Saturday, 31 March 2012

Refresh Rulings ( Published on 31/03/2012)

1.      What are the allowances exempted from attachment of salary? 

Ø  (i) All kinds of travelling allowances.

(ii)   All kinds of conveyance allowances.

(iii)    All allowances to meet the cost of uniform/rations.

(iv)     Compensatory Allowances for higher cost of living in expensive localities/hill stations.

(v)       All house rent allowances.

(vi)     Dearness allowance or other allowances to provide relief from increased cost of living

(vii)   Children Education Allowance described in any manner.

(viii) All reimbursement of medical expenses.

(ix)     Dearness pay if any.

The above allowances are exempted from court attachment.         (Rule 74 of CGA (R&P) Rules 1983)


2.      Where more than one penalties of withholding increments are imposed against an official at the same time, how it can be given effect to?

Ø  In such cases, one after the other, the first penalty order is given effect for the period specified in the order. Thereafter, the increment due to the employee will be allowed and then next penalty order will be implemented from the date of next increment due to him; and so on for third and subsequent penalties.

(DG P&T No. 230/308/75-Disc II dt. 03.05.76)

1.     Allowances & Quarters


3.      As per the Sixth CPC, whenever DA goes up to 50%, the special allowances shall be increased by 25%. Whether  HRA, Transport Allowance etc will cover under these orders w.e.f 01.01.2011 since the DA is expected to reach 51%

Ø  No. In respect HRA, Transport Allowance etc, there will be no revision.

In respect of the following allowances, there will be increase by 25%.

(i)        Daily allowance on Tour, mileage Allowance, transportation of Personal effects etc.

(ii)      Special compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance.

(iii)    Special compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance.

(iv)     Split Duty Allowances to Central Secretariat & allied offices.

(v)       Bad climate Allowance.

(vi)     Project Allowance.

(vii)   Scheduled/Tribal Area Allowance.

(viii) Cycle Maintenance Allowance

(ix)     Conveyance Allowance.

(x)       Washing Allowance.

(xi)     Special Allowance for disabled women employees.

(xii)   Cash handling allowance to cashiers/Treasurers.

(xiii) Children Education Assistance & RTF.

(xiv) Advance for purchase of Bicycle, warm clothing, Festival & Natural Calamity Advance.


4.      Whether an official who is on long leave is entitled for drawal of HRA? If so up to what extent?

Ø  On medical leave, HRA is allowed for 8 months. Beyond that, it can be allowed by the controlling authorities. For other kinds of leave, HRA is allowed up to 180 days without any certificate. On furnishing required certificate, it may be drawn for remaining periods.

(MOF OM No. 11020/19/90-EII (B) dt. 05.02.1991)


5.      Whether the official placed under suspension is entitled for drawal of HRA?

Ø  Yes. As per MOF OM NO. F 2(37) EII (B)/by dt. 27.01.1965, HRA shall be drawn to the officials placed under suspension at the rate it was drawn before suspension.

Thanks to
Circle Secretary,
AIPEUP3, TN Circle

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