Tuesday, 5 June 2012
RList for Bulk Customer

Improved feature: No need to compress the folder,No need to attach the folder.These are looked after by RList. This option with earlier RList for DO use (ie with option for receipt of RLs)
will be uploaded shortly.
Complete setup will be available shortly.
I need your feedback/comments to improve this before compiling setup.
Please copy vbzip10.dll file from MustHave folder to
C:\Windows\System folder.
1.Download the zipped folder
2.Unzip it.
3.Copy vbzip10.dll file from MustHave folder to C:\Windows\System folder.
4.Configure Office Details, email settings.
5.Export Bulkbooking table from the old database to new database.
(Get the assistance of SA)
4.Please check the working and mail comments to

Views on Orgnizational Restructuring in DOP submitted to Directorate.
No. GS/AIAIASP/PS Gr. B/2012 dated 4th June, 2012
Ms.Kalpana Rajsinghot,
Director (Estt. & DE) &
Member Secretary of the Committee.
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject: Regarding organizational Restructuring in Department of Posts.
Ref. : Dte letter No. 23-1/2012-PE-II dated 10-5-2012.
1. The
department has issued the above letter calling view of the Association
regarding organizational restructuring in DOP. It is seen that main
stress of the department is to help executives structure their enterprise to create accountability for results. This move of the department is
appreciable and will definitely go a long way, if done, keeping in view
the interest of organization as a whole and administrative side
2. With
the invent of technology on DOP and Consequent upon introduction of new
business branches, the Department of Posts is on the verge of
conversion into a dynamic organization with projects like changing
ambience of the offices, providing good working environment to the
staff, providing comfort to potential customers or visitors and various
long lasting projects like Digitization of Records, Core Banking, Mail
Optimization, Consumer Price Index, Aadhaar Technology, Biometric
Systems etc and to the most adhering to the norms fixed on Citizen
Charter. All these projects are being implemented with the support and
incessant hard work of IP cadre, PS Group “B” officers who are proposed
to be elevated to Class-I with the proposal to upgrade Class-II
Divisions to Class-I. It will not be wrong to say that the total
responsibility for successful implementing the various innovative
schemes has virtually devolved who are propose to be elevated to Class –
I with the proposal to upgrade Class-II divisions to Class-I. It will
not be wrong to say that the total responsibility for successful
implementing the various innovative schemes has virtually devolved on
the IP and ASP/Group “B”. Thus without taking into consideration career
prospective of IP/ASP/Group “B” officer no Organizational Restructuring
will work.
3. There
has been no upgrading or cadre restructuring of the apex Grade of these
cadres. Owing to extreme stagnancy there is resultant frustration
amongst the incumbents of this cadre. Even after acquiring long years of
experience and expertise they are not elevated to Group “B” what to say
of Class-I. All these are not only the root cause of frustration
amongst the IP cadre but these are also an impediment in effective
execution of administrative policies and plan. This is bound to have an
adverse impact on the efficiency of the department. Thus, cadre review
along with proposed organizational Restructuring is the solution.
4. An
Inspector of Post Offices feels over burdened at the beginning of his
career as he has to do every type of work in his office may be of a
peon in his own office, clerk & typist as it is a single man office
who bears the brunt of all failings in the department as he is at the
lowest rung in the administrative hierarchy. “The results – he thinks of
leaving the department to join other establishment thereby brain drain.
No organization can last long with the service of its frustrated
employees. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the backbone of the
department with a fair deal. All
existing Sub Divisions should be provided office staff and post of Mail
Overseer can be converted to Asstt. Inspector (PA cadre/System
5. At present 141 HSG-I postmaster posts are filled from ASPs, now in view of Postal
Directorate letter no 4-19/2012 – SPB – II dated 02.05.2012, the
provision of filling up of HSG I posts by ASPOs will not be possibly
operated thereby diminishing our promotional prospects. In order to
compensate IPs/ASPs and to keep us in administration hierarchy separate
posts of SP (Technology & BD) may be created in each proposed
Class-I Division.
6. It
is one of the best ideas and will be in the betterment of things if
organisational restructuring is done along with cadre review in the
revised format in view of changed scenario.
7. However, in view of the terms of reference of Committee the views of IP/ASP Association are as under:
a) Creation of new Postal Divisions and Regions as well as upgradation of Class II Divisions into Class I Divisions: In
our beloved country there are 28 States and 7 UTs so all the states and
if justified UTs should have independent Circle HQ, the concept of
Region should be dole out. To avoid
duplicacy of work RO may be merged with Circle by creating the post of
PMG (BD & Technology). However bigger States can have more than one
independent Circle(s) on the Telecom Circles analogy. The Class-II
postal Division should be upgraded to Class-I in the following format:
i) General administration:
The posts of ASP (HQ) and that of sub divisional heads can be included
in this category under the control of Class-I Divisions. All the posts
of ASP (HQ) and IP/ASP (Sub Divisions) should be elevated to PS Group
“B”. Examination system as in vogue presently should be dispensed with
immediately as it is creating junior/senior impediment. Only experienced
Inspector line officials should be promoted to PS Group “B” those
should be further elevated to Class-I. There should be no entry of
General line official in the General Administration. Their entry should
only be restricted to Sr. Postmaster Cadre only.
ii) Inspection & investigation: A
separate Inspection and investigation units should be created at Circle
level. This can be compositions of Inspectors headed by PS Group ’B’
officers under the control of DPS (IR/INV) by creating new posts of JAG.
Beside investigation/vigilance visits, the inspection work of all the
HOs /divisional offices and bad offices should be entrusted to this
unit. The other inspection work can be done by Sub Divisional Officers
along with his set team. Consequently upon introduction of Core Banking
Solution (CBS) on DOP and decentralization of PLI, there is need to have separate inspection team to inspect and monitor the work of CBS & PLI at
Circle level. So it is suggested that two units one for CBS on the
pattern of Banks and PLI should also be established under the control of
Class-I officer.
iii) Business, technological & allied works:
The present incumbent working as System Manager & MEs can be
posted on the basis of some benchmark to be fixed by department on
justified posts immediately by creating equal number of Post. They can
put under the supervision of PS Group “B” officer by creating the post
of SP (Technology) in each Class-I division.
iv) Sr. Postmaster Cadre:
As per Postmaster Recruitment Rules 2010, 25% of posts in the grade of
Sr. Postmaster are to be filled up by promotion of Postmaster Gr. III
with 2 years of regular service in the grade including regular service
in HSG- I and 75% through IPs only through LDCE. Further the Sr.
Postmaster will form part in combined Group “B” officer list after
availing one opportunity of elevation through examination so department
should do away with PS Group “B” examination system which is otherwise
also giving rise to litigations. The presently working general line PS
Group “B” officer may be posted as Sr. Postmaster en-block particularly
in view of DOPT instructions to keep IP line separate from general line.
There should be no entry of General line officials to administration
& vice versa. Even the Inspector Post appeared in Sr. Postmaster
exam after rendering 6 year service as IP should have no right to come
back to the administration in PS Group “B”. In Class-I such promote
should only be posted as Chief Postmaster on Class-I posts.
b) Organizational restructuring of field formations: At
present, duplicacy of work is being done in Regional Offices. Hence,
there is no need of RO. There should be only Circles. All establishments
working in ROs be shifted to Circles and utilized for
implementation/monitoring of decisions of the Department. Each revenue
District should have atleast Class-I division(s) and Tehsil/Taluka
should have Class-II Sub Division. In case any extra division i.e more
than one division is justified in any particular District as per
existing norms or being framed by the committee then the district can
have two or more divisions.
c) Upgradation of Post Offices: There should not be any single handed SO in the DOP and as such all
single handed SOs may be considered for closure and existing manpower
be utilized in other needy post offices. Status of all triple handed SOs
be upgraded as LSG/PM Grade-I converting them into a delivery Post
Offices. Simultaneously the Status
of all LSG/PM Grade-I SOs be upgraded as HSG-II/PM Grade-II and that of
HSG-II/PM Grade-II HOs/SOs be upgraded as HSG-I/PM Grade-III.
d) Creation of Posts of Assistants / Sorting Assistants in view of the increased need of System Administrators. With
the enormous increase of work pressure on the Postal Sub-Divisional
Heads, one post each of PA and System Manager should be attached with
the Sub-Division to look after computer related work of the post offices
under the control of respective sub division and other clerical work.
In our views, there is no harm to upgrade Class-II divisions to
Class-I but simultaneously the posts of ASP (HQ), IP/ASP (Sub
Divisions) must be upto PS Group “B”. This will definitely prove result
oriented and every cadre will provide their true commitment to various
policies and programmes of the department by ensuring its successful
implementation. All the Sub Divisions may be upgraded to Class-II level
and should be provided with adequate infrastructure and manpower as the
work in the sub Divisions has been increased manifold and without the
assistance it is difficult to run the Sub Division efficiently.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
एक अरब लोगों का बायोमेट्रिक डाटाबेस...
साहसी तकनीकी अभियान के तहत भारत अपने लगभग एक अरब लोगों का निजी पहचान
बायोमेट्रिक डाटाबेस बना रहा है जिसमें सेंध लगाने की गुंजाइश न के बराबर
होगी। यह दुनिया भर में अपनी तरह की पहली कोशिश है।
गरीब भारतीयों के पास कोई पहचान पत्र नहीं है, उन्हें भी एक राष्ट्रीय
ऑनलाइन सिस्टम में दर्ज किया जा रहा है जिसके जरिए कहीं भी चंद सेकंडों के
भीतर उनकी पहचान की पुष्टि की जा सकेगी।
विशिष्ठ पहचान प्राधिकरण (यूआईडीएआई) को इस काम की जिम्मेदारी सौंपी गई
है। इस संस्था के प्रमुख नंदन नीलेकणी हैं जो सूचना तकनीक क्षेत्र के एक
दिग्गज रहे हैं।
कहते हैं, 'भारत के पास दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा बायोमेट्रिक डाटाबेस होगा और
वो अमरीका के संघीय जांच ब्यूरो और यूस-विजिट वीजा कार्यक्रमों के डाटाबेस
को भी पीछे छोड़ देगा।'
क्रांतिकारी बदलाव : अमेरिका
के वीजा कार्यक्रम के पास 12 करोड़ लोगों का बायोमेट्रिक डाटाबेस है, जबकि
यूआईडीएआई दो साल से भी कम समय में 20 करोड़ लोगों का बायोमेट्रिक ब्यौरा
दर्ज कर चुका है।
से ज्यादा भारतीय अपनी अंगुलियों के निशान दे रहे हैं। अपनी आंखें स्कैन
करवा रहे हैं और अपने फोटो खिंचा रहे हैं। इस डाटाबेस में 12 अरब अंगुलियों
के निशान, 2.4 अरब आंखों के स्कैन और 1.2 अरब फोटो होंगे।
बार सभी नागरिकों का ब्योरा दर्ज हो जाने के बाद किसी भी व्यक्ति की पहचान
की पुष्टि मोबाइल फोन, स्मार्ट फोन, टेबलेट या इंटरनेट से जुड़े इस तरह के
किसी भी उपकरण पर की जा सकेगी। ये जानकारी बंगलौर में किलेनुमा डाटा सेंटर
में संरक्षित होती है जहां तीन स्तरों वाली सुरक्षा है।
बेहतरीन डाटाबेस : यूआईडी परियोजना को शुरू करने से पहले दुनिया के सभी बेहतरीन डाटाबेसों का अध्ययन किया गया।
डाटाबेस में सोशल सिक्योरिटी नंबर होता है जिसके बारे में अनुमान लगाया जा
सकता है, जबकि चीन में जन्मतिथि को जोड़ा जाता है, वहीं भारत में 12 अंकों
वाली विशिष्ठ पहचान संख्या बिना किसी निश्चित क्रम के (रैंडमली) उत्पन्न
होती है।
परियोजना के लिए एप्लिकेशन तैयार करने वाली कंपनियों में से एक बंगलौर की
ऑउटसोर्सिंग कंपनी मिड-ट्री के सीईओ कृष्णकुमार नटराजन कहते हैं, '10
अंगुलियों के बायोमेट्रिक निशान, दो आंखों का स्कैन और फोटो से किसी
व्यक्ति की 99.5 प्रतिशत तक सटीक पहचान को स्थापित किया जा सकता है।'
दुनिया के इस बेहतरीन डाटाबेस में इस बात के भी पुख्ता इंतजाम किए गए हैं कि किसी का ब्योरा एक से ज्यादा बार दर्ज न हो।
के उप महानिदेशक अशोक दलवाई कहते हैं कि भारत जैसे देश में ये बहुत अहम है
जहां पिछले एक दशक में जनसंख्या का बड़ा हिस्सा काम की खातिर या अन्य
वजहों से एक जगह से दूसरी जगह पर गया है। इसके अलावा देश में 60 अरब डॉलर
की लागत वाली कल्याणकारी योजनाएं चल रही हैं।
असल चुनौती : इस
परियोजना की मुख्य चुनौती विशिष्ठ पहचान संख्या की सुविधाओं को अमल में
लाना होगा। इस डाटाबेस को परखने के लिए कई अभ्यास चल रहे हैं। बंगलौर के
पास तुमकुर में लोगों को नई विशिष्ठ पहचान संख्या दी गई हैं, इसके जरिए वे
इलेक्ट्रॉनिक तौर पर बैंक खाता खोल रहे हैं।
झारखंड में सरकार रोजगार गारंटी योजना के तहत काम करने वालों के बैंक
खातों में सीधे इलेक्ट्रोनिक रूप से रकम भेज रही है। विशिष्ठ पहचान संख्या
मिलने के बाद ही ये बैंक खाते खोले गए।
ने दुनिया की नामी आईटी कंपनियों के लिए अत्याधुनिक सॉफ्टवेयर तैयार किए
हैं, उन्हीं में से कुछ अब तकनीकी दुनिया से अंजान करोड़ों भारतीयों को एक
विशिष्ठ ऑनलाइन पहचान देने में जुटे हैं।
(लेखिका सरिता राय पत्रकार और विश्लेषक है जो भारत में हो रहे आर्थिक, सामाजिक और सांस्कृति परिवर्तनों पर खास तौर से नजर रखती हैं।)
Charge sheet can’t be quashed in a casual manner: SC
Delhi, June 4, 2012 (PTI): A charge sheet filed in departmental
proceeding cannot be quashed by courts unless it adversely affects the
rights of the aggrieved employee, the Supreme Court has held.
“In fact, charge sheet does not
infringe the right of a party. It is only when a final order imposing
the punishment or otherwise adversely affecting a party is passed, it
may have a grievance and cause of action.
“Thus, a charge sheet or show
cause notice in disciplinary proceedings should not ordinarily be
quashed by the court,” said a bench of justices B S Chauhan and Dipak
Misra, in an order.
The bench passed the order while
disposing of an appeal by the Ministry of Defence challenging a Central
Administrative Tribunal (CAT) order quashing the charge sheet against
one Prabhash Chandra Mirdha in a two-decade old bribery case.
“Law does not permit quashing of
charge sheet in a routine manner. In case the delinquent employee has
any grievance in respect of the charge sheet, he must raise the issue by
filing a representation and wait for the decision of the disciplinary
authority thereon.
“In case the charge sheet is
challenged before a court/ tribunal on the ground of delay in initiation
of disciplinary proceedings or delay in concluding the proceedings, the
court/ tribunal may quash the charge sheet after considering the
gravity of the charge and all relevant factors involved in the case
after weighing all the facts, both for and against the delinquent
employee, and must reach the conclusion which is just and proper in the
circumstance,” the bench said.
The bench said charge sheet
cannot generally be a subject matter of challenge as it does not
adversely affect the rights of the delinquent unless it is established
that the same has been issued by an authority not competent to initiate
the disciplinary proceedings.
Incentive Scheme for delivery of letters carrying Aadhar Number of the residents
Incentive Scheme for delivery of letters carrying Aadhar Number of the residents
Click here to view Department of Posts (BD & Mktg Directorate) OM dated 30.05.2012 on the above subject matter.
Sibal releases stamp on Urs
AJMER: Union HRD minister Kapil Sibal offered prayers at the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty on Sunday and also released a postal stamp on the 800thUrs of the sufi saint.
Sibal, joined by MoS for communications and IT Sachin Pilot, braved the heat and walked nearly a kilometre to reach the dargah.
"I offer prayers for the country and seek blessings for the poor,"
Sibal said after releasing the stamp. A postal stamp was earlier
released on Urs in 1989.
The two ministers reached the dargah area around 4.30 pm. Owing to a huge rush
of devotees, the district administration found it difficult to make way
for a cavalcade of cars. The two decided to get down from the car and
walked to the mausoleum.
While both were surrounded by a fleet of cops, the ministers waved at the crowd that gathered to see them.
At the dargah, the Anjuman committee and dargah committee welcomed the ministers.
Sibal, however, avoided questions on price hike and inflation, instead said, "We wish prosperity in the country."
Source :
transfer/postings in the Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) of Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’
The following transfer/postings in
the Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) of Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’ has
been ordered vide Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Memo No.
1-1/2009-SPG dated 4th June, 2012.
& Batch of the Officer
on Transfer
S.K. Chakrabarti (IPoS-1978)
West Bengal Circle, Kolkata
Odisha Circle, Bhubnaeswar
Humera Ahmed(IPoS-1979)
Maharastra Circle, Mumbai
West Bengal Circle, Kolkata
A.K. Sharma (IPoS-1981)
Odisha Circle, Bhubnaeswar
Maharastra Circle, Mumbai
Reply given by Directorate on holding of Sr Postmaster Exam
was replied by Directorate to the General Secretary of All India
Association of IPs/ASPs that the question of Amendment of Recruitment
Rules for Senior Postmasters, has to be examined only after final
outcome of the court cases. In regard to Calendar of Departmental
Examination, the date was tentatively notified and the date of actual
holding has to be decided on knowing the outcome of court cases filed in
various Tribunals.
File No. A.34012/06/2011-DE Government of India
Ministry of Communications and IT
Department of Posts
(DE Section)
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi 110116.
Dated 13th April, 2012.
The General Secretary,
All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt Supdt. Posts,
Quarter No. 12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square,
Civil Lines, Delhi 110 054.
Sub : Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Senior Postmaster (Gazetted).
I am directed to refer to your letter No. CHQ/IPASP/Sr.Postmaster/2012 dated 22/3/2012 on the above mentioned subject.
2. Your contention that, the clarification given by the Directorate, is not in conformity with the Hon’ble CAT Hyderabad bench orders on 21/1/2/2011 is not correct. The Hon’ble CAT Hyderabad bench admitted the Original Application Number 1316/2011 filed by All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts Andhra Pradesh circle, represented by Shri S. Shabbir and two others on the question of non permission of Asst. Superintendents, to appear in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Senior Postmaster. It gave an interim order in Para 4 of their order dated 21/12/2011 which reads “as in the original notification/rules, there is no prohibition for the ASPs from appearing for the examination, it is directed that all the eligible ASPs shall be allowed to appear for the examination and their answer sheets shall be evaluated and shall be kept in a sealed cover without publishing their result until further orders”. Therefore, the CAT has not given any finding.
3. On receipt of above Interim order, the case was examined and the Competent Authority has ordered for postponing the Examination till the final disposal of the court cases. Besides the above, two more individual cases are filed in Hon’ble CAT Hyderabad, two cases in Cuttack bench, one case in Chandigarh bench. All these cases are being defended.
4. The question of Amendment of Recruitment Rules for Senior Postmasters, has to be examined only after final outcome of the court cases. In regard to Calendar of Departmental Examination, the date was tentatively notified and the date of actual holding has to be decided on knowing the outcome of court cases filed in various Tribunals.
5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Asst. Director General (DE)
Rotational Transfer Guidelines - Clarification on 6 years Station Tenure
was clarified by Directorate vide letter no 141-91/2012-SPB-II dated
28.05.2012 that the provisions of Station Tenure of 6 years prescribed
in R.T guidelines 2012-13 is not applicable to Postal Assistants/Stg
Assistants except when transfers are ordered in administrative interest
and under exigencies of service.
Click here to view to the said Directorate letter in original.
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