CHQ Qtr. No. 12, P & T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi 110 054.
Sureshkumar Sharma
Superintendent of RMS,
“I” Division,
Office : 01812/282950
Mobile : 08054964510
Email :
Vilas Ingale
General Secretary
Superintendent (Stg.)
APSO Inland,
Mumbai 400099.
Office: 022/26156662
Mobile : 09869417961
Email :
Santosh Kulkarni
ASP (Philately) o/o CPMG, Maharashtra
Circle, Mumbai 400001
Office : 022/22623239
Mobile: 09833218109
Email :
CHQ/IPASP/IP-Exam-12 /2012 Dated : 19/11/2012.
Ms Manjula
Department of
Dak Bhavan,
Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject: Regarding Omissions in Recruitment Rules for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
for promotion to the cadre of Inspector of Posts for the year 2012.
Ref. : Directorate Recruitment division Letter No. A34012/04/2011-DE dated 14.7.2011 and Letter No. A34012/07/2012-DE dated 7.6.2012 & 22.8.2012.
Respected Madam,
Association wishes to share its concern over the LDCE system in vogue in the
department. Ever since CMC has taken over the reins of examination system of
DOP there is complete chaos and as such created mockery of the examination
system. The papers are not framed in conformity to the syllabus circulated by
the department. As a result the prospective candidates have to suffer. In the recently held Inspector Post Examination,
Paper-IV (IPO) question booklet was given an ‘option’ either to answer 50
questions of ‘General English’ or ‘General Hindi’ (Samanya Hindi) whereas it
was mentioned in the revised syllabus particularly Paper IV shall consist of
ENGLISH LANGUAGE, G.K. & REASONING /INTELLIGENCE, thereby completely excluding HINDI LANGUAGE. Obviously, the Department by explicitly
including ‘English language’ has left out ‘Hindi language’ from the ambit of
syllabus for Paper IV. In these
circumstances the prospective candidates appearing for the said examination
were naturally supposed to prepare ‘English language’ paper in accordance with
Department’s revised syllabus ignoring the ‘Hindi language’ (as it was omitted
and not specified in the revised syllabus). The logic of omitting the National Language ‘HINDI’
from the revised syllabus was surprising. Had there been an option either to choose
‘English language’ or ‘Hindi language’ in the revised syllabus, many of the
candidates would have preferred ‘Hindi language’ being more proficient in that.
Inspite of the fact that the schedule
for the examination was postponed on three occasions, the Department never
realised / rectified the error crept in their circular dated 14.7.2011 omitting
‘Hindi language’. Hitherto the
department had to cancel the Paper-III of the same cadre being the law paper
out of syllabus.
is pertinent to mention here that when for the first time department conducted
PS Group “B” examination through outsourcing as per the revised syllabus
contained in Directorate Memo no. 9-59/2010-SPG dated 08.03.2011, this Association
raised an issue for not giving option to write paragraph in bi-lingual (Hindi
& English). At that time candidates were not allowed to write paragraph in
Hindi by the staff of CMC Ltd. at Delhi Centre whereas staff of CMC Ltd.
allowed candidates to write paragraph in Hindi at few centres like Dehradun
Centre. In UP Circle, staff of CMC Ltd. allowed the
candidates initially to write paragraph in Hindi and later on disallowed and
instructed the candidates to write paragraph in English only. Though this irregularity was brought to the
notice of department but Directorate has taken it lightly and gave not much
importance to the letter(s) of the Association, thereby given benefit to a
particular section only.
Madam, you will agree the considerable
importance attached to the provision of article 351 of the Constitution, which
prescribes development of the Hindi language. It shall be
the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to develop
it so that it may serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the
composite culture of India and to secure its enrichment by assimilating without
interfering with its genius, the forms, style and expressions used in
Hindustani and in the other languages of India specified in the Eighth
Schedule, and by drawing, wherever necessary or desirable, for its vocabulary,
primarily on Sanskrit and secondarily on other languages. Therefore, every encouragement should
be given to the use of easy and simple diction. This Association therefore suggest you that enquiry
may kindly be constituted for above chaos and the Hindi language be given its
due place. It would be fair and
appropriate if the examination work is entrusted to SSC/UPSC instead of CMC, as
has done by other departments.
Hoping for a favourable action and line in reply is requested.
With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
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