sharma, a philanthropist and international acclaimed artist, Arjun Pandey, documentary filmmaker, Dasho Ugyen Takchhu, Surveyor General at the National Land Commission of Bhutan and Mr. Ugyen Gonphel, Head of Chancery for the Embassy of Bhutan in India and other dignitaries were also present at the stamp release function.


  W.P.(C) 168/2014
             EMPLOYEES AND ANR                          ..... Petitioners
  Through: Mr. Uday Gupta and Mr. M.K. Tripathi, Advs.
   UNION OF INDIA                                                 ..... Respondent
  Through: Dr. Ashwini Bhardwaj, Adv.
   O R D E R

1. Dr. Ashwini Bhardwaj enters appearance on behalf of respondents.He seeks and is granted six weeks to file a counter affidavit.
2. Rejoinder, if any, be filed before the next date of hearing.
3. To be noted, this matter has been transferred to this Court by virtue of order dated 13.12.2013 passed by the Supreme Court in Writ Petition Civil No.1003/2013 .
4. A perusal of paragraph 3 of the order is indicative of the fact that the Supreme Court in order to avoid multiplicity of proceedings has transferred the matter to this Court.
5. Counsel for the petitioner is advised to ascertain as to whether anywrit petition has been filed in any other High Court and, if that be so, whether the aforementioned order of the Supreme Court has been brought to the notice of the concerned High Court.
W.P.(C) 168/2014 page 1 of 2
6. Counsel for the petitioner shall do the needful before the next date of hearing.

7. Renotify on 19.9.2014.  
  MAY 07, 2014

Govt launches initiative to bring retired employees back to work

Retired Government employees can soon find employment opportunities back in government departments and other social organisations on a voluntary basis.
The Ministry of Personnel and Pensions has launched an initiative to route the skill and experience of retired government employees back into socially useful and constructive work.
“There are 50 lakh government employees today. But there are also 53 lakh retired employees, most of whom can still contribute to nation building exercise. We want to tap their skills and experience through the initiative Sankalp,” Sanjay Kothari, Secretary to the Ministry of Personnel and Pensions, said.

Portal set up
The Ministry has set up a portal where retired Government employees willing to work in different departments or social organisations can register. “We will ask interested employees which city they would like to work, how many days in a week or how many hours a day they would like to work. It is beneficial to them as after retirement, they can still share their skills and experience and get some economic benefits in the process,” he said at a meeting at the Administrative Staff College of India here.
Pilot project
The Ministry is launching this initiative as a pilot project, as its pan-India launch has been delayed due to polls. The pilot will initially cover 500 Central government pensioners on a first-come-first-served basis.
“To sensitise government employees on this initiatives, a workshop is being conducted for those employees due to retire in four months and the scope of the scheme is being explained,” Kothari said.
The UK had shown interest in implementing a similar scheme for its retired employees.
(This article was published on May 15, 2014)

Jammu Kaskmir Circle Postal / Sorting Assistant Exam 2014 Question Paper - Exam on 18/05/2014

Question Paper of
 Postal/Sorting Assistant Exam

Held on 18 May 2014 in
Jammu Kaskmir Postal Circle

Friends.. Here is the Question Paper of PA/SA Exam 2014 held in Jammu Kaskmir Postal Circle on 18 May 2014. This will be helpful for those having exams in the coming phases. You can downloadthe questions as PDF from the link below.

Download full PDF