Thursday, 4 June 2015

Procedure for handling Cheques presented at CBS SOs

AT CBS SUB OFFICE from where the Cheques are sent to CBS HO dealing with Clearing for clearance

• Invoke the menu HOMSO

• Select the function “Add”. Date will appear automatically

• Click on GO

• In case of subsequent deposit in Savings Account, Enter customer’s savings Account Number 
irrespective of where the account stands.

• In case of cheques presented through MPKBY Agent LOT, enter or select from searcher SO 
SOLID0017 as Account number.

• In case of RD Subsequent Deposit at counter, enter or select from searcher, HO SOLID0017 
as Account Number.

• In case of PPF Subsequent Deposit at counter, enter or select from searcher HO SOLID0017
as Account Number.

• For new accounts/certificates opened by cheque, enter or select from searcher, SO 
SOLID0382 as Account Number.

• Enter the amount of cheque 

• Enter the cheque number

• Enter the MICR code available in the cheque (this is mandatory)

• Enter the cheque date
• Enter the Tran Code as 10

• Click on Submit if only one cheque is available

• If multiple cheques are available, click on ADD and enter the cheque details of other cheques 
as detailed in above steps.

• Supervisor need to verify the cheques entered using same menu HOMSO

• Select the function VERIFY and enter the date

• Data verified successfully message will be displayed

• Take the report using the menu CHLR. This menu is accessible only for OPERATOR

• Report can be generated using menu CHLR

• Softcopy of cheques lodges can be viewed by clicking on the explode icon

• Copy the filepath from the above location

• Invoke the menu HTRFTOPC. Enter the source file name (the copied content can be pasted 
here) and the destination directory

• The txt file will be copied to the said location in the local drive.

• Send this txt file along with CHEQUES to HO

Note:- Same procedure will be followed by CBS HO not dealing with clearing house but attached with another CBS HO dealing with Clearing House.

Outward Rejection Procedure in DOP Finacle

When we receive the cheques sent in outward zone after clearing from the clearing house we have to regularize those cheques by selecting the particular outward zone date on which those cheques were sent (Use HMCLZOH) 

For suppose there may be some rejections in that particular list i..e, cheques sent in outward zone and which were rejected is known as outward rejection. 

Point to remember is we have to regularize the outward zone only after all the cheques were received for that particular outward zone i.e., there is no method to realize the particular outward list as partly. 

We have to realize the zone only after we have received the credit certificate for all the cheques that had been sent in the particular outward zone. 

All the Outward rejection cheques have to be lodged the inward zone.

Step by Step Procedure Of Outward Rejection in DOP Finacle

Step 1 : Release to Shadow balance for the Outward zone and give the Value date

Invoke the menu HMCLZOH(supervisor menu) then select the function as "Release to shadow balance" and select the date of the outward zone which we are trying to realize as shown in the figure 

Then select the date of the outward by clicking on the searcher that you are trying to release to shadow balance as shown in the below figure

For ex I have selected the zone date as 23-02-2015 as mentioned in the figure then click on Go then in the next screen i.e., in the General details give the value date as the date of realization of the cheque as mentioned in the credit certificate that has been issued by the clearing house as mentioned in the below figure.

Point to remember is if anyone forget to change the value date there is no modification so be extra careful while entering the value date. Then finally click on Submit.

Step 2 : Enter the outward rejected cheque in the Inward Zone

Invoke the menu HICTM then select the function as "Add",Zone date as "current working date" and Zone as "MICR" as shown in the below figure 

Then click on GO then in the next screen enter the following details
  • Enter the account number _____________________ 
  • Enter the instrument no. ______________ 
  • Enter the amount ______________ 
Select the reject field as "O-Outward" and then click on the icon beside the reject field as shown in the below figure. 

Then in the next screen the system will ask the following details ,Select the reject reason code from the searcher as shown in the below.Make sure Outward rejection details are appearing if the details are not available it means that outward zone release to shadow balance is not done. 

Then click on Accept then finally click on OK. Repeat the same procedure for all the rejected cheques.
Thanks to

Cheque Book Inqury of SB Account (HCHBM)

HCHBM command stands Chequebook Maintenance. We can inquire check leaf with the help of this menu. We also check the chque leaf status. Some time cheque book is not issued in Sanchay Post and data migration is also transform without it. We have to inquire such account before any transaction with check leaf. The process of using this command is given below
Menu Shortcut - HCHBM
The following screen will be appeared.
A/c ID - SBCHQ Account


What are Generic Host For Win32 and Svchost.exe Error and how to confirm that your pc infected by this malicious?When your pc infected you will see couple of symptom like these: In time of surfing internet suddenly you will see your internet activities become hault but you are still connected through your network and network icon of taskbar is showing ok. As you can not surf, you try to disconnect your connection but network icon will not removed.Some time you will see different type of message like below:
1."Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
2."svchost.exe -- application error the instruction at "0x745f2780" reference memory at "0x00000000". the memory could not be 'read'"

Some error message will report you about faulting netapi32.dll and svchost.exe. or your pc has recoverd from a serious problem.
So these are the common symptom of this problem.
Now we discuss actually what is it

What Is An Generic Host Process For Win32 Services And Svchost.Exe?

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services or svchost.exe is a legal and essential component of Windows which is used to host services which run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). Multiple instances of Svchost.exe can run at the same time. So it is not a problem in most cases if you see five or six or even more copies of svchost.exe running in your services because they host different groups of DLLs. However, there are several known spyware anĂ¢ trojans that pretend to be legal svchost.exe. They usually have the same name or one of the following names: svchost.exe, svchosts.exe (which often causes svchosts.exe page faults), Generic.exe, svcchost.exe and several others. Please note that legal svchost.exe should reside in Windows\System32 folder and should not appear in startup list.

Now we will see how to remove this evil problem.

There are lots of easy way to remove this problem, I mentioned couple of them below:

Solution 1:

Follow these simple steps and your Windows will be fully cured of this malicious

Close Port 445:

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) by clicking Start menu, and then click the Run icon.
2. In the small box that Opens, type: regedit then click the OK button. The Registry Editor will now have opened.
3. Locate the following key in the registry:
In the right-hand side of the window find an option called TransportBindName.
Double click that value, and then delete the default value, thus giving it a blank value.

Close Port 135:

1. Then you must now navigate to the following registry key:
2. You will see there is a String Value called: EnableDCOM
Set the value to: N (it should currently be Y)
3. Close the Registry Editor. Shutdown and Restart your computer.

Now you will see your problem is solved.

Solution 2:

This is another way to fix Generic Host For Win32 Error in Windows:

1. 'Run' and open 'Regedit' and
Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Browser > Parameters
2.Find the Key
Name: IsDomainMaster
and set
Data: False
3.Restart Your PC

Solution 3:

1.Go to 'Run' and open 'cmd'
2.Type 'netsh' in command console then press enter
3.Then type 'winsock' and press enter and then type reset
4.Restart Your PC

These are some easy ways to solve Generic Host For Win32 Error and Svchost.exe Error without using any third party software or spyware removing tools.If you want to use any tool or software to remove Generic Host For Win32 and Svchost.exe Error you can us these free tools from some website

One of the useful tool regarding this issue is Windows Worms Doors Clener

Download Link:



In the ePayment web login of Divisional administrator go to the option 
Tools->Confirm Mo booking for unpaid parcel COD articles option. 
 From the list select the article number. It shows the list of articles for which payment has not been made to the biller. Check each article. If the article correctly delivered in office, select that article tick
option MO not booked. Now the ePayment will be re transmitted to the booking office from central server and biller will get payment.

If the office did not get the electronic data and sent MO, tick the option MO booked. Now it will be removed from list and biller will receive eMO and no need to re transmit ePayment data.

If you track this parcel CODs you will see only status as ePayment delivered. When the booking party gets the amount 2 rows will come here. ePayment delivered, and ePayment paid. After you update this confimation in web, party will get amount and after that when you track you will see ePayment paid.

Thanks to Rajesh CR System Administrator


Meghdoot Service Tax Updation By CEPT

Version : 7.9.3
Automatic calculation of service tax as per the revised rates for the following transactions.
  • Speed Post 
  • Express Parcel
  • New Pension Scheme
  • World Net Express
  • BNPL Parcel
  • PLI and RPLI (Accounts and Accounts PBS)
  • Biller Payments


  1. Download the attached Meghdoot Service Tax Updater Tool.
  2. Execute One by one to Update the Service tax from 12% to 14% with effect from 01.06.2015.


RBI nod to Post Bank of India expected by July this year : Ravi Shankar Prasad

Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad today said he expects Reserve Bank of India(RBI) to grant payment license to proposed Post Bank of India by July. He said the network of 1,54,000 post offices (including 1,30,000 rural post offices) equipped with payment bank facility will bring new revolution.

On proposed Post Bank of India for which permission is pending with Reserve Bank of India, Union Minister said, “by July August the payment bank license is ought to be given. We have 1,54,000 post office. With opening of payment bank there will be new financial revolution. We have 1.5 lakh service sectors involved. We want our 1.30 lakh rural post offices also to be covered under this network.”

Briefing about one year achievements of his department Prasad said, “In last one year 27,215 post offices are networked into one national unit through computers. Money transfer etc facilities are available through this network. 1,30,000 solar powered handheld bio-metric devices to be provided to rural post offices. ”

“In previous year there were 4 ATMs, in this year 115 ATMs are installed. Core banking solution availability is up from 236 to 2590 post offices in one year.”

“E-commerce cash on delivery revenue has been up from Rs 100 crore to Rs 500 crore in a year. Parcel revenues grew by 37% this year from 2% decline in previous year. 28 new parcel centers are established to boost e-commerce.”

“CAG report laid in parliament on May 2015 highlights that speed post service is better than private couriers. The survey was conducted in 8 states before this conclusion.”

PPF issue in DOP Finacle : DOP Finacle Solution


(i) Loans against PPF account closure. .

  • Calculation of interest upto closure date and deduction of the interest amount Invoke CPDTM menu to make Principal repayments
  • Select the tran type/sub type as P - Loan Principal Repayment
  • Enter the amount of loan principal to be repaid and click on submit and verify the same if the amount is above Rs.5,000/-.
  • Invoke the menu CLPR for calculation of interest
  • Invoke HACINT menu to calculate loan interest (CEPT IT Team to be contacted for this)
  • Invoke the menu CPDTM to make Interest repayments
a) Select the tran type/sub type
b)) Select the type as I - Loan Interest Repayment
v) Invoke the menu HCAAC to close the loan account

(ii) PPF Claim closure is not getting initiated in teller login with an error “this work class is not permitted”.

After updating date of death in CIF, closure menu, HCAAC should be invoked only by Supervisor. Same can be verified by another supervisor after system generated withdrawal tran ID is posted and verified. This activity should be performed by Hos only where there are more than one Supervisor. Therefore PPF claim closure is to be done at HO only.(kawal sir – cant this be done at LSG SOs/MDGs. Can this be verified by Postmaster login)

(iii) PPF bank transfer closure is not permitting in teller login.

PPF bank transfer out closure has to be initiated by supervisor and transfer proceedings should be credited to “0322 office account” with a proper closure reason code as Bank Transfer. This has to be verified by another supervisor. This option should be used by Hos only where there are more than one Supervisor. Therefore transfer of PPF account from post office to Bank can be done at HO only.

(iv) How to see balance in PPF Account at the time of deposit and withdrawal

Please see following screen shots where balance is shown in Deposit/Withdrawal menus after entering account number.
CPWTM - Withdrawal
CPDTM - Deposit

(v) What is the menu for extending PPF Account?

Menu for extending PPF Accounts – HCEXTN

(vi) What is the process of PPF Account Closure?

There is no need to make the balance as zero before closure in PPF accounts.
PPF Closure (without loan)
a) Counter PA has to invoke HCAAC menu for closure.
b) Interest for current financial year will be calculated and posted in the PPF account.
c) System generated transaction ID will be created.
d) Supervisor has to verify the account closure using HCAAC menu.
e) In some cases, when the supervisor tries to verify the account closure, if the Tran ID (generated in step 3) is in Entered state, then the error message ‘Pending verification exists for the account’ will be displayed.
f) Tran ID if not noted down in step 3, it has to be obtained from HFTI menu by selecting the transaction status ‘Entered’ (Tran ID generated against the PFF account number will be shown).
g) In Counter PA login, in HTM – Modify option, this Tran ID is to be posted.
h) In Supervisor login, in HTM, this Tran ID is to be verified.
i) After verification of the transaction, in HCAAC menu, the closure has to be verified.
PPF Closure (with loan)
a) Counter PA has to invoke loan repayment using CPDTM menu.
b) Supervisor has to verify the transaction in CPDTM menu.
c) CLPR menu (PROCESS) has to be invoked by Supervisor for processing loan account.
d) Then, HACINT is to be invoked by CEPT team (at present). On invoking this, the interest for loan account is calculated and posted in PPF loan account.
e) The loan interest has to be paid through CPDTM menu again, if the PPF account is not a matured account.
f) The loan interest has to be recovered through CPWTM menu, if the PPF account is a matured account.
g) Closure of loan account has to be invoked using HCAAC by counter PA.
h) Closure has to be verified by Supervisor using HCAAC menu.
i) For closing PPF account, the procedure for closure of PPF account without loan has to be followed.
(vii) What is procedure for PPF Account transfer to and from Bank?
PPF – Transfer Out (Bank)
a) Invoke HINTTM menu from Postmaster login for zeroing of interest for the current financial year.
b) In HINTTM, PPF account number to be entered; From date should be 01-04-YYYY; Interest table code should be ‘Zero’.
c) Verification has to be done by Supervisor.
d) Closure has to be invoked using HCAAC menu from PA login. Option ‘Transfer’ has to be selected and transfer account id should be Postmaster account (0340).
e) Closure reason should be selected as ‘Transfer to Bank’.
f) Closure has to be verified by Supervisor.

PPF – Transfer In (Bank)

a) Create CIF ID if already not available.
b) Use CPPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the CIF ID and select the option TRANSFER and enter the old account number.
c) Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date (31-03-YYYY).
d) Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account number.
e) The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked. 
f) The field 'Financial Year End Balance Identifier' should be selected as YES only for the last transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO. 
g) The fields 'Transaction Date' / 'Value Date' should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.
h) Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.
i) In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In 'Destination Directory' field, enter /dop
j) The message 'File uploaded successfully' will be displayed.
k) Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as it is available). The message 'Data uploaded successfully' will be displayed.
l) After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Verify' and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.
m) Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Process' and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id details will be displayed.
n) Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in CTINQ menu.
o) Before creating the text file, the date format of the system should be changed as mm/dd/yyyy.
(viii) When PPF Deposit made in wrong account number, what is the process to correct it?
Deposit made in wrong account number
· Invoke CPWTM menu in Counter PA login
· Add --- C/NP Cash Normal Payment --- N Normal Withdrawal
· Enter the Dr. account number (wrong account number)
· Enter the amount as in the Deposit transaction
· Enter the report code as "REVRS" & Submit
· Verify the transaction in Supervisor login
For making the deposit in the correct account number
· Invoke CPDTM menu in Counter PA login
· Add --- C/NR Cash Normal Receipt --- N Normal Contribution
· Enter the Cr. account number (correct PPF account number)
· Enter the correct amount & Submit
· Verify the transaction in Supervisor login
Deposit amount is wrong
· Invoke CPWTM menu in Counter PA login
· Add --- C/NP Cash Normal Payment --- N Normal Withdrawal
· Enter the Dr. account number (PPF account number)
· Enter the excess amount deposited
· Enter the report code as "REVRS" & Submit
· Verify the transaction in Supervisor login

(ix) How to handle PPF – Wrong account open date cases.

a) Invoke HINTTM menu from Postmaster login for zeroing of interest for the current financial year for the PPF account (with wrong open date)
b) Verification has to be done by Supervisor.
c) Use HCAAC menu to close the PPF account (wrong open date) in Counter PA login. Closure reason should be selected as Transfer to Bank. . Option ‘Transfer’ has to be selected and transfer account id should be Postmaster account (0340).
d) Closure has to be verified by Supervisor.
e) Use CPPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the CIF ID (linked with the closed PPF account) and select the option TRANSFER and enter the old account number in account opening screen.
f) Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date (31-03-YYYY).
g) Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account number.
h) The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked. 
i) The field 'Financial Year End Balance Identifier' should be selected as YES only for the last transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO. 
j) The fields 'Transaction Date' / 'Value Date' should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.
k) Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.
l) In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In 'Destination Directory' field, enter /dop
m) The message 'File uploaded successfully' will be displayed.
n) Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as it is available). The message 'Data uploaded successfully' will be displayed.
o) After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Verify' and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.
p) Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Process' and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id details will be displayed.
q) Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in CTINQ menu.
r) Before creating the text file, the date format of the system should be changed as mm/dd/yyyy.

Courtesy :