Saturday, 12 December 2015


Modification In McCamish W.E.F 08.12.2015

Infosys has furnished details of functionalities/ fixes deployed in production yesterday (08.12.2015) EOD through email is enclosed below.
It is requested that newly created approver queues should be assigned to the officers concerned only.

Below mentioned Major changes (new functionalities/changes in existing Functionalities) has been moved to production in 08th Dec Deployment.

  1. Change in Sum assured limits for PLI and RPLI
  2. Revised Approver Limits for financial transactions due to change in Sum assured limits of PLI & RPLI
  3. Customer Portal Day End Collection Report ( New Format )
  4. Changes in Meghdoot Upload/ Bulk Upload for Service Tax Changes
  5. Proposal Transfer Functionality
  6. Excess Refund Functionality
  7. Revised Loan Quote ( Loan Ledger )
  8. Extension of Withdrawal request for Revival and Surrender till Collection Stage, Disbursement Stage respectively

Expected Activities at User’s end :-

  • Access for New Approver queues – Approver 3, Approver 4, Approver 5
  • Usage of Meghdoot Upload/Bulk Upload for Service Tax changes


Click Below link to download/ view the individual limits at HO/DO/RO/CO level regarding settlement of PLI/RPLI claims.


Exclusive Service Tax Calculator and Mc-Camish RPLI /PLI tally sheet and schedules.

Download Revised PLI / RPLI Service Tax


Financial Impact on Employees Under National Pension Scheme (NPS)

The National Pension System (NPS) has been designed giving utmost importance to the welfare of the subscribers under NPS. There are a number of benefits available to the employees under NPS. Some of the benefits are enlisted below: 

• NPS is a well designed pension system managed through an unbundled architecture involving intermediaries appointed by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) viz, pension funds, custodian, central record keeping and accounting agency, National Pension System Trust, trustee bank, points of presence and annuity service providers. It is prudently regulated by PFRDA which is a statutory regulatory body established to promote old age income security and to protect the interests of subscribers of NPS. 

• Dual benefit of low cost and power of compounding – The pension wealth which accumulates over a period of time till retirement grows with a compounding effect. The all-in-costs of the institutional architecture of NPS are among the lowest in the world. 

• Tax Benefits – The tax benefits are available to the NPS subscribers under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961. These were further increased in the Finance Bill, 2015. 

• Transparency and Portability is ensured through online access on the pension account by the NPS subscribers, across all geographical locations and portability of employments. 

• Partial withdrawal – subscribers can withdraw upto 25% of their own contributions before attaining superannuation age, subject to certain conditions. 

Some representations have been received from certain quarters against the implementation of the NPS. The main demand in these representations is that NPS may be scrapped and the Government may revert to old defined benefit system. But the Government does not propose to reimplement the old pension scheme by doing away with NPS. 

This was stated by Shri Jayant Sinha, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

Source : PIB Release, 11.12.2015

Fully Automated Single Click Finacle SSA Lot ( Updated on 11/12/2015)

Fully Automated Single Click Finacle SSA Lot is enclosed h/w as excel sheet.( New Options: automated amount in words and statistical information) 
Go through the Help file before use. 
  • After Copy the Finacle SSA Data From Finacle go to the Help page in the excel sheet and press the button "PREPARE SSA LOT" To Prepare the LOT.
  • Checked with current date data

Developed and Shared by S. Thiyagarajan, SPM, KILAIYUR S.O

DPC : JTS Gr. A for the year 2016-17

Directorate has called for the ACRs of following 156 PS Gr. B officers for the period from 2009-10 to 2014-15 for convening DPC for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. A for the vacancy year 2016-17. All circles are allotted target date to complete the ACRs and its formalities and handover at Directorate in person. 

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – Bharat Kumar

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – BHARATH KUMAR

The author of the article Shri. M.Dorai mentions about 32% increase granted as fitment benefit on pay and grade pay excluding D.A. since the VI CPC had granted 40% fitment benefit on basic only excluding D.A.

It appears some readers do not understand what 225% stands for. 225% is the actual pay plus grade pay and D.A. as on 1/1/2016 which we actually will be drawing under 6th CPC pay pattern. Out of 225%, 100% denotes Basic+ Grade Pay, the additional 125% stands for D.A. as on 1/1/2016(present D.A. as on 1/7/2015 is 119% + 6% as on 1/1/2016=125%), totalling to 225%. +32 (32% fitment on pay+Grade pay) = 257(2.57 factor).

The readers of the article are wrongly multiplying 32% on 225%(2.25 factor) which include 125% D.A instead of multiplying 32% on Pay in the pay band and grade pay i.e. 100 x 32 = 32% which should be added to 100% Pay and Grade Pay and 125% D.A totalling to 257 i.e.100% existing basic pay comprising pay and grade pay + 32% fitment benefit on pay and grade pay + 125% DA totalling to 257(2.57 factor).

The author is perfectly justify in his observation. It was not necessary for the VII CPC to shock the government servants stating that they have given 15% increase by taking D.A. into consideration which they should not have taken while projecting the increase, since VI CPC had taken 40% on basic only and shown it separately as Grade Pay.

The following comparison give correct picture:

1. VI CPC: 40% increase on maximum of V CPC basic pay scale without D.A. and 21.5% increase including D.A(40/1.86 factor = 21.5%)

2. VII CPC: 32% increase of basic pay comprising Pay and Grade Pay without D.A and 14.22% increase including D.A(32/2.25 =14.22%)

Although there is a slight shortage in the fitment benfit granted by VII CPC compared to VI CPC, but the overall benefits under VII CPC is much more than VI CPC when compared to allowances as can be seen here below:

1. D.A amount will be more by 2.57 times from the existing level since the revised salary is increased by 2.57 times (125% D.A and 32% fitment benefit) which may give huge increase every 6 months compared to D.A. increase in 6th CPC Pay+ Grade Pay. For example a person whose basic pay(Pay + Grade Pay) is 29610 he will be getting only Rs.1777 as D.A. at 6%. But in his revised pay of Rs.77700 as per pay matrix at 2.57 factor (29610 x 2.57 =76098( next nearest amount in the pay matrix Rs.77700) his D.A. will be Rs.4662 at 6%.

2. HRA amount is increased by more than 100% of the existing HRA amount as illustrated by the author. For example an employee with a basic pay of Rs.29610 gets only Rs.8883 @ 30% under VI CPC. But under VII CPC he will be getting Rs.18648 @ 24% for the equivalent pay of Rs.77700 under VII CPC leading to an excess of Rs.9765 from the present HRA.

3. Transport .Allowance although retained at the existing level of 2.25 factor but D.A. on T.A gets increased by 2.25 times from the existing level. For example 6% D.A. on Rs.3200 comes to only Rs.192 whereas 6% D.A. on the revised transport allowance of Rs.7200 comes to Rs.432

Therefore the author’s conclusion that 7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt.

bharath via

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Gazette Notification issued constituting one man GDS Committee


7th Pay Commission recommended to hike Children Education Allowance (CEA)

CEA is paid to government employees to take care of schooling and hostel requirements of their children. The rates of CEA are double for a differently abled child.

Rates recommended by 7th CPC is given below: 
Simplification of Procedure for Reimbursement. This is a major area of concern. Many representations have been received by the Commission wherein employees have stated that due to cumbersome procedures, reimbursement has been held up for years. Another issue is the kind of voucher which will be accepted and which kind of voucher will not. The issue has been examined, and the apprehensions expressed are not without merit. It is recommended that reimbursement should be done just once a year, after completion of the financial year (which for most schools coincides with the Academic year). For CEA, a certificate from the head of institution where the ward of government employee studies should be sufficient for this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year. For Hostel Subsidy, a similar certificate from the head of institution should suffice, with the additional requirement that the certificate should mention the amount of expenditure incurred by the government servant towards lodging and boarding in the residential complex. The amount of expenditure mentioned, or the ceiling as mentioned in the table above, whichever is lower, shall be paid to the employee.
Before VI CPC recommendations, the scheme was known as Children Education Assistance and provided at the following rates:-
cea 2


 Interest-Free Advances Recommended By 6th CPC

9.1.2 Presently 12 interest-free advances are permissible. Their details are as follows:
Table 1 : Interest-free Advances

Bicycle Advance
Recoverable in max 30 monthly installments
Warm Clothing Advance
All Group C employees posted at a hill station either on first appointment or on transfer, for a period of not less than one year
Recoverable in max 12 monthly installments
Advance of Pay on Transfer
1 month’s pay OR2 months’ pay in case of transfer due to shift of HQ as a result of government policy
All employees transferred from one station to another in public interest
Recoverable in max 3 monthly installments
Advance of TA on Tour/ Transfer/ Retirement
An amount sufficient to cover the officials’ personal travelling expenses for a month or six weeks in case of prolonged tours
All cases where TA is admissible
The advance shall be adjusted immediately after completion of tour
Advance of TA to the family of a deceased government employee
Limited to 3/4th of probable expenses admissible under the rules
Same as for retirement/transfer

Advance of LTC
Up to 90% of the fare
All eligible Central Government Employees

Advance of Leave Salary
An amount not exceeding the net amount of leave salary including allowances for the first 30 days of leave after deduction of PF, House Rent, Income Tax, Recovery of Advances, etc.
All officials proceeding on leave for a period not less than 30 days
Adjusted against the monthly salary bills
Advance in connection with medical treatment
90% of the package deal for specific major illnesses.Rs.10,000 for indoor treatment or outdoor treatment of 3 months or less for cancer.Rs.36,000 for treatment of TB where duration is more than 3 months
All Central Government employees except Railway employees

Festival Advance
Recoverable in max 10 monthly installments
Advance in the event of natural calamity like flood, drought, cyclone, etc.
All non-Gazetted employees
Recoverable in max 12 monthly installments
Advance for training in Hindi through Correspondence Course
For those Central Government employees who undergo training through correspondence course conducted by the Central Hindi Directorate

Advance for Law Suits
All Central Government employees
Recoverable in max 24 monthly installments

9.1.3 There is a general demand from the JCM-Staff Side to increase all interest-free advances to three times their present value. 

Analysis and Recommendations
9.1.4 As can be seen from the table above, the amount of most of the advances is quite low. With the increased salary packages provided after successive Pay Commissions, these advances have lost their relevance. Hence, to do away with outdated provisions and thereby save on the costs involved in administering these advances, it is recommended that all Interest-free advances should be abolished. 

 Interest-bearing Advances

 9.1.5 The following four Interest-bearing advances are presently admissible: 
Table 2 : Interest-bearing Advances

Motor Car Advance
Rs.1,80,000 on first occasion and Rs.1,60,000 subsequently OR 8 months’ Basic Pay OR anticipated price of car, whichever is least
Pay in the pay band of Rs.19,530 or more, excluding GP
Recoverable in max 200 monthly installments
Motorcycle/ Scooter/ Moped Advance
Rs.30,000 on first occasion and Rs.24,000 subsequently OR 4 months’ Basic Pay OR anticipated price of Motorcycle/ Scooter/Moped, whichever is least Rs.20,000 OR anticipated price of Moped only, whichever is less if pay<8560 td="">
Pay in the pay band of Rs.8,560 or more, excluding GP
Recoverable in max 70 monthly installments
Advance for purchase of Personal Computer
Rs.80,000 on first occasion and Rs.75,000 subsequently OR anticipated price of PC, whichever is less
Pay in the pay band of Rs.19,530 or more, excluding GP
Recoverable in max 150 monthly installments
House Building Advance (HBA)
34 months’ Basic Pay OR Rs.7,50,000 OR Cost of House OR repaying capacity, whichever is the least for new construction/purchase of new house/flat. For a new house, the cost ceiling limit shall be 134 times the pay in the pay band subject to a minimum of Rs.7.50 lakh and a maximum of Rs.30.00 lakh relaxable up to a maximum of 25% of the revised maximum cost ceiling of Rs.30.00 lakh. The maximum limit for grant of HBA for enlargement of existing house shall be 34 months’ of pay in the pay band subject to a maximum of Rs.1.80 lakh or cost of the enlargement or repaying capacity, whichever is the least.
All permanent officials or officials with at least 10 years of continuous service
Recovery of principal in max 180 monthly instalments and Recovery of interest in max 60 installments subsequently

Analysis and Recommendations
9.1.6 The present position is that meagre funds are allotted for these advances and only a few manage to avail this facility. In fact, budget provision for all of them, except Advance for purchase of Personal Computer, has been reducing over the years, as can be seen from the graph below 35:

9.1.7 Regarding Motor Car Advance and Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped Advance, we are of the view that quite a few schemes for purchase of vehicles are available in the market from time to time. The employees should avail of these schemes and both these advances should be abolished. 

9.1.8 Regarding other interest-bearing advances, the following is recommended:

Name of Advance
Recommended Ceiling
P C Advance
Rs.50,000 or actual price of PC, whichever is lower
May be allowed maximum five times in the entire service.
34 times Basic Pa y ORRs.25 lakh OR anticipated price of house, whichever is least
The requirement o f m inimum 1 0 y ears o f continuous service to avail of HBA should be reduced to 5 years. If both spouses are government servants, HBA should be admissible to both separately. Existing employees who have already taken Home Loans from banks and other financial institutions should be allowed to migrate to this scheme.