Monday, 21 May 2012


1. CCS (CCA) rules, 1965 along with Article--------------------- of the constitution have necessarily to be studied thoroughly by all the authorities which have been vested with disciplinary power.
A) 312
B) 316
C) 352            
D) 311                                     Ans D
2. How may stage of disciplinary proceedings:-
A) 03
B) 04  
C) 05
D) 06                                       Ans C
3. The status of the Enquiry officer should not in any case be lower than that of the:-
A) Accused officer
B) Presenting officer
C) Both of them
D) Neither of them                Ans A
4. Copies of all punishment orders effecting the pay of the employee punished should be sent to the head of the office from which his pay is drawn and to the audit office along with-----------------
A) Pay bill
C) Service book
D) Not required.                    Ans A

5. In all vigilance cases relating to Gazetted officers, the Central Vigilance commission should be consulted during the progress of the case at the:-
A) Six stage
 B) Eight stage
C) Five stage
D) Not required.                    Ans B
6. If an order of suspension is passed by an authority lower than the appointing authority that authority will report to the----------------------- the circumstances in which the order was passed.
A) Suspended official
B) Appointing authority
C) Both of them
D) Not required.                    Ans B
7. What is the head quarter of suspended officer:-
A) The station of posting immediately before his suspension.
B) It is willing appointing authority
C) Home town
D) Not required.                    Ans A
8. If the period of suspension exceed ----------months, the suspending authority may vary the rate of subsistence allowance.
A) 06
B) 12
C) 09
D) 15                                       Ans B
9. The following recoveries from the subsistence allowance are compulsory:-
A) Income tax and super tax
B) House rent, electricity, water and other allied charges.
C) Repayment of loans and advances taken from the government at such rates as the head of the department deems it just to fix.
D) All the above.                    Ans D
10. Which of the recoveries are optional and should be made only with the consent of the suspended officer:-
A) PLI premium
B) Dues of the Co-operatives stores and Co-operative societies.
C) Refund of advance taken from the GPF 
D.) All the above                    Ans D
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 By:- Sushil Tiwari, IPODD.) All the above                    Ans D

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