Saturday, 12 December 2015

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – Bharat Kumar

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – BHARATH KUMAR

The author of the article Shri. M.Dorai mentions about 32% increase granted as fitment benefit on pay and grade pay excluding D.A. since the VI CPC had granted 40% fitment benefit on basic only excluding D.A.

It appears some readers do not understand what 225% stands for. 225% is the actual pay plus grade pay and D.A. as on 1/1/2016 which we actually will be drawing under 6th CPC pay pattern. Out of 225%, 100% denotes Basic+ Grade Pay, the additional 125% stands for D.A. as on 1/1/2016(present D.A. as on 1/7/2015 is 119% + 6% as on 1/1/2016=125%), totalling to 225%. +32 (32% fitment on pay+Grade pay) = 257(2.57 factor).

The readers of the article are wrongly multiplying 32% on 225%(2.25 factor) which include 125% D.A instead of multiplying 32% on Pay in the pay band and grade pay i.e. 100 x 32 = 32% which should be added to 100% Pay and Grade Pay and 125% D.A totalling to 257 i.e.100% existing basic pay comprising pay and grade pay + 32% fitment benefit on pay and grade pay + 125% DA totalling to 257(2.57 factor).

The author is perfectly justify in his observation. It was not necessary for the VII CPC to shock the government servants stating that they have given 15% increase by taking D.A. into consideration which they should not have taken while projecting the increase, since VI CPC had taken 40% on basic only and shown it separately as Grade Pay.

The following comparison give correct picture:

1. VI CPC: 40% increase on maximum of V CPC basic pay scale without D.A. and 21.5% increase including D.A(40/1.86 factor = 21.5%)

2. VII CPC: 32% increase of basic pay comprising Pay and Grade Pay without D.A and 14.22% increase including D.A(32/2.25 =14.22%)

Although there is a slight shortage in the fitment benfit granted by VII CPC compared to VI CPC, but the overall benefits under VII CPC is much more than VI CPC when compared to allowances as can be seen here below:

1. D.A amount will be more by 2.57 times from the existing level since the revised salary is increased by 2.57 times (125% D.A and 32% fitment benefit) which may give huge increase every 6 months compared to D.A. increase in 6th CPC Pay+ Grade Pay. For example a person whose basic pay(Pay + Grade Pay) is 29610 he will be getting only Rs.1777 as D.A. at 6%. But in his revised pay of Rs.77700 as per pay matrix at 2.57 factor (29610 x 2.57 =76098( next nearest amount in the pay matrix Rs.77700) his D.A. will be Rs.4662 at 6%.

2. HRA amount is increased by more than 100% of the existing HRA amount as illustrated by the author. For example an employee with a basic pay of Rs.29610 gets only Rs.8883 @ 30% under VI CPC. But under VII CPC he will be getting Rs.18648 @ 24% for the equivalent pay of Rs.77700 under VII CPC leading to an excess of Rs.9765 from the present HRA.

3. Transport .Allowance although retained at the existing level of 2.25 factor but D.A. on T.A gets increased by 2.25 times from the existing level. For example 6% D.A. on Rs.3200 comes to only Rs.192 whereas 6% D.A. on the revised transport allowance of Rs.7200 comes to Rs.432

Therefore the author’s conclusion that 7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt.

bharath via

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