(Paper I Qn 1 to 25)
1. The information regarding _____should invariably indicated in
the communication over whose signature is issued
Ans: Designation
of the officer
2. “Promptness and courtesy” is an obligation of public services
and hence it has been listed in:
Ans: Conduct
3. The Contact officer shall act as a s______for Task Force:
Ans: Member
4. The Citizen’s Charter should be reviewed periodically:
Ans: After taking
the Feedback from user and stakeholders
5. Allocation of Business Rules came in to force from:
Ans: 1961
6. In Postal life insurance, Delivery norms regarding change of
nomination is ___ days
Ans: 10 days
7. Normally a grievance should redressed be within a period of
Ans: Two months
8. The department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
serves as Secretariat for the
9. A citizen can use the website http://darpgrievances.nic.in/ to
Ans: All of them
10. Staff Adalat should be held in the Department every:
Ans: Six month
11. The supply of stamps receive at HO form CSD is credited in
Ans: In All the
12. Who is responsible for the correctness of HO Cash book?
Ans: Head
13. The word Stamps include
Ans: Only postal
14. How many copies of consolidate schedule of stamps is prepared and
how many copies in sent to CSD with the monthly Cash Account by HO?
Ans: 3&2
15. Who supplies Commemorative stamps to Presidency Post Offices?
Ans: Nasik Security Press
16. When damaged, useless or obsolete postage stamps or stationery
are held by a Postmaster, They shall be
Ans: Written off
under the order of Competent authority
17. The Head Office Cash book (form No ACG-4) is a record of the
transition of the
Ans: HO.SO &
18. The detailed procedure to be observed for mails on which custom
duty is Due in the office of foreign exchange
Ans: Foreign post
19. Advance for purchase of ___ is interest free advance
Ans: Bycycle
20. When a pay of government servant is attached by any order of a
court of law other that a decree for maintenance;
Ans: One third of
salary can be attached
21. Where an advance is taken, LTC bill is required to be presented
Ans: One month of
completion of return journey
22. Purchase of goods up to the value of Rs____ only on each occasion
may be made without inviting quotations or bids
Ans: 15000
23. What is maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of
typewriter for first time?
Ans: 1500
24. Maximum flood advance can be granted up to Rs _____
Ans: None of
25. What is maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of
motor-car first time?
Ans: 180000
Solved by AB Kantharaja, Mobile No 08969822340
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