Friday, 1 June 2012


101.    Mark the correct statement:
a)         A withdrawal in a PPF account can be refunded in not more than 36 monthly installments:
b)         Interest on withdrawal taken from a PPF account is one percent above the rate of interest admissible on PPF subscription
c)         Second withdrawal can be taken after refund of 1st withdrawal with interest thereon
d)         The amount of withdrawals in a PPF Account is not repayable         Ans:d
102.    Mark the correct statement.
a)         Second withdrawal in a PPF account is payable in the next financial year of the year in which principal and interest on first withdrawal has been fully refunded and other conditions fulfill
b)         Second loan is permissible in the financial year in which 1st loan and interest thereon has been recovered provided the 1st loan was not taken in the same year and other conditions fulfill
c)         Second loan is permissible in the same financial year if first loan taken in the year has been refunded alongwith interest thereon and other conditions fulfill
d)         None of the above is correct                                                                      Ans:b
103.    Mark the correct option.
What are the option available to the PPF subscriber on maturity of his PPF account:
a)         To close the account
b)         To continue the account with deposits
c)         To continue the account without deposits
d)         Either (A), (B) or (C) above                                                                         Ans:d

104.    Mark the correct  option.
a)                 The first loan on PPF accounts can be taken in the third year from the year of opening the account.
b)                 The amount of Loan will be restricted to 25% of the balance at the account end of the second year preceding the year in which the loan is applied for.
c)                  The loan is repayable either in lump sum or in convenient installments of not more than 36.
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d
105.    Mark the correct option.
In a PPF account opened on 1.2.2011:
a)         1st loan can be taken on 1.4.2012
b)         Loan as on 1.4.2012 shall be admissible limited to 25% balance as on 31.3.11
c)         The first withdrawal shall be permissible on 01.02.2015
d)         Subscriber can take second loan on 1.4.2013 without repaying earlier loan
106.    If the original passbook of depositor of PPF account is lost or mutilated or damaged, He/she should be required pay Rs _____
            a)         10/-                                                     b)         20/-
            c)         1/-                                                        d)         Free                                        Ans:a
107.    Mark the correct option relating to withdrawal on PPF account
a)                 The first withdrawal can be made at any time after expiry of 5 years from the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made.
b)                 The amount of withdrawal is limited to 50% balance at the credit at the end of the 4th year immediately  preceding the year in which the amount is withdrawn or end of the preceding year, whichever is lower.
c)                  Only one withdrawal can be made in one financial year . The amount of withdrawal is not repayable.
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d
108.    The depositor shall be pay Rs _____ to transfer of PPF account one PO to another PO or SBI bank
            a)         Rs 10/-                                               b)         Rs 50/-
            c)         Rs 1/-                                                  d)         Free                                        Ans:d
109.    In case the depositor not made any transaction in PPF account.
a)                 Rs 50/- will be collected for the one financial year
b)                 Rs 100/- will be collected for no transaction was made for two financial year in shape of cash and credited into UCR
c)                  Condone default is called to the defaulted deposit
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d
110.    An individual hold a PPF account with balance is Rs 500/- the date of last transaction  made on 01-03-2008 and the depositor  has comes to deposit in his account on 01 Jan 2012 but  no transaction was made in his account  till date.
a)         The subscriber should be deposit by paying default Rs 200 and the subscription should be deposited Rs 500/-
b)         The subscriber should be deposit by paying default Rs 150 and the subscription should be deposited Rs 2000/- and should not exceed the maximum deposit ceiling of Rs. 1, 00,000/-
c)         A subscriber may deposit the minimum subscription of Rs. 500/- plus the default fee of Rs. 50/- for each year of default, subject to the condition that the total deposit during the year in which defaulted subscription is deposited, should not exceed the maximum deposit ceiling of Rs. 1,00,000/-
d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans b 
111.    MIS account in multiple of Rs. 1500/- can be made instead of Rs. 1000/- MIS and the maximum limit of investment in a single account has been raised from Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 4.5 lakh and in joint account opened by two or three adults; the maximum limit has been raised from Rs. 6 lakh to Rs. 9 Lakh.   Wef 
a)          01.8.2007                                         b)         12.5.2008            
c)         30.08.2009                                        d)         None of these                       Ans:a
112.     With effect from------------------, all Single/Double handed Sub Post Offices, at the time of closure/premature closure of RD/MIS/SCSS accounts will collect closed passbook from the depositor and attach the same with account closure form and send in a manner as prescribed for dispatch of vouchers and LOT to HO.
a)         15.2.2008                              b)         11.06.2010  
c)         23.06.2010                           d)         None of these                                   Ans:a
113.     From -------------, the transferring Head Post offices will dispatch Advice of Transfer (AT) by Service Insured Post for Rs.100/- duly sealed instead of Service Registered Post.
a)         16.03.2010                           b)         12.06.2010    
c)         15.05.2008                            d)         16-03-2009                                        Ans:d
114.    The date of credit of cheque in case of RD/PPF account will be the date of
a)                 Presentation of cheque 
b)                 Receipt of the cheque from postmaster
c)                  Receipt of the cheque from HO
d)                 The date clearing                                                                                         Ans:d
115.     present the Counter Assistant is authorized to receive deposits and allow withdrawals up to Rs.--------------/- in savings accounts only under his own power without showing the documents to the Ledger Assistant and the Supervisor.
a)         5000                                       b)         2000  
c)         4000                                       d)         None of these                                   Ans:a
116.    For each Sub Post office , the  --------------- will  fix the authorized stock  of Pass Book.
a)         Head Post master                b)         Sub Divisional Heads          
c)         Divisional  Heads                d)         None of these                                   Ans:c
117.    The initial deposit for opening  of savings account shall  be accepted in cash wef
a)         01.01.1990                           b)         05.02.2000 
d)         12.02.2005                            d)         None of these                                   Ans:a
118.    When will  issue  memo of Admission of Payment ?
a)         Warrant of payment is lost before its submission 
b)         The amount of withdrawal more than 50000/- 
c)         Both the A and B
d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans:a .
119.    Whenever a transaction   cannot be posted by the HO in a  particular  account for any reason a  remark------------------ will be made by the HO  against the entry in LOT
a)         Not posted                             b)         Unposted 
c)         Remain to  post                    d)         None of these                                   Ans:b
120.    The SB 60  denotes 
a)         Journal                                  b)         SB  Pass  Book 
c)         LOT                                         d)         None of these                                   Ans:c
121.    The  SB slips (SB 27 )  is used for ------------------
            a)         SB document is sent by the HO to SO 
b)         withdraw money from counter 
c)         SB documents is sent by the SO to HO
d)         None of the above                                                                                       Ans:a
122.    Mark the correct option
a)                 SB 26 denotes preliminary receipt
b)                 SB 28 denotes receipts for depositors passbook
c)                  SB 58 denotes long book
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d
123.    List of documents in form SB-104
            a)         By SO to HO                                     b)         HO to SO
            b)         Both the A and B                             d)         None of these                       Ans:a
124.    An advice of transfer in form SB-9 is prepared  in ______ by
            a)         APM, duplicate                                 b)         APM, single
            c)         Postmaster , duplicate                     d)         Ledger assistant, duplicate
125.    The post office saving bank started from
            a)         1990                                                   b)         1880
            c)         1882                                                   d)         1982                                       Ans:c
126.    SCSS account introduced in
            a)         1992                                                   b)         1994
            c)         2002                                                   d)         2004                                       Ans:d
127.    Payment of commission on PPF and SCSS is
            a)         1% and 0.5%                                    d)         2% and .05%
            c)         0.5%   and Nil                                   d)         No commission paid            Ans:d
                                                                                                On or after 01 Dec 2011
128.    MPKBY means
a)                 Mahila Pradan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana
b)                 Money Prevention Kendriaya Bachat Yojana
c)                  Marketing Popular Kshetriya Bachat Yojana
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:a 

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