Government of India
Ministry of Communications &IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi
No. 23-5/2007-UPE Dated 9th May, 2012.
The Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees,
1st Floor North Avenue P.O. Bldg.
New Delhi
Sub: Supply of good quality of uniform to the Postal Employee, etc. Submission of samples of cloth-Regarding.
Postal Joint Council of Action and JCM of Department of Posts have raised following demand in their agenda items:
(i) Supply of good quality of cloth of uniform
(ii) Replacement of umbrella with rain coat for Postmen.
(iii) Grant of uniform kit maintenance allowance for uniform, staff.
The matters have been examined in consultation with Department of Personnel &
(DOPT) vide OM No. 14/1/2012-JCA2 dated 7.2.2012 (Copy enclosed) and
necessary instructions to that effect has since been issued to the Heads
of Circles of Department of Posts vide letter of even number dated 9th May, 2012 (Copy enclosed). This is for your information.
Yours faithfully
(R.B. Chawla)
Director (E&MM)
Copy to:
1. General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Postmen & Group D/MTS, 17/3-D , Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi.
General Secretary, National Union of Postal Employees Postmen &
Group D/MTS, Dalvi Sadan, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, P&T Colony
Delhi-110 054
D.G Posts No. 23-5/2007-UPE dated 9th May,2012.
Associations of Department of Posts have raised a demand for supply of
good quality of uniform to the Postal Employees, replacement of
Umbrellas with water proofs to the postmen and grant of Uniform Kit
maintenance allowance.
The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of
Personnel & Training (DOPT), and the clarifications given by them
vide OM No. 14/1/2012-JCA2 dated 7.2.1012 is enclosed for necessary
action, which interalia states that” after coming into effect of GFR
2005 this Department has issued an OM No. 14/7/2003-JCA dated 21.11.2005
(copy enclosed), which was in supersession of the earlier instructions,
clarifying that the further procurement should be made as per the
relevant rules in the new GFR’s 2005. This implies that
Ministries/Departments can now decide to procure uniform from anywhere
and on rates subject to complying with the provisions of GFR, 2005.”
Regarding eligibility/supply of Umbrellas and replacement of Umbrellas
with water proofs, the procedure has been codified in rule 737(X) &
(XI) of Postal Manual Volume. I. The Heads of Circles are hereby
informed that necessary action in this respect may be taken as per the
codified procedure in consultation with the Internal Financial Advisers.
The DOP&T have clarified that common categories of staff, with
which DOPT is concerned, no kit maintenance allowance is admissible and
they are entitled to washing allowance, if issued with uniform.
Yours faithfully
(R.B. Chawla)
Director (E&MM)
Copy of DOPT O.M. No. 14/1/2012-JCA2 dated 7th February,
2012 addressed to Shri R.B. Chawla, Director (MM&VP), Ministry of
Communications &IT, Department of Posts, New Delhi.
Sub: Supply of good quality of uniform and other kit items to the Postal Employees of Department of Posts-regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Post’s O.M. No. 23-5/2007-UPE dated 25th January, 2012 on the subject cited above and No. 23-5/2007-UPE dated 2nd February, 2012 regarding grant of Uniform and Kit maintenance allowances.
In this connection , it is stated that after coming in to effect of
GFR,2005 this Department has issued as OM No. 14/7/2003-JCAdated 21st November,2005(copy
enclosed) , which was in supersession of the earlier instructions,
clarifying that the further procurement should be made as per the
relevant rules in the new GFR’s 2005. This implies that
Ministries/Departments can now decide to procure uniform from anywhere
and on rates subject to complying with the provisions of GFR, 2005.
Regarding replacement of Umbrella with raincoat for Postmen, it is
stated that in case of employees not covered under common categories,
Ministries administratively concerned should themselves decide the
question of issue of uniform and scales/tenure in consultation with the
appropriate financial authorities.
In so far as issue relating to grant of Uniform & Kit maintenance
allowances to all uniformed staff in Department of Posts is concerned,
it is stated that for common categories of staff, with which DOPT is
concerned, no such allowance is admissible and they are entitled to
washing allowance, if issued with uniform.
(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
DOPT O.M. No. 14-7/2003-JCA Dated 21st Nov 2005
Reference: Ministry of Finance OM No. 1/12/E.II(A)/94 dated 29.07.2005
undersigned is directed to refer to the consolidated instructions
issued in the Department OM No 14/8/90-JCA dated 29.6.1990 and further
orders issued from time to time dealing with the procedure for
procurement and supply of summer/winter uniforms to common categories of
Group 'C' and 'D' employees serving in various Ministries/Departments
of the Central Government and to say as follows:
Consequent to the coming into force of the new General Financial Rules,
2005 (FGRs), it has become necessary to review and modify the existing
procedure for procurement/purchase of summer/winter uniforms for common
categories of Group 'C' and 'D' employees serving in various
Ministries/Departments of the Central Government so as to bring it in
line with the provisions of revised FGRs. In this connection, it is
also relevant to note that vide OM dated 29.7.2005 cited above, the
Ministry of Finance(Department of Expenditure) has clarified that the
special dispensation from the process of inviting tenders/quotations
provided to NCCF/Kendriya Bhandar in DOPT Welfare Division's OM dated
14.7.1981 and 11.4.1994 under chapter 8 of the old GFRs no longer holds
good and that purchase/procurement of goods by Government of India
offices will now be solely guided by the provisions of GFRs 2005.
In the circumstances, in supersession of the extant instructions
regarding procurement of summer/winter uniforms relating to Groups 'C'
& 'D' employees in the Central Secretariat Ministries/Departments
and its attached and subordinate offices, the purchase procedure to be
followed in different exigencies and the relevant rules in the GFRs are
outline below:-
Chapter 7 of the GFR's 2005 pertaining to procurement of Goods and
Services may be carefully perused to ensure that the
procurement/purchase procedure adopted is strictly in line with the
prescribed rules. In this connection attention is specially drawn to
some of the following important provisions, details of which may be
obtained from the GFR's 2005
Rule 137- Fundamental Principles of Public Buying
Rule 144- Reserved items
Rule 145- Purchase of Goods without Quotation
Rule 146- Purchase of Goods by Purchase Committee
Rule 148-Demand should not be divided into small quantities to make piece- meal purchase
Rule 160-Transparency, competition, Fairness and elimination of Arbitrariness in the procurement process
Rule 161 Efficiency, Economy and Accountability in Public Procurement system
All purchases should be made through a duly constituted Purchase
Committee comprising of three members of an appropriate level as decided
by the Head of the Department, including one member from the internal
Finance Division and two belonging to the Administration Division. In
addition, a fourth member may be associated with the purchase committee,
to be nominated by the concerned staff Associations/unions.
In case of purchase of goods of a value above Rs 15,000/- and upto
1,00,000/-, on each occasion, purchase may be made only on the
recommendations of a duly constituted purchase committee defined in para
(ii) above, and as decided by the Head of the Department. The
committee will survey the market to ascertain the reasonableness of
rate, quality and specifications and identify the appropriate supplier.
Also, before placing the purchase order, the members of the committee
will jointly record a certificate and authenticate it, as under
that we, S/Shri-------------- members of the purchase committee, are
jointly and individually satisfied that the goods recommended for
purchase are of the requisite specification and quality, priced at the
prevailing market rate and the supplier, recommended is reliable and
competent to supply the goods in question."
Subject to the exceptions incorporated in Rules 151 and 154 of GFR's
2005, invitation to tenders by advertisement should be used for
procurement of goods of estimated value of Rs 25 lakhs and above
In case of Ministry/Department directly procedure DGS&D rate
contract goods from suppliers, the prices to be paid for such goods
should not exceed the rate mentioned in the rate contract and the other
terms and conditions of purchase should also be in line with those
specified in the rate contract. In addition, the Ministry/Department has
to make its own arrangement for inspection and testing of the goods,
where so required.
While observing the above change in procedure, the purchase
committee/competent Authority may also keep in view the provisions of
Rule 144 of the GFRs, 2005, that reads as under:-
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