(Qn 1-25)
1. The first class HO situated at the HQ of the Head of the circle or, where there are more than one such HO, the one is attached to HQ is called as
a) Head post office b) First Class Post office
c) General Post Office d) None of the above Ans: c(6)
2. The service responsible for the carriage of mails by rail, road, river and air and for the collection and distribution of mails received form Post offices by mail offices and section
a) Army postal service b) Mobile post office service
3. A main office of group of post offices consisting of itself and a number of smaller offices called sub and branch office which have been placed under its Account jurisdictions is called as
a) Head Post Office b) First class post office
c) General Post Office c) None of these Ans: a(5)
4. Post office which is situated on a line of through mail communication receive & sorts bags intended for office in advance, without opening them is
a) TMO b) SO
c) Transit office d) None of the above Ans: c(9a)
5. A branch of RMS where closed bags are received and dispatched sorting of letter is not done in this unit mail agent or mail guard is in charge of this unit is a
a) Transit office b) Head office
c) Transit mail office d) None of the above Ans: c(9b)
6. Mark correct option
a) Sorting mail office charged with the duty of opening the sorting mail bags received by it and deposing of their contents.
b) AMPC mean automatic mail processing centre sorting is done by machine.
c) CRC mean computerized Registration centre. Regn work is done by computer
d) All of these. Ans: d(9-10)
7. Mark correct option
a) Sorting sub office are situated near the junction of several mail lines
b) Nodal Post office is working in important cities some post office are authorized to receive letters from neighboring PO and sort the mail as per sorting diagram.
c) Central bagging unit is branch of RMS office .
d) All the above Ans:d(11)
8. An office is established at HQ of a Postal circle and deal with unclaimed and refused articles and articles without address or incomplete address is called as
a) Nodal Post office b) Head post office
c) Returned letter office d) None of the above Ans:c(12)
9. Mark correct options
a) A post office or Sorting office or section which wxchanges mails with offices in foreign countries is known as ‘Office of exchange”.
b) A Foreign post office is an office of exchange in which the work of assessment of customs duty on foreign mail is also carried out.
c) A Sub foreign Post office is does not close and receive any bags but in which the work of customs examination, assessment and accounting of custom duty is carried out.
d) All the above Ans: d(13)
10. Railway Mail service working on Railway or river streamer lines is called
a) Mail Office b) Bag Office
c) Transit section d) Transit mail office Ans: c(14)
11. The mail office deals with contents of mail bags addressed to them and with closed forward bags is called as
a) Transit Mail Office b) Sorting mail office
c) Transit Section d) Record office Ans:b(15)
12. The mail office deals only with closed bags is called as
a) Transit Mail Office b) Sorting mail office
c) Transit Section d) Record office Ans:a(15)
13. Mark correct option
a) Mail office are two kind one is Sorting mail office another is Transit mail office
b) Mail agent incharge of Sorting mail office and HAS is incharge TMO
c) Mass mailing centreis help to customer who are regularly posting max number
of letters, as help him to writing the address, affix stamp etc
d) Press Sorting office is situated on promises of the newspaper. All the
expenditure is borne by the publisher.
e) All the above Ans: e(15)
14. Mark incorrect option
a) RO is a stationary office of the RMS where work paper of the sections attached to it are prepared, checked and placed on record, all forms & bags.
b) HRO is stationary office situated at the HQ of RMS Dn
c) SRO is situated at the same station as a Mail office.
d) None of these Ans:d(16-18)
15. Mark correct option
a) Every PO is Unit Bag office other than BO and EDSO
b) Every HRO/SRO in RMS is identified ad District Bag office
c) The PSD situated at the HQ of Postal circle is identified as Circle Bag Office
d) D section of Postal directorate works as Central Bag office. This is not deal with any bags but only deals with the correspondence relating distributions of bags
e) All the above Ans:e(18)
16. Journey performed by a set of Section traveling on duty from one end to the another end of its beat is called
a) Section b) Beat
c) Trip d) None of these Ans: c(22)
17. Mark correct option
a) Station articles are intended for delivery from a PO to which they are sent
b) Sorting articles are articles that are to be sorted by the Poor Mail Office to which they are sent, and fwd to office of final destination or to other sorting offices
c) Label bundle are two type express bundle and differed bundle
d) Express bundle require to sort immediately & Differed bundle may be disposed later.
e) All the above Ans: e(23,24)
18. Mark correct option
a) Pink check slip for ordinary paid and unpaid bundle
b) Blue check slip for Airmail
c) White check slip for both express & differed bundle
d) Marked 2 diagonal line green for local article, yellow for rajdhani & blue for metro bundle
e) All the above Ans: e(25)
19. Mark correct option
a) The weight of TB should not be exceed 30 Kg weight
b) MO check slip printed in red in on white or badami paper
c) Registered bundle prepared there are three or more uninsured letter.
d) Regd bag may contain cash bag, ordinary and VP regd article, insured
envelope, regd bundle, ins bundle, ordinary & VP MO
e) All the above Ans: e(28)
20. A bag is used to enclose several bags sent to the same office or section thereby affording protection to them called
a) Packet Bag b) Insured Bag
c) Transit Bag d) None of these Ans: c(33)
21. A bag is used to enclosed correspondence of the high officer of Govt called as
a) Camp bag b) Special bag
c) Transit bag d) None of these Ans: b(37)
22. Mark correct option
a) An account bag is used between a SO to HO vice versa
b) SO to HO account bag contain SO daily account
c) HO to SO account bag contain SO Slip
d) Account bag are due bag
e) All the above Ans: e(34)
23. A and B order is issued by
a) Supdt of RMS b) PMG
c) Supdt of Post office c) HRO Ans: a(46,47)
24. A order contain
a) Proposed changes in the sorting list
b) Performance of SA duties in mail offices
c) Disposal of camp articles
d) None of the above Ans: a(46)
25. B order contain
a) Proposed changes in the sorting list
b) Performance of SA duties in mail offices
c) Disposal of camp articles
d) None of the above Ans: b(46)
(Prepared by AB Kantharaja, Mobile 08969822340)
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