BRANCH POST OFFICE INSPECTION QUESTIONNAIREINTRODUCTION :Visited.................... GDSBO in account with.................... SO under................. HO. at................... AM/PM on................................ and stayed there upto.................AM/PM for carrying out its annual Inspection. The last inspection was carried out by Shri ............................................on.................... During the period, Shri ............................worked as the BPM. Shri ................................................. is a regular appointed BPM and he has furnished requisite security and is having adequate solvency.
The sanctioned establishment of the BO with the names of the incumbents holding posts is as follows:
1. Sl. No.
2. Designation
3. Rate of allowance
4. Name of incumbent
5. Date of Birth
6. Date of appointment.
1. (i) Verify cash and stamp balances and the stock of money order forms and record the results in the BO account, and also obtain the signature of the BPM concerned below the result noted.
(ii) Are the authorised balances adequate with reference to Savings Bank withdrawals, Money Order payments etc.
(Rule 13 & 13b)
2. (i) Check the balances of BO account for one day selected at random, bi-monthly, since the last inspection by comparison with the balances including postage due on unpaid articles noted by the Account Office on BO slips and see whether the entries against heads (a) and (b) of the BO slips have been correctly transferred to the BO Account. If any alterations have been made in the balances noted by the Account Office in the BO slips, satisfy yourself that the corrections made are genuine.
(Rule 133 & 136)
(ii) Check the last acknowledged BO balance by the Account Office and verify the subsequent transactions of the BO to satisfy that the cash balance arrived at is correct.
3. Examine the BO Account since the last inspection to see that the BPM has not unnecessarily retained excess cash. Examine whether the arrangements for exchange of cash with the Account Office are satisfactory and record instances of delay in payment of Money Orders, Savings Bank withdrawals etc. for want of funds.
(Rule 136 (2))
4. Check the BO receipt (MS-87)(a). See whether necessary certificate of having checked the blank receipt book (MS-87)(a) has been endorsed by Account office. Check BO receipts (MS-87)(a) issued since last inspection. Mention No. of receipts issued. Satisfy yourself that unused receipts are intact. Mention receipts issued till date of inspection for verification of Account Office.
(Rule 22)
5. (i) The inspecting authority should also check for one day in each quarter whether MOs received for payment and VP articles received for delivery are paid/delivered promptly and check whether demurrage fees are being charged when required and relevant particulars have been noted in BO journal against the VP article concerned.
(ii) To check whether MOs received for payment are paid promptly.
(iii) To check the articles which are in deposit to see that these are in good condition and have not been unduly withheld.
(Rule 123)
6. Review the hours of business of the BO, hours of receipt, despatch of mails and hours of delivery, keeping in view mode of transport, distance from Account Office and workload of the BO.
(Rule 5)
7. (i) Apart from the office letter box, how many letter boxes are attached to the BO (a) in the BO villages (b) in the attached villages, State whether the LBs have been painted and are in good condition. Are the outside letter boxes provided with moveable hour plates ?
(ii) Are they cleared punctually and are the timings of clearance suitable.
(iii) See whether mails cleared from LBs and those received missent are properly included in the despatch of the day. If it is not so, please revise the duties of the BPM. GDSMD / MC to ensure the despatch of mails on the same day. Similarly, in the case of despatch of mails through GDSMC, action should be taken to ensure the despatch of the day’s mails on the same day.
(Rule 59 with notes 1 to 7)
8. (i) (a) Examine the contents of BO bag received on the day of inspection and comment on articles (MO/RL/Ordinary letters) received in the BO bag with transit norms D+1, D+2, D+3, D+4
investigate cause of delay, if any and suggest improvement in mail arrangements.
(b) Compare traffic with latest enumeration returns.
(c) Also mention designation of officers to whom test letters have been posted.
(Rule 125)
(ii) Are the registered and unregistered articles posted in the BO meant for delivery through the BO being disposed of without routing them through the AO (No. of such registered articles should be entered in BO daily account)
9. (i) Examine BO journal and see that the same is maintained as per prescribed procedure and the articles are made to delivery agents properly in accordance with prescribed procedure.
(ii) See that delivery agents have been authorised to carry stamps / stationery for public use. Also check the postman book (MS-27) and visit book (MS-87) of GDSMD to see that the same are correctly maintained.
(Rules 16, 103, 106 & 123)
10. (a) Examine the Daily account and other contents of the BO bag made ready for despatch. Are the articles properly stamped before their inclusion in the bag ? Is the cash bag locked / sealed / and weighed properly and weight noted on the relevant records ?
(Rule 129)
(b) Whether any change is required in the accounts / delivery jurisdiction of the BO.
11. Check all the preliminary receipts, SB-26 and NC-4(a) issued since the last inspection and comment whether the amount of cash receipt has been credited, the original receipts with proper acquittance on their reverse are kept pasted with office copies in respect of SB-26 receipts and all the unused receipts are intact and run in consecutive order. See that the reasons for any receipt SB-26 for which the original is not available or not obtained and kept on record is explained to your satisfaction. Also ensure that PR Book i.e. SB-26, and NC-4(a) receipt books are in triplicate.
12. (i) See that the separate specimen signature books for the various types of savings accounts viz. SB A/c, RD, TD and MSY have been properly maintained and action taken to secure the wanting specimen signatures. Also see that the thumb impressions in case of illiterate depositors have been kept duly attested by a resident witness above the attestation made by the BPM. Test check a few cases of closed/transferred accounts to see that the specimen signatures of respective accounts have been properly cancelled.
(ii) See that the separate journals of SB/RD/TD/ and MSY and other types of accounts are properly maintained.
13. Examine all the depositors receipts (SB-28) issued since last inspection and verify that the original acknowledgements for pass books are obtained and kept on record. In case of non availability of any original receipt see that reasons are explained to your satisfaction. Also satisfy yourself that only prescribed SB-28 depositor’s receipts are issued.
14. Select at random one day in each quarter since the last inspection and check whether the totals of deposits and withdrawals have been correctly struck in the Savings Bank Journal and the same tally with the corresponding entries in the BO Account and the daily balance of those dates acknowledged by the Account Office in the Corresponding BO slips tally (Note:- These checks should be carried out for all types of accounts viz. SB/TD/RD etc. Mention the dates selected for the checks)
15. Check the undelivered Pass Books in deposit in the BO and satisfy yourself that they have not been unnecessarily detained. Verify these balances with those shown in the relevant BO Savings account Journal, Depositors of two such pass books should be contacted personally by the inspecting authority and to ascertain the reasons for detentions and also for verifying the balance. Also make efforts during the period of your stay to have these pass books delivered to the depositors. Also educate the BPM that no pass book should be retained in the post office after transaction.
16. (A) Select four accounts from the list of pass books not sent for entry of interest (not already verified) and four other Savings Bank Pass Books in which heavy deposits / withdrawals have taken place with reference to BO Savings Bank Journal. Collect related pass books and compare their balances with those in the list / BO Savings Bank journal. Similarly, verify the balances of two pass books in each category of RD/TD/MSY and get the balances of TD/MSY accounts verified from the Head Office and RD accounts from Accounts Office. Issue notices in form SB-46 to the depositors of accounts whose pass books could not be collected and report particulars to HO for enabling it to watch their receipt in HO. Similar checks may be carried out in respect of two RD discountinued accounts also in addition. (Note :- If the ‘list of pass books not received for entry of Interest’ has not been received from the HO, the selection grade/Gazetted Sub Post Offices bring the fact to the notice of the Divisional Supdt. for appropriate action).
(B) Check whether the BPM has collected the SB pass books not presented for transaction by 30th June of the year and sent the same to the HO with a list in duplicate by 15th July for entry of
interest. If not direct the BPM to do so immediately.
17. (A) Check whether the commission paid to the BPM on the net SB deposits and TD deposits were correctly calculated and paid.
(B) In case the BO has been authorised to transact certificate business, then:
a) Check the application for purchase of NSC VIII th issue and KVPs in r/o the certificates purchased since the last inspection to see that the amount has been invested by those only authorised to do so under the respective scheme and see that the amounts invested have been correctly accounted for in the BO account.
b) Check the amount paid in respect of certificates (Including NSC VIIIth issue and KVPs) discharged since last inspection to see that the amount paid tallies with the amount payable as per laid down provisions of the relevant schemes and tallies with the amount charged in the Branch office account.
c) See that the applications for purchase of PO certificates i.e. NSC VIIIth issue and KVPs are serially numbered and securely kept in guard file. Satisfy yourself about the stock of the certificates before referring to the HO for verification.
d) Does the Branch Postmaster know about all the current savigns schemes i.e. Savings Bank accounts, RD, TD, MIS, and MSY besides NSC VIII th issue and KVPs schemes in case authorised to transact certificate business independently.
18. In case BO is authorised to make pension payments, check whether records are maintained properly and also test check one day’s figures for each quarter selected at random since the date of last inspection to see that amount has been properly credited/charged in the BO account.
18.1 Check whether the BPM has properly maintained the prescribed Rural PLI transaction register showing policy number, name of insurant, amount of premium, month for which premium is due and amount of fine, if any etc. (Dte. of PLI letter No. 5-10 / 95-II dated 5.2.96)
18.2 Check the entries in at least five premium receipt books (collected from the insurants) with reference to RPLI register, receipt book and BO account to ensure that amount of premium collected has correctly been accounted for by the BPM. Record the particulars of PLI premium receipt books checked in the inspection Report. In case of non-availability of Premium Receipt book to the extent, issue notices to the Insurants w.r.t entries in RPLI register to confirm the correctness of RPLI premia credited. Receipt of reply of notices from insurant may be watched by Divisional Office.
18.3 Compare the entries of PLI premium collections in the receipt book (PLI-2) or MS-87 (a) since last inspection with entries in register of Rural PLI collections and BO account and ensure that premia collected have been duly accounted for into Govt. accounts. Send particulars of receipts issued since last inspection to the Accounts Office for verification.
18.3.1 Ensure that all GDS including GDSBPMS are using the same receipt book.
18.4 Check whether the GDS BPM is well conversant with RPLI rulings/instructions and takes keen interest in the business procurement.
18.4.1 Examine the acceptance / rejection memo sent by the PLI Section of the Circle Office / Regional Office and see that the memo is available against the premia collected upto month preceding the month of inspection. A list of such cases in which memos of acceptance or rejection is not available may be got prepared and sent to Circle Office / RO for verification.
18.5 Examine whether the BPM and the other agent have been paid commission correctly and in proportion to the amount of business and premia collected.
18.6 See the nature of publicity given by the BPM to PLI. Also see if RPLI posters have been displayed in the post office.
19. Check the PCO / Telegraph receipt book (MR-49-A) for one day in each quarter since the last inspection and satisfy yourself that (i) these are maintained properly (ii) double sided carbon is used and (iii) credits are duly accounted for.
20. Are the records of Telegraph Branch viz. Receipt Book, Traffic Book, Log Book, Message Drafts (A, B & C) maintained properly and message drafts punctually submitted to Accounts Office ? Are the monthly abstracts of daily cash collections of telegraph message revenue maintained in MR-50 in duplicate and submitted to the Accounts Office as per schedule.
21. (a) Take action to report to Telecom. Authorities if the office is not functioning properly due to poor maintenance of line.
(b) Is the stock of Telegraph / Telephone forms adequate ?
22. Assess the workload of the posts borne on the BO establishment and examine feasibility of combining duties of the GDSs for effecting economy without impairing efficiency. In case the GDS BPM’s workload is heavy, examine whether upgradation of the BO is justified.
23. Check whether visits of Mail Overseer to the BO are regular., note the dates of last four visits. Has he checked / verified accounts / other transactions as prescribed for him and has he noted the results of such checks in the order book of the BO ?
24. (a) Carry out physical verification of items of stock with reference to the Stock Register.
(b) Assess the requirement of articles of stock, stationery and forms and take immediate action for supplying of the same.
25. (a) Check whether the following registers / books / records are maintained correctly and written neatly according to the prescribed procedure (i) Village Sorting List (ii) Route List and Beat Map (iii) Book of Postmarks (iv) Error Book.
(b) Take action to weed out old records and arrange to dispose them off along with unserviceable / surplus articles of stock
(c) (1) (i) Is there a complaint and suggestion book available ? Is it being given to the public on demand ?
(ii) Whether suggestions/complaints are being forwarded to Customer Care Centre of the Division.
(iii) Number of complaints received from the public and their disposal/redressal.
2. Whether date of payment of money orders are intimated to Account Office and date of delivery of regd. letter are promptly noted in book of B.O. Journal.
3. Acknowledgements of MO/RL are being returned back.
4. Comments of Inspecting Authorities on attitude of GDSBPM towards public grievances.
26. Check whether the following are displayed for information of the public
(i) Post Office Board (ii) Indication Board for PCO / Telegraph facility (iii) Notice of Hours of Business.
27. Is there any para of previous Inspection Report pending for compliance? If so, get the same completed by the BPM in your presence and record it in the Inspection Report.
28. Sum up your assessment regarding work and conduct of the BPM in particular and other staff in general and instruct the BPM to take action on specific relevant points which come to the notice of the inspecting authority during the inspection of the BO. Instruct the BPM about the action to be taken by him.
1. (a) Whether all Name plates / Notice Boards etc. are bilingual ?
(b) Whether all the Name plates and Rubber stamps used are in accordance of the rules ?
(In rubber stamps letters in Hindi should have a point size greater than 2 as compared to the English letters).
2. How many forms are being used in the office ? Are they bilingual ?
3. Any special work done in the office regarding Hindi :
The sanctioned establishment of the BO with the names of the incumbents holding posts is as follows:
1. Sl. No.
2. Designation
3. Rate of allowance
4. Name of incumbent
5. Date of Birth
6. Date of appointment.
1. (i) Verify cash and stamp balances and the stock of money order forms and record the results in the BO account, and also obtain the signature of the BPM concerned below the result noted.
(ii) Are the authorised balances adequate with reference to Savings Bank withdrawals, Money Order payments etc.
(Rule 13 & 13b)
2. (i) Check the balances of BO account for one day selected at random, bi-monthly, since the last inspection by comparison with the balances including postage due on unpaid articles noted by the Account Office on BO slips and see whether the entries against heads (a) and (b) of the BO slips have been correctly transferred to the BO Account. If any alterations have been made in the balances noted by the Account Office in the BO slips, satisfy yourself that the corrections made are genuine.
(Rule 133 & 136)
(ii) Check the last acknowledged BO balance by the Account Office and verify the subsequent transactions of the BO to satisfy that the cash balance arrived at is correct.
3. Examine the BO Account since the last inspection to see that the BPM has not unnecessarily retained excess cash. Examine whether the arrangements for exchange of cash with the Account Office are satisfactory and record instances of delay in payment of Money Orders, Savings Bank withdrawals etc. for want of funds.
(Rule 136 (2))
4. Check the BO receipt (MS-87)(a). See whether necessary certificate of having checked the blank receipt book (MS-87)(a) has been endorsed by Account office. Check BO receipts (MS-87)(a) issued since last inspection. Mention No. of receipts issued. Satisfy yourself that unused receipts are intact. Mention receipts issued till date of inspection for verification of Account Office.
(Rule 22)
5. (i) The inspecting authority should also check for one day in each quarter whether MOs received for payment and VP articles received for delivery are paid/delivered promptly and check whether demurrage fees are being charged when required and relevant particulars have been noted in BO journal against the VP article concerned.
(ii) To check whether MOs received for payment are paid promptly.
(iii) To check the articles which are in deposit to see that these are in good condition and have not been unduly withheld.
(Rule 123)
6. Review the hours of business of the BO, hours of receipt, despatch of mails and hours of delivery, keeping in view mode of transport, distance from Account Office and workload of the BO.
(Rule 5)
7. (i) Apart from the office letter box, how many letter boxes are attached to the BO (a) in the BO villages (b) in the attached villages, State whether the LBs have been painted and are in good condition. Are the outside letter boxes provided with moveable hour plates ?
(ii) Are they cleared punctually and are the timings of clearance suitable.
(iii) See whether mails cleared from LBs and those received missent are properly included in the despatch of the day. If it is not so, please revise the duties of the BPM. GDSMD / MC to ensure the despatch of mails on the same day. Similarly, in the case of despatch of mails through GDSMC, action should be taken to ensure the despatch of the day’s mails on the same day.
(Rule 59 with notes 1 to 7)
8. (i) (a) Examine the contents of BO bag received on the day of inspection and comment on articles (MO/RL/Ordinary letters) received in the BO bag with transit norms D+1, D+2, D+3, D+4
investigate cause of delay, if any and suggest improvement in mail arrangements.
(b) Compare traffic with latest enumeration returns.
(c) Also mention designation of officers to whom test letters have been posted.
(Rule 125)
(ii) Are the registered and unregistered articles posted in the BO meant for delivery through the BO being disposed of without routing them through the AO (No. of such registered articles should be entered in BO daily account)
9. (i) Examine BO journal and see that the same is maintained as per prescribed procedure and the articles are made to delivery agents properly in accordance with prescribed procedure.
(ii) See that delivery agents have been authorised to carry stamps / stationery for public use. Also check the postman book (MS-27) and visit book (MS-87) of GDSMD to see that the same are correctly maintained.
(Rules 16, 103, 106 & 123)
10. (a) Examine the Daily account and other contents of the BO bag made ready for despatch. Are the articles properly stamped before their inclusion in the bag ? Is the cash bag locked / sealed / and weighed properly and weight noted on the relevant records ?
(Rule 129)
(b) Whether any change is required in the accounts / delivery jurisdiction of the BO.
11. Check all the preliminary receipts, SB-26 and NC-4(a) issued since the last inspection and comment whether the amount of cash receipt has been credited, the original receipts with proper acquittance on their reverse are kept pasted with office copies in respect of SB-26 receipts and all the unused receipts are intact and run in consecutive order. See that the reasons for any receipt SB-26 for which the original is not available or not obtained and kept on record is explained to your satisfaction. Also ensure that PR Book i.e. SB-26, and NC-4(a) receipt books are in triplicate.
12. (i) See that the separate specimen signature books for the various types of savings accounts viz. SB A/c, RD, TD and MSY have been properly maintained and action taken to secure the wanting specimen signatures. Also see that the thumb impressions in case of illiterate depositors have been kept duly attested by a resident witness above the attestation made by the BPM. Test check a few cases of closed/transferred accounts to see that the specimen signatures of respective accounts have been properly cancelled.
(ii) See that the separate journals of SB/RD/TD/ and MSY and other types of accounts are properly maintained.
13. Examine all the depositors receipts (SB-28) issued since last inspection and verify that the original acknowledgements for pass books are obtained and kept on record. In case of non availability of any original receipt see that reasons are explained to your satisfaction. Also satisfy yourself that only prescribed SB-28 depositor’s receipts are issued.
14. Select at random one day in each quarter since the last inspection and check whether the totals of deposits and withdrawals have been correctly struck in the Savings Bank Journal and the same tally with the corresponding entries in the BO Account and the daily balance of those dates acknowledged by the Account Office in the Corresponding BO slips tally (Note:- These checks should be carried out for all types of accounts viz. SB/TD/RD etc. Mention the dates selected for the checks)
15. Check the undelivered Pass Books in deposit in the BO and satisfy yourself that they have not been unnecessarily detained. Verify these balances with those shown in the relevant BO Savings account Journal, Depositors of two such pass books should be contacted personally by the inspecting authority and to ascertain the reasons for detentions and also for verifying the balance. Also make efforts during the period of your stay to have these pass books delivered to the depositors. Also educate the BPM that no pass book should be retained in the post office after transaction.
16. (A) Select four accounts from the list of pass books not sent for entry of interest (not already verified) and four other Savings Bank Pass Books in which heavy deposits / withdrawals have taken place with reference to BO Savings Bank Journal. Collect related pass books and compare their balances with those in the list / BO Savings Bank journal. Similarly, verify the balances of two pass books in each category of RD/TD/MSY and get the balances of TD/MSY accounts verified from the Head Office and RD accounts from Accounts Office. Issue notices in form SB-46 to the depositors of accounts whose pass books could not be collected and report particulars to HO for enabling it to watch their receipt in HO. Similar checks may be carried out in respect of two RD discountinued accounts also in addition. (Note :- If the ‘list of pass books not received for entry of Interest’ has not been received from the HO, the selection grade/Gazetted Sub Post Offices bring the fact to the notice of the Divisional Supdt. for appropriate action).
(B) Check whether the BPM has collected the SB pass books not presented for transaction by 30th June of the year and sent the same to the HO with a list in duplicate by 15th July for entry of
interest. If not direct the BPM to do so immediately.
17. (A) Check whether the commission paid to the BPM on the net SB deposits and TD deposits were correctly calculated and paid.
(B) In case the BO has been authorised to transact certificate business, then:
a) Check the application for purchase of NSC VIII th issue and KVPs in r/o the certificates purchased since the last inspection to see that the amount has been invested by those only authorised to do so under the respective scheme and see that the amounts invested have been correctly accounted for in the BO account.
b) Check the amount paid in respect of certificates (Including NSC VIIIth issue and KVPs) discharged since last inspection to see that the amount paid tallies with the amount payable as per laid down provisions of the relevant schemes and tallies with the amount charged in the Branch office account.
c) See that the applications for purchase of PO certificates i.e. NSC VIIIth issue and KVPs are serially numbered and securely kept in guard file. Satisfy yourself about the stock of the certificates before referring to the HO for verification.
d) Does the Branch Postmaster know about all the current savigns schemes i.e. Savings Bank accounts, RD, TD, MIS, and MSY besides NSC VIII th issue and KVPs schemes in case authorised to transact certificate business independently.
18. In case BO is authorised to make pension payments, check whether records are maintained properly and also test check one day’s figures for each quarter selected at random since the date of last inspection to see that amount has been properly credited/charged in the BO account.
18.1 Check whether the BPM has properly maintained the prescribed Rural PLI transaction register showing policy number, name of insurant, amount of premium, month for which premium is due and amount of fine, if any etc. (Dte. of PLI letter No. 5-10 / 95-II dated 5.2.96)
18.2 Check the entries in at least five premium receipt books (collected from the insurants) with reference to RPLI register, receipt book and BO account to ensure that amount of premium collected has correctly been accounted for by the BPM. Record the particulars of PLI premium receipt books checked in the inspection Report. In case of non-availability of Premium Receipt book to the extent, issue notices to the Insurants w.r.t entries in RPLI register to confirm the correctness of RPLI premia credited. Receipt of reply of notices from insurant may be watched by Divisional Office.
18.3 Compare the entries of PLI premium collections in the receipt book (PLI-2) or MS-87 (a) since last inspection with entries in register of Rural PLI collections and BO account and ensure that premia collected have been duly accounted for into Govt. accounts. Send particulars of receipts issued since last inspection to the Accounts Office for verification.
18.3.1 Ensure that all GDS including GDSBPMS are using the same receipt book.
18.4 Check whether the GDS BPM is well conversant with RPLI rulings/instructions and takes keen interest in the business procurement.
18.4.1 Examine the acceptance / rejection memo sent by the PLI Section of the Circle Office / Regional Office and see that the memo is available against the premia collected upto month preceding the month of inspection. A list of such cases in which memos of acceptance or rejection is not available may be got prepared and sent to Circle Office / RO for verification.
18.5 Examine whether the BPM and the other agent have been paid commission correctly and in proportion to the amount of business and premia collected.
18.6 See the nature of publicity given by the BPM to PLI. Also see if RPLI posters have been displayed in the post office.
19. Check the PCO / Telegraph receipt book (MR-49-A) for one day in each quarter since the last inspection and satisfy yourself that (i) these are maintained properly (ii) double sided carbon is used and (iii) credits are duly accounted for.
20. Are the records of Telegraph Branch viz. Receipt Book, Traffic Book, Log Book, Message Drafts (A, B & C) maintained properly and message drafts punctually submitted to Accounts Office ? Are the monthly abstracts of daily cash collections of telegraph message revenue maintained in MR-50 in duplicate and submitted to the Accounts Office as per schedule.
21. (a) Take action to report to Telecom. Authorities if the office is not functioning properly due to poor maintenance of line.
(b) Is the stock of Telegraph / Telephone forms adequate ?
22. Assess the workload of the posts borne on the BO establishment and examine feasibility of combining duties of the GDSs for effecting economy without impairing efficiency. In case the GDS BPM’s workload is heavy, examine whether upgradation of the BO is justified.
23. Check whether visits of Mail Overseer to the BO are regular., note the dates of last four visits. Has he checked / verified accounts / other transactions as prescribed for him and has he noted the results of such checks in the order book of the BO ?
24. (a) Carry out physical verification of items of stock with reference to the Stock Register.
(b) Assess the requirement of articles of stock, stationery and forms and take immediate action for supplying of the same.
25. (a) Check whether the following registers / books / records are maintained correctly and written neatly according to the prescribed procedure (i) Village Sorting List (ii) Route List and Beat Map (iii) Book of Postmarks (iv) Error Book.
(b) Take action to weed out old records and arrange to dispose them off along with unserviceable / surplus articles of stock
(c) (1) (i) Is there a complaint and suggestion book available ? Is it being given to the public on demand ?
(ii) Whether suggestions/complaints are being forwarded to Customer Care Centre of the Division.
(iii) Number of complaints received from the public and their disposal/redressal.
2. Whether date of payment of money orders are intimated to Account Office and date of delivery of regd. letter are promptly noted in book of B.O. Journal.
3. Acknowledgements of MO/RL are being returned back.
4. Comments of Inspecting Authorities on attitude of GDSBPM towards public grievances.
26. Check whether the following are displayed for information of the public
(i) Post Office Board (ii) Indication Board for PCO / Telegraph facility (iii) Notice of Hours of Business.
27. Is there any para of previous Inspection Report pending for compliance? If so, get the same completed by the BPM in your presence and record it in the Inspection Report.
28. Sum up your assessment regarding work and conduct of the BPM in particular and other staff in general and instruct the BPM to take action on specific relevant points which come to the notice of the inspecting authority during the inspection of the BO. Instruct the BPM about the action to be taken by him.
1. (a) Whether all Name plates / Notice Boards etc. are bilingual ?
(b) Whether all the Name plates and Rubber stamps used are in accordance of the rules ?
(In rubber stamps letters in Hindi should have a point size greater than 2 as compared to the English letters).
2. How many forms are being used in the office ? Are they bilingual ?
3. Any special work done in the office regarding Hindi :
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