Thursday, 7 June 2012


DG(POSTS) No 1-6/2011                                      Dated 04th June 2012
            The Department intends to provide specially designed bicycles to the Postmen all over the country during 12th Five Year Plan to help delivery staff carrying the mail of various sizes of articles in their beats for delivery to the public.
            It is proposed to design and develop the box of fiberglass or any other light weight durable material for carrying the mail/articles to be attached with the postal bicycle.
            A committee has been constituted comprising of PMG, Agra Region, Agra as a Chairperson, Director Postal Service (Mails & Speed post), O/o CPMG, Delhi Circle, Director (MV), Mail Business Dn. Postal Directorate and two representative of recognized postmen service unions, Shri. I.S.Dabas, General Secretary, AIPE, Postman & Group 'D', NFPE and Shri T.N. Rahate, General Secretary, N.U.Federation of National Postal Organizations are nominated as members who will look into the design, development of the bag/box of fiberglass/PBC or any other light weight durable material for carrying the mail/articles to be provided  with the postman bicycles.  The bicycles design should also look like as the brand ambassador of Department of Posts.
            The committee will submit their report within 3 months.
This issues with approval of Secretary (P)


(Paper I Qn 1 to 25)

1.      The information regarding _____should invariably indicated in the communication over whose signature is issued
Ans: Designation of the officer
2.      “Promptness and courtesy” is an obligation of public services and hence it has been listed in:
Ans: Conduct Rules
3.      The Contact officer shall act as a s______for Task Force:
Ans: Member Secretary
4.      The Citizen’s Charter should be reviewed periodically:
Ans: After taking the Feedback from user and stakeholders
5.      Allocation of Business Rules came in to force from:
Ans: 1961

6.      In Postal life insurance, Delivery norms regarding change of nomination is ___ days
Ans: 10 days
7.      Normally a grievance should redressed be within a period of
Ans: Two months
8.      The department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances serves as Secretariat for the
9.      A citizen can use the website to
Ans: All of them
10.    Staff Adalat should be held in the Department every:
Ans: Six month
11.    The supply of stamps receive at HO form CSD is credited in
Ans: In All the above
12.    Who is responsible for the correctness of HO Cash book?
Ans: Head Postmaster
13.    The word Stamps include
Ans: Only postal stamps
14.    How many copies of consolidate schedule of stamps is prepared and how many copies in sent to CSD with the monthly Cash Account by HO?
Ans: 3&2
15.    Who supplies Commemorative stamps to Presidency Post Offices?
Ans: Nasik Security Press
16.    When damaged, useless or obsolete postage stamps or stationery are held by a Postmaster, They shall be
Ans: Written off under the order of Competent authority
17.    The Head Office Cash book (form No ACG-4) is a record of the transition of the
Ans: HO.SO & BO
18.    The detailed procedure to be observed for mails on which custom duty is Due in the office of foreign exchange
Ans: Foreign post Manual
19.    Advance for purchase of ___ is interest free advance
Ans: Bycycle
20.    When a pay of government servant is attached by any order of a court of law other that a decree for maintenance;

Ans: One third of salary can be attached
21.    Where an advance is taken, LTC bill is required to be presented within
Ans: One month of completion of return journey
22.    Purchase of goods up to the value of Rs____ only on each occasion may be made without inviting quotations or bids
Ans: 15000
23.    What is maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of typewriter for first time?
Ans: 1500
24.    Maximum flood advance can be granted up to Rs _____
Ans: None of these
25.    What is maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of motor-car first time?
Ans: 180000
Solved by AB Kantharaja, Mobile No 08969822340

IPV6 launched toay

What is IPv4?
A: IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol version 4. It is the underlying technology that makes it possible for us to connect our devices to the web. Whenever a device access the Internet (whether it’s a PC, Mac, smartphone or other device), it is assigned a unique, numerical IP address such as To send data from one computer to another through the web, a data packet must be transferred across the network containing the IP addresses of both devices.
Without IP addresses, computers would not be able to communicate and send data to each other. It’s essential to the infrastructure of the web.
Q: What is IPv6?
A: IPv6 is the sixth revision to the Internet Protocol and the successor to IPv4. It functions similarly to IPv4 in that it provides the unique, numerical IP addresses necessary for Internet-enabled devices to communicate. However, it does sport one major difference: it utilizes 128-bit addresses. I’ll explain why this is important in a moment.
Q: Why are we running out of IPv4 addresses?
A: IPv4 uses 32 bits for its Internet addresses. That means it can support 2^32 IP addresses in total — around 4.29 billion. That may seem like a lot, but all 4.29 billion IP addresses have now been assigned to various institutions, leading to the crisis we face today.
Let’s be clear, though: we haven’t run out of addresses quite yet. Many of them are unused and in the hands of institutions like MIT and companies like Ford and IBM. More IPv4 addresses are available to be assigned and more will be traded or sold (since IPv4 addresses are now a scarce resource), but they will become a scarcer commodity over the next two years until it creates problem for the web.

Q: How does IPv6 solve this problem?
A: As previously stated, IPv6 utilizes 128-bit Internet addresses. Therefore, it can support 2^128 Internet addresses — 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them to be exact. That’s a lot of addresses, so many that it requires a hexadecimal system to display the addresses. In other words, there are more than enough IPv6 addresses to keep the Internet operational for a very, very long time.
Q: So why don’t we just switch?
A: The depletion of IPv4 addresses was predicted years ago, so the switch has been in progress for the last decade. However, progress has been slow — only a small fraction of the web has switched over to the new protocol. In addition, IPv4 and IPv6 essentially run as parallel networks — exchanging data between these protocols requires special gateways.
To make the switch, software and routers will have to be changed to support the more advanced network. This will take time and money. The first real test of the IPv6 network will come on June 8, 2011, World IPv6 Day. Google, Facebook and other prominent web companies will test drive the IPv6 network to see what it can handle and what still needs to be done to get the world switched over to the new network.
Q: How will this affect me?
A: Initially, it won’t have a major impact on your life. Most operating systems actually support IPv6, including Mac OS X 10.2 and Windows XP SP 1. However, many routers and servers don’t support it, making a connection between a device with an IPv6 address to a router or server that only supports IPv4 impossible. IPv6 is also still in its infancy; it has a lot of bugs and security issues that still need to be fixed, which could result in one giant mess
How does IPV6 Works

Why is the internet running out of room?

Just as phones use a system of phone numbers in order to place calls, every Internet-connected device gets a unique number known as an "IP address" that connects it to the global online network.
The problem is that the current Internet addressing system, IPv4, only has room for about 4 billion addresses -- not nearly enough for the world's people, let alone the devices that are online today and those that will be in the future: computers, phones, TVs, watches, fridges, cars, and so on. More than 4 billion devices already share addresses. As IPv4 runs out of free addresses, everyone will need to share.
IPv6 Graph

How are we making space to grow?

Clearly the internet needs more IP addresses. How many more, exactly? Well, how about 340 trillion trillion trillion (or, 340,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)? That's how many addresses the internet's new "piping," IPv6, can handle. That's a number big enough to give everyone on Earth their own list of billions of IP addresses. Big enough, in other words, to offer the Internet virtually infinite room to grow, from now into the foreseeable future.

When is the transition happening?

At Google we believe IPv6 is essential to the continued health and growth of the Internet and that by allowing all devices to talk to each other directly, IPv6 enables new innovative services. Replacing the Internet's plumbing will take some time, but the transition has begun. World IPv6 Launch on June 6, 2012, marks the start of a coordinated rollout by major websites and Internet service and equipment providers.
You do not need to do anything to prepare, but if you're interested in learning more and supporting IPv6, check out a few frequently asked 
via-sa tirurquestions.

Updates for Speednet Virtual Scanning

To Provide virtual scanning for all Speed Post articles including UID upto 25 days from the date of receipt of messages from Central Server, CEPT, Mysore has released exl file..

RList for D.O only

RList with auto zip file creation function for DO use is available for download.

Improved feature: No need to compress the folder,No need to attach the folder.These are looked after by RList.

Complete setup will be available shortly.

I need your feedback/comments to improve this before compiling setup.

Please copy vbzip10.dll file from MustHave folder to 
C:\Windows\System folder.

1.Download the zipped folder
2.Unzip it.
3.Copy vbzip10.dll file from MustHave folder to C:\Windows\System folder.
4.Configure Office Details, email settings.
5.Export Bulkbooking and Dataentry table from the old database to new database.
(Get the assistance of SA)

4.Please check the working and mail comments to