Provision for protection of women as kept in CCS
Conduct Rules,1964
Rule 3.3(c) of the Central Civil services (Conduct) Rules 1964 explicitly prohibits acts of sexual harassment of any women women at her work place. For this purpose, "Sexual harassment" includes such unwelcome sexually determined behavior, whether directly of indirectly or otherwise,as (a) physical contact and advances, (b) demand or request for sexual favours, (c) Sexually coloured remarks, (d) showing any pornography or (e) any other unwelcome physical,verbal or non verbal conduct of a sexual nature
Rule 13-A of the said rules says, no Govt servant shall:-
(i) Give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry
(ii) Demand directly or indirectly, from the parent or guardian of a bibe or bridegroom, as
the case may be, any dowry
Relaxation for appointment
widows, divorced women and woman judicially separated from their husband and who are not remarried are allowed age concession up to the age of 35 years (40 years for member of SC/ST) for posts of Group 'C' & 'D' filled through SSC/Employment exchange (O.M) No 15012/6/98-Esst(D), dated 21.12.1998)
Maternity Benefits
A female Government employees with less than two surviving children is granted maternity leave for 180 days. In continuation of maternity leave, a female govt servant can also take any leave due and admissible for a period of two years. In case of miscarriage including abortion, the female employee is entitled to leave not exceeding 45 days* during entire service.
Child Care leave
The women employees having minor children and who have exhausted earned leave are granted child care leave (admissible in different spells) for a maximum period of two years (i.e 730days) during their entire services for taking care of up to two children, whether for rearing or to lok after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc In continuation of the child care leave, a female govt servant can also take any leave due and admissible for a period of one year.
Child Adoption Leave
A female Govt employee with less than two surviving children is granted on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year Child Adoption leave for a period of 180 days. In continuation of Child Adoption leave a female Govt servant can also take any leave due and admissible for a period one year
Special allowance to women with disability
Women employees with disablties are paid Rs 1000 per month as special allowance for child care.the allowance is payable from the time of the child birth till the child is two years old for a maximum of two children
Posting of Husband and wife at the same station
The Govt of India has issued detailed instructions to its offices to ensure the posting of the husband and wife at the same station so as to enable them to lead a normal family life and to ensure the education and welfare of their children
To facilitate posting of couple in the same station, it has been approved that in case of a women officer, whose husband is posted under the Govt of India, the "cooling off" period may waived up to six months so that she may get a posting at the station where husband is posted.
* For
the Women employees having disabbled children, the child care leave is
admissible upto age of 22 yeatrs
** Women employees are fully exempted from the
payment of fees for attendeing any examin ation /test/interview
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