Friday, 20 April 2012

The draft of the Indian Constitution..........

The draft of the Indian Constitution has been derived from constitutions of other countries. The constitution has also taken many parts from the Government of India Act, 1935. The different parts of Indian Constitution adopted from other countries’ constitution are mentioned below:
1.   British Constitution: Parliamentary form of government, introduction of Speaker and his role, the concept of single citizenship, the Rule of law, procedure of lawmaking, procedure established by Law u/a 13.
2.   Irish Constitution: Directive principles of state policy.
3.   United States Constitution: Federal structure of government, due process of law u/a 13, power of Judicial Review and independence of the judiciary, documentation of Fundamental Rights (similar to the United States Bill of Rights), President as supreme commander of armed forces u/a 52,
4.   Canadian Constitution: A quasi-federal form of government, where the central government plays prime role in governing the country, the idea of Residual Powers
5.   Australian Constitution: Freedom of trade and commerce between different states of the country, Power of the national legislature to make laws for implementing treaties
6.   French Constitution: Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
7.   Japan Constitution: Fundamental Duties u/a 51-A
8.   Weimar Constitution: Emergency Provision u/a 356
9.   Malaysian Constitution: The concept of the Concurrent list

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