Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Instructions Received from directorate regarding EOD issues

Dear all

I am directed to inform that time and again, instructions were issued to pilot circles to complete their day's work maximum by 1630 hours and start EOD latest by 1700 hours so that any EOD related issues can be escalated to FSI Helpdesk. It was also told that once physical cash is tallied with Teller Cash Account in Finacle, without waiting for the reports to be generated or printed, EOD process can be started. Supervisors have to periodically verify or post transactions and see that no transaction is lying unverified or unposted. All Agents LOTs should be posted by 1630 hours by accepting the same during whole day instead of only after counter closure. BO transactions should be posted on the next day if bags are received late.

Despite all these instructions, it is noticed that more than 50% CBS post offices are starting EOD after 2000 hours and issues are being reported to helpdesk after 2000 hours. Many post offices having EOD blockings are calling DOP CBS IT Operations Team at Chennai very frequently after 2000 hours.

To streamline EOD process further and keeping in view coming roll out of more post offices, following guidelines are issued:-

(1) Concerned SPO/SSPOs/Gazetted Postmasters/Postmasters/Sub Postmasters will be held responsible if EOD is not started maximum by 1700 hours in any of CBS post office under it. If due to any unforeseen circumstances, very heavy work load is received in any office, concerned Divisional Head has to make alternate arrangement of staff to clear the pending work by 1700 hours.
(2) In case of any EOD blocking issue noticed, the same should be brought to the notice of FSIhelpdesk latest by 1715 hours with copy to Incharge CPC i.e Circle SPOC. No direct mail should be sent to DOP CBS Operations IT Team Chennai by post offices. Circle SPOCs with the help of 5 member User Champions Team should first guide post office to complete transacation.
(3) Telephonic help if required by any post office should be sought from FSI Helpdesk or Circle SPOC. No direct phone call should be exchanged with DOP CBS Operations IT Team. Only Circle SPOCs will contact this team over phone or e-mail.
(4) Circle SPOCs should regularly monitor EOD dashboard and call post offices to verify/post transactions periodically and if any post office is not following their instructions, matter should be brought to the notice of concerned SP/SSP/DPS immediately.
(5) Post Offices should be told that after 2000 hours, no support will be provided either by FSI Helpdesk or by DOP CBS Operation IT Team unless specific issue is raised by 1715 hours. Responsible staff has to face action for not following instructions and have to come early by 7.30 A.M next day to complete EOD of previous day. Due to delay in EOD, that staff will be held responsible for any financial loss to anyone. 

(6) For any operational guideline/clarification, Post Offices should first contact their Circle SPOCs who can take up the matter with us or DOP CBS IT Operation Team or DMCC. For any migration related issues, SPOC will write to DMCC and for any operational issue, DOP CBS Operation IT Team Chennai. For nay policy matter, issue can be referred to Directorate.

(7) It should be impressed upon Circle Administration to provide you 5 User Champions Team for this purpose fully equipped with Mobile Phones and laptops (with data card) and intimate to the post offices under you, Your i.e Circle SPOC and 5 member Team's Mobile number and email IDs. 


Kawal Jit Singh
Postal Directoarte
New Delhi

Message of Secretary (Posts) for the staff and officers of the Department over the IT Project.

Dear colleagues,

     It gives me immense pleasure to update you about the ambitious IT Modernization project of the Department of Posts. As you know, with this project we have embarked upon a transformational journey. I take this opportunity to congratulate and thank each one of you for your dedication and hard work to bring about this historic transformation.

     At this point in time, we have already networked close to 23,000 locations, making our the largest WAN in the country. Implementation of our Core Banking System and PLI solutions have attained a critical mass, which will enable us to undertake performance testing & certification before further roll outs. Core SI solutions relating to Mail Operations, Human Resources and F&A are in the UAT stage; and we are nearing identification of a vendor for the Rural Hardware program to support the modernization of our rural post offices.

       Implementation of the CBS and Core-PLI solutions has been gradual by design so that we can pinpoint errors/ defects in the solutions and address them appropriately, before graduating to an exponential roll-out phase. As expected, officers and staff are facing some challenges during the initial implementation phase. While we continue to strengthen the solutions based on these valuable experiences, the extra mile that you all have traversed in order to manage these challenges is commendable. 

        As the implementation gathers steam, I would request each one of you to keep up the energy & commitment you have demonstrated so far. We will make sure that the required technical and administrative support for success is made available.

       The primary objective of the IT modernization project has been to enhance customer, satisfaction through better service delivery. The project will enhance the Post Offices capabilities, and enable it to deliver more efficient services, and more add-on services & products. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has also urged the Department to fast-track the IT-modernization project and improve the quality of service. Thus, being sensitive and responsive to the customer is the need of the hour. 

      You will agree that it is a matter of great pride for each one of us to be associated with this huge transformational project. We must now work hand in hand to make this historical transformation happen quickly.

Together we can, and we will do it!!

Kavery Banerjee
Secretary (Posts)

"Do's and Don'ts" and Guidelines for Post Masters and Staff


Important do’s and don’ts to educate the depositors with regard to Small Savings Schemes for safeguard of their interest.

1. Never accept the receipt on blank piece of paper even if it is date stamped by the Post Office and always insist for prescribed receipt at the time of opening new account at Branch Offices/GDS Sub Offices.

2. Examine your passbook carefully after every transaction to see that the entries are correctly made therein and the last balance shown is correct

3. If there are any suspicious corrections in your passbook, please report the matter immediately to the Head Post Postmaster maintaining your ledger account. The name of the Head Post Office is stamped on the inside of the cover of your passbook. 

4. Hand over your passbook for entry of interest and verification of balance immediately after 31st March every year. 

5. Whenever you hand over your passbook to the Post Office for any purpose please insist for printed receipt in form of SB-28.Please also ensure that correct balance as given in the passbook has been entered in the receipt 

6. Always obtain counterfoil of the Pay –in –Slip duly stamped and signed by the counter assistant/Postmaster for a deposit made in the account by cash or by cheque. 

7. Never keep your specimen signature or a signed withdrawal form in the passbook. 

8. Always keep your passbook under proper custody. 

9. Do not allow your passbook to remain in the unauthorized possession of Postal Official / Authorised Agents 

10. Do not forget to report the loss of your passbook to the Post Office immediately. 

11. Do not forget to intimate your change of present address to the Post Office. 

12. Do not leave the passbook with the post office for indefinite period 

13. Always give receipt of the amount of withdrawal on the withdrawal form only after actual payment is made. 

14. Do not get the withdrawal form filled in by the Post Office staff or Authorized agent 

15. Do not keep the certificate and identity slip together. 

16. Always take a receipt for the money/cheque given to the agent for opening of accounts or purchase of certificates and also write the name and authority number of the agent on the application form for opening of account and purchase of certificates. 

17. While making deposit/Investment in Small Saving Schemes through cheque please ensure proper endorsement for credit of amount under dated signature on the back side of the cheque and not leave it to the authorized agent. 

18. Do not give the blank signed cheque to the authorized agent for any kind of deposit in the Small Saving Schemes. It should be filled up properly. 

19. Before entering into the business with India Post through agent or directly customers are required to know about the features, conditions applicable for deposit/investment proposed to be made and after being satisfied transaction should be made. 

20. Avoid implicit trust in SPM/BPM/Counter PA/Authorized Agent as sometimes they misuse the trust and deceive. 

21. Ask the agent to show her Certificate of Authority issued by the competent authority and ensure that her agency is valid. 

22. Fill up account opening form in your own handwriting as far as possible or check it carefully if filled in by the agent before signing it. Always make nomination. 

23. Issue account payee cheque in favour of the Postmaster as far as possible and particularly for higher deposits. 

24. Do not issue cheque in favour of agent. 

25. Write to the appointing authority of the agent/Regional Director, National Savings Institute of your area if the agent commits some irregularities or indulge in malpractices. 


Guidelines for Post Masters and Staff with regard to Small Savings Schemes-Common lapses noticed against the Departmental Officials contributing the commission of frauds. 

1. The passbooks in which transactions have taken place after 31st March are not called for entry of interest by the Head Post Office. 

2. The list of savings Accounts in which interest was not posted is not furnished to the Inspector of Post for verification of balances. 

3. Non verification of the list when sent to the Head Office by the Inspector Post/Inspecting Officers. 

4. Failure on the part of Head Post Offices to compare signature on the warrants of payments where necessary. 

5. Non obtaining the passbooks by the Inspecting officer from the depositors personally for verification of balance in the passbook 

6. Non verification of withdrawal of Rs.10000/- and above made at branch office and single hand sub post offices by the Inspector and other field staff authorized to perform the inspection work. 

7. Failure to watch the continuity of the serial number of receipts in formSB-26 and SB-28 in account office/Head office. 

8. Allowing the work of verification of ledger balances into arrear in SBCO. 

9. Failure to check the annual statement of unsold certificates by the Head office and Postal accounts Office. 

10. Not carrying out the proper check of the unsold certificate with reference to the Invoices received from CSD/HO by the Inspecting authority at the time of Inspection of the Office. 

11. Allowing extension of tenure to the single hand postmaster by the Divisional head. 

12. Non observance of Rules and instructions of the Department issued time to time to avoid occurrence of fraud. 

13. Restrictions on SAS/NS/MPKBY agents and not giving access of unauthorized persons/agents into the working area of the Post offices and security of Stamps and Seals. 

14. Security of computerized operations be ensured by the concerned APM/PM/SPM. 

15. Access of Sanchay Post Programme to the inspecting authority to see that if any attempt has been made to encash lost/stolen cash certificates. 

16. The payment of commission at source to the authorized agents be made only after he produced the copy of receipt taken from the depositor/Investor in token of having received the Passbook / certificate. 

17. Access to the Post Office records/ledger/guard files containing purchase applications/computer monitor with password to the authorized agents should be strictly prohibited. 

18. Cheque proceeds for deposit/ investment tendered by the depositor/Investor should not be credited into the accounts of authorized agents in any circumstances. 

19. Without proper endorsement on the back side of the cheque by the depositor/Investor cheque should not be accepted. 

20. Each and every transaction made at the counter should be verified by the concerned APM/SPM personally and they need not share the password with the counter assistant in any circumstances. 

Source : :

Refund of TDS deducted wrongly

Dear all

There are two scenarios being reported by different circles where it has been reported that TDS has been deducted from SCSS interest batch ran on 30.6.2014. Following are the scenarios and the solution:-

1. Customer has given 15-G or 15-H after 1.4.2014 and it has been entered into Finacle. Despite of this TDS is deducted.

Solution:- It has been informed by Infosys that this issue was rectified on 28.4.2014 through a patch. In those SCSS accounts where 15-G or 15-H was entered from 1.4.2014 to 28.4.2014, TDS might have been deducted.  In such cases, TDS has to be refunded from HRFTDS by selecting from A/C ID as 0293 and to A/C ID customer's Savings Account (if no savings account) to Postmaster Account 0340 and then pay by cash from 0340. In case of cash payment, no report will be there. Amount refunded either by cash or through savings account should be shown as TDS refund and TDS deducted should not be shown in the TDS schedule.
For future interest credit, go to account modification menu, select the respective SCSS account number and click Submit. This will change the status to No-Tax.

2. Customer has given 15-G or 15-H but could not be entered into Finacle.

In such cases, refund has to be made as per above procedure and status of account to No Tax is to be entered before 29.9.2014 so that TDS may not be deducted in the next quarter. TDS of these accounts should also not be entered in the TDS schedule.


(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB-II)
Postal Directorate
New Delhi
Contact No. 011-23036224, 011-23096108
Mob:- 09899998054
Thanks to
Shri. Yaman Ranjeeth Kumar,
Circle System Admin,
Team (CPC),



1. Payments made by cheque to the customers is shown as debited to Postmaster’s account i.e; SOL ID followed by 0340 (ex:560032000340). This has resulted in continued debit accumulation of amount in Postmaster’s account and there is no check/Audit available for this account.

Solution: The complete solution will come once CSI is in Place. The Postmasters Office account to be monitored by Postmaster/SBCO. A Separate guidelines in this regard is expected shortly.

2. While lodging the cheques for inward clearance with insufficient details of the transaction/instrument the system throws an error for the incomplete/invalid inputs. But the cheque details will be saved. If the details are entered again for the same instrument the transaction will be duplicated.

Solution: Delete all the inward clearance transactions in supervisor option before verification. Please note that Once verified, the details cannot be modified/deleted.

3. While rejecting the outward cheques in inward zone, by default the carve status is “YES”.

Solution: Please Change Carve as “NO” by clicking the tabulation above this button. If submission is done with Carve as YES, even though error is thrown, the instrument will be saved. Same must be deleted before verification.

4. Branch Offices transactions are not appearing in LOT.

Solution : The BO transactions should not be done in Supervisor Login.

5. MIS transactions not appearing in LOT.

Solution : Reference number is to be entered in both debit and Additional partitioned details screens. If it is not done account will not appear in LOT.

6. RD Loan disbursement not appearing in LOT.

Solution : Disbursement of Loan is to be done by the teller, not by supervisor.

7. User Already Logged in

Solution : Do not close the browser without logging out and do not refresh the page. Use HSAC to SAC the users. If still problem exists, wait for 10 minutes and relogin.

8. Certificate stock not deducted.

Solution : Printing of issued certificates individually is a must to reduce the stock.

9. Intersol Transaction blocking validation for EOD

Solution : Contact CEPT DOP Team (9449848938, 9900971524)

10. Signature and documents cannot be viewed

Solution : Login to , then click on ietest radio button to update the patches and install the Active x plugins popped up above. After installing run the ietest radio button again , which displays all the patches are installed in the local system.

11. Salary/Pension/eMO bulk upload fails.

Solution: After unsuccessful uploadàGo to HPRàview OFTI and Upload failure report for details. Note down the system generated tran-id and failure reasonà Go to HTM àinput the tran-id and delete. Rectify the noted errors and upload again. In case of successful upload there should be no upload failure report.

12. Generation of any reports Problem/Slow response in HFINRPT

Solution : After generating any report in HFINRPT, if the process is slow, click Menu on the top to stop the process and then invoke menu HPR select the generated report and click on Print screen below and take a print out.

13. Closure of RD accounts with Standing instructions

Solution: Go to HSSIMà select function – Delete àUse Sl No searcher type the account ID in the new window opened, select correct Sl No and click on submit. Then click on go. Accept/delete in the popup window. Verify the same using Supervisor. Then go to closure of the account.

14. Closure of RD account in case of loan account mapped 
Solution : Close the Loan account (Loan acct No is RD acct No followed by 1). Verify in supervisor. Then proceed for closure of RD account.

Finacle Complete Menu and Process document

Finacle Process Document and Complete Menu

  • Complete menus wise detailed procedures document.
  • List of Complete Menu on Finacle.


Complete Menu

DOP finacle Process Document v1.5

Process Document

Note: above documents are mainly for training purposes and work at field level.