Provision of computer at the residence of officers of the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent and above-reg.
No. 7(4)/E. Coord/2011
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi dated 10th January, 2012
Subject: – Provision of computer at the residence of officers of the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent and above-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer
to this Department’s OM Nos. 7(4)/E.Coord./99 dated 1st August, 2000,
dated 4th March, 2002 and 29th July, 2004 on the above subject. Keeping
in view the advancement and rapid obsolescence in the configuration of
desktop computers, it has been decided, in consultation with D/o
Information Technology, that subject to the minimum configuration as in
the Annexure to this OM, Ministries/Departments may decide on the
configuration (hardware and software) of desktop computers to be
provided to officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above
themselves. The overall cost ceiling will however remain unchanged at
Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. One lakh only) per piece (hardware and software
2. Officers who are entitled and
avail of the facility of the computers and peripherals indicated above
should pay an amount of Rs. 300/- per month from the date the computers
are installed.
3. Payment for
broadband connectivity will be regulated as per this Department’s OM No.
7(140/C&V/2006 dated 14th November, 2006 regarding reimbursement of
telephone charges.
On handing over the charge of the post; the officer may be given the
option to retain the computer on payment of book value. For the purpose
of calculation of book value a depreciation of 15% per year may be
adopted. Thus, an officer who has had a term of five years will be
required to pay 25% of original cost of the computer at the time of
handing over charge at the end of the term deducting depreciation of 75%
5. The Computer and its
peripherals will remain Government Property. The Officer will personally
be responsible for the safety and security of the computer. In case of
loss, the loss will be recovered from the officer based on the book
value of the computer after allowing for depreciation of 15% per annum
as stated at para 4 above. The officer concerned will be at liberty to
have the computer insured at his personal cost.
(Saheli Ghosh Roy)
Director (E. Coord)
Director (E. Coord)
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