Thursday, 29 December 2011

Year End Review Deptt. of Information Technology

Year End Review of Achievements and Initiatives of Department of Information Technology
Draft National Policies on Electronics-2011 and Information Technology-2011 Released
Steps taken to Make India Hub for Electronic Hardware Manufacturing
Four New Mission mode Projects (MMPs) Added under NeGP
Electronic Delivery of Services Bill Introduced in Parliament
Draft National Policy on Electronics – 2011

The Draft National Policy on Electronics, 2011 (NPE 2011) was released on 3.10.2011. The draft Policy envisions creating a globally competitive Electronics Systems and Design Manufacturing (ESDM) industry including nano-electronics to meet the country's needs and serve the international market. One of the important objectives of the Policy is to achieve a turnover of about USD 400 Billion by 2020 involving investment of about USD 100 Billion and employment to around 28 million by 2020. This includes achieving a turnover of USD 55 Billion of chip design and embedded software industry and USD 80 Billion of exports in the sector. Another important objective of the Policy is to significantly upscale high-end human resource creation to 2500 PhDs annually by 2020. The Policy also proposes setting up of over 200 Electronic Manufacturing clusters in the country.

Draft National Policy on Information Technology, 2011

Draft National Policy on Information Technology, 2011 (NPIT 2011) wasreleased on 7.10.2011. The Policy aims to maximally leverage the power of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to help address economic and developmental challenges of the country. The focus of the IT policy is on deployment of ICT in all sectors of the economy and on providing IT solutions to the world. The Policy focuses on application of technology-enabled approaches to overcome developmental challenges in education, health, skill development, financial inclusion, employment generation, governance etc., to greatly enhance efficiency across the board in the economy. The Policy seeks to achieve the twin goals of bringing the full power of ICT within the reach of the whole of  India  and harnessing the capability and human resources of the whole of  India  to enable  India  to emerge as the Global Hub and Destination for IT-ITeS Services by 2020. It is rooted in the conviction that ICT has the power to transform  India  and improve the lives of all Indians.


Mission Mode Projects (MMP)- 4 New MMPs (Education, Health, PDS and Posts) have been added under NeGP taking the total number of MMPs under NeGP to Thirty One (31). Posts has been added as a  Central MMP  while the remaining three (3) MMPs (Education, Health and PDS) have been added as State MMPs.
A major initiative of the Government for ushering in e-Governance on national scale, called National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) was approved on 16thMay 2006. NeGP consists of Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and program support components which aim at creating the right governance and institutional mechanisms, core infrastructure, policies & standards and the necessary legal framework for adoption of e-Governance in the country. It is implemented at the Central, State and Local Government levels. Significant achievements in this area are as under:

Electronic Delivery of Services (EDS) Bill provisioning mandatory delivery of all public services in e-mode in next five years has been approved by the Union Cabinet on 20.12.2011 and introduced in Lok Sabha on 27.12.2011.

Common Service Centres As on 30th November, 2011, a total of 97,439 Common Service Centres (CSCs) have been rolled out in thirty three States and UTs. 100% CSCs have been rolled out in 13 States. A proposal to set up additional 1.5 lakh Bharat Nirman Common Service Centres so as to have one CSC in each Panchayat in whole of rural  India  has been prepared.
State Wide Area Networks - The State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) are already operational in 29 States.

State Data Centres - The State Data Centres have been made operational in 16 States.

e-District - e-District Pilot project has gone live in 12 States. Scheme for National Rollout of e-District MMP has been approved. Guidelines for National Rollout of e-District MMP has been finalized. 

Capacity  Building (CB) - Under the CB Scheme, State e-Mission Teams (SeMTs) have been setup in 32 States and UTs. Over 1000 Government officials have been trained under Specialized Training for e-Governance Programme (STeP). The first Chief Information Officer (CIO) training for officers of Central and State & UT officials has started on 7th November, 2011.

Standards – To ensure sharing of information and seamless interoperability of data and e-Governance applications, Policy on Open Standards, Biometric standards, Metadata and Data Standards, Localization and Language Technology standards, Network and Information Security, Digital Signature, Quality Assurance, Website Design Guidelines have been notified by DIT.

Mobile Governance - A Draft Policy on Mobile Governance has been formulated.

Awareness and Communication - 11 Workshops have been held across the country. The 14th National Conference was held in  February 2011.

Citizen Engagement and Social Media Framework - For wider and deeper participation and engagement with all stakeholders especially public at large, a Citizen Engagement Framework for e-Governance Projects has been developed.

Electronics Hardware Manufacturing (EHM)

The Government has attached high priority to electronics hardware manufacturing. It is keen to develop an ecosystem, which will make  India  a global destination for electronics system design and manufacturing. The significant achievements during the course of the year are as follows:

Setting up of Semiconductor Wafer Fabs: An Empowered Committee (EC) for identifying technology and investors for setting up Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication (Fab) Manufacturing facilities in the country was constituted.  The EC after interacting with the potential investors will crystallize the nature and quantum of Government support in physical/financial terms and recommend to the Government the course of action to attract investments in the sector.

Roadmap for promoting growth of semiconductor design and services industry: India Semiconductor Association (ISA) has carried out a “Study on semiconductor design, embedded software and services industry” with the support of Department of Information Technology (DIT). The report covers Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design, Embedded software design and Hardware/board design. A roadmap has been prepared to enable semiconductor design and services industry to move up the value chain and maintain growth rate of revenue of over 17% p.a.

Roadmap for promoting growth of electronic components industry:Electronic Industries Association of India (ELCINA) has carried out a Study entitled “ELCOMOS - Electronic Components, Hardware Market and Manufacturing Output Study including related Assemblies and Value Chain in India” with DIT’s support. A roadmap has been prepared for promoting growth of electronic components industry.

Communications and  Brand   Building  Campaign for promotion of ESDM sector in  IndiaThe Campaign has been launched with the objective to build “Made in  India ” as leading global brand in ESDM and increasing awareness regarding initiatives taken by Government to promote investments in ESDM sector.

Mandatory compliance of safety standards for electronic items: A draft Order in respect of safety standards for 16 selected electronic items has been prepared and consultations are underway with the Department of Consumer Affairs and Bureau of Indian Standards to notify mandatory compliance. 

National Informatics Centre (NIC)

National Informatics Centre (NIC) is the premier S&T organization under the aegis of the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and IT. It is the principal e-Governance solution provider. During last one year, it has implemented several e-Governance applications and services in addition to strengthening the computing and data communication infrastructure in the country. Notable achievements of the year are:

Augmentation of NICNETDuring last one year, NIC has established three National Data Centres in the country to support large e-Governance applications.  NIC is also facilitating the hosting of more than 7000 websites/portals of various Government Departments.

e-ProcurementGePNIC is developed as a generic e-Procurement System by which manual tendering activity is carried out in a secure environment. GePNIC has been implemented in 13 State and UTs 35,146 tenders worth over Rs 45,218.10 Crores, have been processed successfully during current financial year till 30th Nov 2011. Department of Commerce has decided adoption of NIC’s e-Procurement System in Government departments of 23 states as a part of MMP on e-Procurement.

e-CourtIt is a project of great importance aimed at creating ICT infrastructure for various levels of judiciary from Supreme Courts to sub-district courts, resulting in improved level of disposal of cases at various levels. The ICT infrastructure has been set up in more than 450 court complexes during the current financial year.

e-Counseling for admissions to professional coursese-Counseling System of NIC has helped crores of students in the admission process for various professional and technical courses of more than 20 State Boards of Technical Education resulting in considerable saving of time and money on the part of admission aspirants as well as the State boards.

e-Officee-Office enables working in the Government leading to greater transparency and efficiency. This application has been implemented in more than dozen Central Government departments and some of the State Govt. Secretariat ushering into an electronic age of management of Government files.

MGNREGASoft: This application is a centrally hosted service being used by the Department of Rural Development, Government of India and various State Governments in the management of the whole work flow of the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act right from registration to finalization of wages of workers of one of the largest social sector schemes in the world.

National Knowledge Network (NKN)
The Government’s decision to set up National Knowledge Network was announced in the Budget Speech of Union Budget for 2008-09. In March 2010 the Government approved the establishment of the National Knowledge Network (NKN) over a period of 10 years. The objective of the National Knowledge Network is to interconnect institutions of higher learning with a high speed data communication network. Network will consist of an ultra-high speed Core (multiples of 10Gbps and upwards), and over 1500 nodes. It is scalable to higher speed and more nodes also. The Core shall be complemented with a distribution layer at appropriate speeds. The participating institutions can directly or through distribution layer connect to the NKN at speeds of 100 Mbps /1 Gbps. The application areas envisaged under the NKN cover: Agriculture, Education, Health, e-governance, Grid Computing (High Performance Computing). As on 30th November, 2011, a total of 450 Institutions are connected to NKN, and 43 virtual classrooms have been setup.


                Department of Information Technology (DIT) started Nanotechnology Development Programme during the 10th Plan with the objective to create infrastructure for research in nanoelectronics and nanometrology at the national level and also to fund small and medium level research projects in specific areas such as nanomaterials, nanodevices, Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT), nanosystems etc. Two major nanoelectronics centres  have been set up in the country. These centres have become Centres of Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN) and are being recognized nationally and internationally and attracting young talent. The facilities of these centres are being made available to all other users in the country as well as abroad through Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme (INUP) funded by DIT. More than 110 R&D projects from more than 100 external organizations across the country have been taken up so far under INUP. About 1150 manpower from more than 350 organizations across  India  have been trained through INUP.

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