The Hindu
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with Chief Information Commissioner Satyananda
Mishra at the inaugural session of the 7th Annual Convention of Central
Information Commission in New Delhi on Friday. Photo: Rajeev Bhatt
“Frivolous, vexatious use of RTI Act serves little productive social purpose, is a drain on public resources”Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday called for maintaining a “fine balance” between the Right to Information (RTI) and the right to privacy, the latter of “which stems out of the Fundamental Right to Life and
liberty. The citizens’ right to know should definitely be circumscribed
if disclosure of information encroaches upon someone’s personal
privacy.”He announced that the government was considering the “issue of
[enacting] a separate legislation on privacy” — an expert group, headed
by the former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, Justice A.P. Shah,
was working on it.Dr. Singh’s views on an individual’s privacy are significant, coming in
the wake of recent statements made by Union Ministers in support of
Robert Vadra, Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law, following
RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal’s accusations against the dealings of the
company owned by Mr. Vadra with housing major DLF. They had termed it as
“an issue between two private individuals.”The Prime Minister, who was inaugurating the seventh annual convention
of Information Commissioners here, said: “There are concerns about
frivolous and vexatious use of the [RTI] Act in demanding information,
the disclosure of which cannot possibly serve any public purpose.
Sometimes, information covering a long time-span or a large number of
cases is sought in an omnibus manner with the objective of discovering
an inconsistency or mistake which can be criticised. Such queries,
besides serving little productive social purpose, are also a drain on
the resources of the public authorities, diverting precious man hours
that could be put to better use.”Dr. Singh also spoke of there being concerns regarding possible
infringement of personal privacy while providing information under the
RTI Act. He wanted the convention’s delegates to address issues like how
much information entities set up in the Public Private Partnership mode
should be obliged to disclose under the RTI Act. “Blanket extension of
the Act to such bodies may discourage private enterprises from entering
into partnerships with the public sector entity. A blanket exclusion on
the other hand may harm the cause of accountability of public officials.”
Constructive Dr. Singh said he believed that everyone shared a responsibility to promote a more constructive and productive use of the RTI Act. “This important legislation should not be only about criticising, ridiculing, and running down public authorities. It should be more about promoting transparency and accountability, spreading information and awareness and empowering our citizen,” he said.There was also a need to change perceptions about the RTI. It should not
be viewed as an irritant, “but something that is good for us
collectively,” the PM said.
Role of an umpire”Chief Information Commissioner Satyananda Mishra felt excessive
“judicialisation” of Information Commissions would deprive them of a
flexible style of functioning. The approach of the Commissions, he said,
had always been to act as an umpire standing right on the field along with the players, and not to sit on a pedestal and pronounce oracles.
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