There are Twelve schedules
to the constitution
The Ninenth schedule was added by
the first amendment to constitution in 1951
and the 11th by the
73rd and 74th amendment to 1992
First schedule
(Under articles 1 and 4) gives
a list of the states and territories comprising the union)
Second schedule
Under arts 59(3), 65(3) , 75(6),97,125.148(3),158(3) consists of 5 parts Ato E
Part A fixes the remuneration
and emoluments payable to the president and governors
Part B has been deleted by the
constitution (seventh amendment ) act
of 1956
Part c contains provisions as to
the speaker and the deputy speaker
of the house of the people and
the chairman and deputy chairman of
the council of states and chairman and deputy chairman of the legislative assembly
Part D co contains provisions as
to the emoluments of the judges
of the supreme court and of the high
Part E contains provisions as
to the
comptroller and auditor general
of India
Third Schedule
(Under Arts 75(4) , 99
, 124(6), 148(2), 164(3), 188 and 219 contains forms of oaths and affirmations
Fourth Schedule
Under art s 4(1) and (20) allocates seats for each state and union territory in the council of states
Fifth Schedule
Under art 244(1)
provides for for the administration and control of scheduled areas
Sixth Schedule
Under arts 214(2) and 275(1)
provides for the administration
of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram
Seventh Schedule
Under art 246 gives three lists
1. Union
list contains 97 subjects in which
the union government has exclusive authority
2. State
List contains 66 subjects which are under
the exclusive authority of state governments
3. Concurrent
List contains 47 subjects where the
union and states have concurrent
Eighth schedule
Under art 344(1) and 351(1) gives
a a list of Indian Languaguge
Ninth Schedule
Under art 31(b) was added by the constitution (first amendment) act 1951. It contains act and orders relating to land tenure , land
tax, railways, industries etc
Tenth schedule
Under art 101 , 102 ,191 and
192 it contains the anti-detection act
Eleventh Schedule
Under art 243 G mentions functional areas or subjects that are necessary
for implementation of schemes for economic development and social justice
to each panchayat
Twelfth Schedule
Mentions three types of municipal committee - nagar panchyat for
transtitional municipal council for smaller urban areas and municipal
corporation for large urban areas
Pleasae visit http://nfpemavelikaradivision.
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