Saturday, 14 April 2012

60 Synonyms for “Trip”

1. Adventure: a trip involving some risk
2. Boat trip: see cruise
3. Business trip: a trip to another location for the purpose of conducting business
4. Campaign: a trip involving stopping at more than one destination to achieve a larger goal; originally, referred to a military enterprise of this nature
5. Circuit: a trip undertaken regularly as part of an official schedule
6. Commutation: see commuting
7. Commute: a regular trip taken back and forth, especially from home to work and back
8. Crossing: a trip, generally over a large body of water or through challenging terrain
9. Cruise: a trip conducted on a vessel on one or more bodies of water
10. Drive: a trip taken in a motor vehicle, often for the purpose of enjoying scenery and/or traveling to a place for enjoyment
11. Entrada: see expedition
12. Errand: a usually short trip to conduct business for oneself or another; earlier, meant a diplomatic mission
13. Excursion: a short trip taken for pleasure; also can mean a deviation from a planned or expected course; see also expedition
14. Expedition: a trip conducted for a specific reason, such as exploration or scientific discovery or to achieve a military objective; also, a jocular way to refer to a meticulously planned personal, family, or group trip (can also refer to those undertaking the trip, and, as the noun form of expedite, means “speed”)
15. Field trip: an officially organized trip undertaken by students or a group for educational purposes
16. Flight: a trip undertaken by air
17. Foray: a trip, perhaps one taken outside expected parameters; also, an attack or invasion
18. Grand tour: an extended trip often for educational purposes; also, a traditional extended trip around Europe as part of a British gentleman’s education and personal development
19. Hajj: a required trip to Mecca undertaken by Moslems (see pilgrimage); also, generically refers to a secular trip
20. Hike: a walk, often in the wilderness or an area set aside for outdoor activities, taken for enjoyment and/or exercise
21. Hop: a short trip, especially by air
22. Jaunt: a pleasure trip; originally referred to an exhausting trip
23. Journey: a trip; originally referred to a day’s travel (ultimately from the Latin term diurnus, “day”)
24. Junket: an official trip made at someone else’s expense, often with limited justification
25. Long haul: an extended trip
26. Migration: a trip to another location, either to settle or, for animals, to avoid a period of adverse weather conditions
27. Mission: a trip undertaken for a strategic objective
28. Odyssey: a long, arduous trip involving perils and/or resulting in enlightenment
29. Outing: a short pleasure trip, especially to enjoy the outdoors; also an athletic performance or event, an appearance or performance by a writer or performing arts, or the identification by others of a public figure who had been concealing their homosexuality
30. Overnight: a trip involving participants staying at the destination until the next day
31. Passage: a trip usually by air or sea; also, accommodations during such a trip
32. Perambulation: a trip on foot
33. Peregrination: a trip, generally on foot
34. Pleasure trip: a trip taken for enjoyment rather than for a practical purpose
35. Pilgrimage: a journey to a sacred place or to a location that has significant personal meaning
36. Procession: a trip, often involving multiple travelers and complicated preparations, often of an official or ceremonial nature
37. Progress: see circuit, expedition, and procession
38. Quest: a trip with the objective of finding something or making a significant literal or figurative discovery
39. Ramble: an aimless or loosely organized trip
40. Ride: see drive; also, a similar trip on another type of vehicle or mounted on an animal
41. Road trip: a self-organized trip involving extensive travel in a motor vehicle
42. Round trip: a trip that culminates in a return to the starting point
43. Safari: from a Swahili word for “journey,” taken from Arabic; connotes a hunting trip, especially in Africa, though in many present-day safaris, the shooting is done with cameras, not guns
 Sail : a trip on a sailboat or sailing ship
45. Shlep: an arduous trip; also means “a loser,” and as a verb means “to carry or drag”
46. Slog: see shlep
47. Spin: see drive
48. Survey: a trip undertaken to observe phenomena and/or record data
49. Tour: a trip involving stops at multiple destinations, often organized by a company or organization for paying participants; see also “grand tour”
50. Tramp: a walking trip; also used in the phrase “tramp steamer” to denote a freelance cargo ship
51. Transit: see crossing
52. Travel: generally used in plural form to describe one’s experiences going on trips
53. Traverse: see crossing
54. Trek: to take a trip or migrate, with a connotation of length and difficulty
55. Vacation: a trip taken for leisure as a respite from work or from normal life in general
56. Venture: see adventure
57. Visit: a trip undertaken to spend time with friends or family
58. Voyage: originally, any long trip, but now confined to those over a large body of water
59. Walkabout: a migratory trip in Australia
60. Weekend: a trip away from the usual environment between one workweek and the next

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