Tuesday, 21 August 2012

5 PROMOTIONS in ones career: Let it be a reality

The NFPE raised in the National Secretariat of the Confederation of CG Employees demand for five promotions and the Confederation expanded its Charter of Demands into 15 Points by including the demand of Grant of 5 Promotions to all employees in their career on par with the Officers. This is a very important demand with far reaching implications in advancing the status of the Group C employees including the Postman and MTS. 

The demand attains much more importance in the background of cadre restructuring issues of lower cadres in the Department of Posts being relegated to back seat.  Some of the cadre restructuring proposals are under process since 1989.  As regards cadre restructuring of few other cadres, of late, only concept papers are circulated to invite opposition from one and all. 

Proper popularization of this new demand of 5 Promotions among all is absolutely essential to create necessary tempo. Postal Federations broke the stalemate in 1980s by strongly agitating for 2 Promotions. Let all those feeling the pinch embrace the demand of 5 Promotions and make it a reality soon. But everything depends on the rank and file organisation, which alone can succeed not only in popularising the new demand but also rousing the employees to agitate for the 15 Points charter of Confederation that focuses on 7th CPC, 50% merger of DA and grant of 5 Promotions etc. Time has come to end the discrimination between top officers and the bottom employees on number of promotions to advance the career prospects.

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